A Happy and Blessed Easter to All


From Your Parish Staff

St. Bernard Mass Intentions

Sunday, April 1 - EASTER SUNDAY

10:00Pro Populo

12:00For our Benefactors

Monday, April 2 - Easter Monday

12:10Intention of Kathy Ballenger

Tuesday, April 3 - Easter Tuesday

12:10+ Margaret Bickel

Wednesday, April 4 - Easter Wednesday

12:10Intention of Lisa Moore

Thursday, April 5 - Easter Thursday

12:10+ Cynthia Rich

Friday, April 6 - Easter Friday/First Friday

12:10+ Louis and Mary Salasek

Saturday, April 7 - Easter Saturday

12:10+ Willie Orr

Sunday, April 8 - Second Sunday of Easter

10:00Intention of Mary Harvey

12:00Pro Populo

8:00Intention of Bartkowski Family

Mass at St. Mary Parish

April 1 9:00 AM - Dec. Crookston/Ruquet Families

April 8 9:00 AM -Dec. of Showman Family

Scripture Readings for the Week

Mon.Acts 2:14, 22-23; Matthew 28:8-15

Tues.Acts 2:36-41; John 20:11-18

Wed.Acts 3:1-10; Luke 24:13-35

Thur.Acts 3:11-26; Luke 24:36-48

Fri. Acts 4:1-12; John 21:1-14

Sat.Acts 4:13-21; Mark 16:9-15

Sun. Acts 4:32-35; Ps118; 1John 5:1-6; John 20:19-31

Your Mass Offerings

Sunday, Mar 25 St. Bernard St. Mary $9,211.00 $1,022.28

PRAYER REQUESTS: Don Novak, Jeanne Dorka, Marcia Stuczynski, Julie Stroup, Mary Lou Monsour, Joyce Kilby, Lee Freund, Matilda Hofacker, Lorrie Haddox, Beth Sudermann, Carol Consolo, Marlene Madia, John Streffler, Renee Schillinger, Rosalia Duran, Mabel Brown, Bud Lundstrom, Clara Piscazzi, Patricia Finn, Ann Miller, Marilyn Maximovich, Olinda Frazier.

DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION -Next Sunday at 3:00pm you are invited to join the Cenacle of Divine Mercy in St. Bernard Church for its annual devotion followed by refreshments in the Social Hall.

NO COFFEE and DONUTS - on Easter Sunday as folks gather with families. See you on April 8th.

PARISH OFFICE CLOSED - The parish offices will be closed Monday, April 2nd, and reopen on April 3rd.

FOOD PANTRY HELP - St. Bernard food pantry is in need of additional volunteers to distribute food to the needy on Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 10:30. If interested, contact Tom at 330 285-9994.

Final Arrangements Workshop

April 25 at 7:00pm

St. Mary School

Sponsored by Catholic Cemeteries of the Cleveland Diocese. A panel of professionals

- Funeral Director, Lawyer, and Priest -

will provide attendees with things to consider in making final arrangements for your loved ones that respect your wishes and their needs.

Bring your questions - legal to liturgical.

All are welcome to attend.

Free Parking and Easy Access into the School

Register at the parish or call 330-253-5161.


AVISO DE SUMA IMPORTANCIA- Si usted quiere reservar su espacio para la próxima reunión del 28 de abril de 2-5 pm para la Formación Básica para Adultos, le aconsejo ver la lista o llame a la oficina 330-253-5161.

CAPACITAR – Programa para mujeres de nuestra comunidad, nos enseña a como meditar, como relajarse mediante el uso de técnicas de ejercicios. La próxima reunión será en marzo 31 de 10-2 pm. Más Información hable con Nancy 330-322-4452.

St. Martin of Tours Parish in Medina County, Size: 1,641 Households, 4,965 Catholics;1 Priest, 1 Deacon; Annual Stats on average: 53 Baptisms, 24 Weddings, 24 First Communions; 250 students in PSR;26 Funerals.

The Shroud of Turin

Contemporary Insights of an
Ancient Mystery: Combining
History, Science and Theology

Presented by
David M. Onysko

Wednesday, April 11th

6:30pm - 8:30pm

St. Bernard Social Hall

Mr. Onysko has given this presentation in a number of churches in the Cleveland area. We are happy to have him with us this Easter Season. For more information visit his website at: manintheshroud.org.

How to Forgive Yourself & Others: Steps to Reconciliation - Please join us for these eight sessions held every other Thursday beginning April 12th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the History Room of St. Bernard church. To register and order a book, or if you have any questions, please call or email Michele Schmidt at 313-319-1188 .

VIRTUS TRAINING - Following the Policies of the Diocese on Protecting our Children, anyvolunteer 18 years and over assisting children at our parishes MUST ATTEND Virtus Training. Call the office for schedules.


Due to your generous and prayerful support, WE (parishioners, staff, benefactors, and volunteers) accomplished the following at St. Bernard Parish since July, 2010:

THE CARE OF SOULS(of greatest importance)

CONTINUEDthe celebration of the Sacraments; devotions; faith formation of children and adults; RCIA; and ministry to the Hungry, Hispanics, University Students, Homebound, and Children's Hospital.


  1. Razed the St. Bernard School Building
  2. Installed two new restrooms in the social hall
  3. Re-tiled the damaged areas of the church roof
  4. Installed a new sound system in the church
  5. Restored the marble floor in the entire church sanctuary and nave
  6. Restored original wood floors under the pews
  7. Began replacing church lights to LED bulbs


  1. Expanded and secured both parish parking lots
  2. Installed security cameras inside and outside of buildings on the property
  3. Decreased the incidents of panhandling while still focused on serving the Hungry


  1. Erected the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for Eucharistic Adoration and prayer in Downtown
  2. Reserved the Eucharist in its original tabernacle in the high altar
  3. Restored the 112-year-old pipe organ
  4. Installed a new marble Ambo in the sanctuary
  5. Remodeled a Confessional for easier access to the Sacrament of Penance
  6. Established a welcome response, yet a just response, to those seeking a wedding venue
  7. Purchased new accoutrements for the celebration of Mass (vessels, missal, etc.)


  1. Purchased a new pick-up truck and snow plow
  2. Consolidated staffing using a Total Quality Management style (shared responsibilities)
  3. Paid our monthly diocesan assessments without fail or penalty
  4. Paid an outstanding Diocesan Assessment in arrears of nearly $60,000
  5. Met our annual parish goal for the Catholic Charities Appeal (not including this year)
  6. Tripled the Hunger Fund for operational needs
  7. Operated St. Bernard-St. Mary School deficit-free in 2010-2012
  8. Started Online Giving at weshareonline.com


  1. Maintained St. Bernard Cemetery and grounds
  2. Erected two flag poles on the façade of the church (U.S. and Vatican)
  3. Remodeled the former Access House for parish meeting space
  4. Replaced worn carpeting in the rectory
  5. Received the City of Akron’s Annual Beautification Award for grounds keeping

The investments of St. Mary Parish ($1.3m) were never used for the above, but returned in full when it re-opened in 2012. We owe a debt of thanks to the staff, to the pastoral/finance councils over these years, to our generous donors, and to those of you who took seriously the Precept of the Church to support your faith community. Look what you did!