Ysgol Gyfun

Glan Afan

Comprehensive School

Learning Pathways

March 2014

A guide to the curriculum in Years 10 and 11

Qualifications in Wales

On 29 September 2011, the Deputy Minister for Skills, Jeff Cuthbert, launched a review to look into the qualifications currently on offer in Wales. The aims were to identify the qualifications that are most relevant, valued and understood and to ensure that these are available to learners.

On 29 January 2013 it was announced that the Welsh Government broadly accepted all of the Review’s recommendations. In accepting these, the Welsh Government is setting a clear strategic direction and vision for qualifications for 14- to 19-year olds in Wales.

As a result, all schools have had to ensure that the qualifications on offer fall into one of two approved categories: General Certificate of Secondary Education; GCSE qualifications or Initial Vocational Education and Training; IVET qualifications.

The specifications of all subjects are under review and significant changes have already been made to the structure of assessments in most subject areas. Qualifications must be sufficiently rigorous in order to properly assess the skills, knowledge and understanding of young people. Lack of rigour, or the perception of it, can be damaging to qualifications. These changes have forced all school to review which specifications best serve the needs of their pupils.

Schools have also been advised to reduce the number of qualifications on offer and to create more space in the curriculum for learning and the enjoyment of learning; to focus on the quality rather than quantity of qualifications on offer.

There is also a renewed emphasis on the importance in the curriculum of the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification (WBQ) and the opportunity this gives to pupils to broaden their experience and develop their skills.

Finally, the government requires all schools to continue to offer a Collaborative Partnership Provision with other learning providers such as colleges of further education.

More information about qualifications in Wales is available at www.qualificationswales.org

At Glan Afan Comprehensive we have tried to ensure that we continue to offer a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of pupils; satisfies statutory obligations; is sustainable and financially viable and offers Learning Pathways to future study, training or employment for all.

This balance means that whilst every possible effort will be made to meet the option requirements of each individual pupil, this cannot be guaranteed in every case. What can be guaranteed is that we will make every effort to support pupils through the process of choosing options and ensure that all pupils have a suitable Learning Pathway to the future.

The Curriculum

The curriculum is based upon 50 1-hour periods per fortnight on the following model:

Subject / Periods
Compulsory Subjects / English / English Literature / 6
Mathematics / 6
Science / 6
Physical Education / 2
Religious Education / 1
Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification / 2
Welsh 2nd Language / 2
Optional Subjects / Option A:
Art or Business or CoPE or Cymraeg or Health & Social Care / 5
Option B:
Art or Geography or Leisure & Tourism or Music or Sport Single / 5
Option C:
Food Tech or French or RM Tech or PE Studies or Religious Studies / 5
Option D:
GCSE Sciences or Construction or CoPE or Hairdressing or Drama / 5
Option E:
History or ICT or RM Technology or Sport Double / 5
Twilight: Retail
Twilight: Third GCSE Science
Twilight: Statistics
Twilight: Additional Mathematics


·  Due to the structure of the curriculum and timetable, pupils must choose one option from each of the option blocks. No option block can have more than one subject choice; no option can be without a subject choice.

·  Because sometimes the same courses appear in more than one column, pupils cannot chose courses with exactly the same course name in any two columns.

·  Pupils cannot chose PE Studies and Sport Single

·  Pupils who chose Sport Double must also chose Sport Single


·  Pupils who do not choose GCSE Sciences will study an IVET compulsory science course. Pupils who do choose GCSE Sciences will study a GCSE compulsory science course.

·  Twilight courses are offered in after school sessions or lunchtimes.

·  Construction, Hairdressing, Drama and Retail are Collaborative Partnership courses run by Neath Port Talbot College. Construction and Hairdressing are delivered at Afan Campus. Drama and Retail are delivered on site at Glan Afan but assessment is completed at Neath Campus.

·  Certain options may be withdrawn if demand for that option is limited.

What happens next?

Meet with subject teachers and try and answer the questions:

·  What level of achievement have I attained in the last three years?

·  Does my teacher think the course is suitable for me?

·  Does my teacher think I should do a GCSE or IVET course?

Speak to the careers advisor and try to answer the questions:

·  What subjects do I need for my chosen career?

·  Does my choice allow for possible career change at a later date?

·  Does my completed choice constitute a balanced set of courses?

·  Do I need to do GCSE or IVET courses for my future?

Ask yourself:

·  What am I interested in and think I can do well at?

·  Are my choices influenced more by my friends and by my liking of a teacher, rather than by their value to me at a later date?

·  Have I sought advice from all relevant people when making my choice? i.e. Subject Teachers, Form Teacher, Careers Advisor, Mrs S. Thomas, Mr S. Davies

Before 28th March – Hand in your completed options form and meet with Mr Davies to discuss your final options.


Short Name / Art
Qualifications / Level 1/Level 2 in Art and Design
Qualification Type / GCSE
Exam Board / WJEC
Online / http://goo.gl/TNzyFc
Assessment / Exams 40% Controlled Assessment 60%
Speak to: / Mr S. Turner

Evidence of the following assessment objectives have to be apparent across coursework and examination:

AO1 - Develop ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding

AO2 - Refine ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes

AO3 - Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions in visual and/or other forms.

AO4 - Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.

The unendorsed Art and Design course enables pupils to demonstrate their ability to undertake work through a broad course; exploring practical and critical/contextual work through a range of sensory experiences, sufficient to fulfil all of the assessment objectives. The recording of ideas can be carried out in visual, tactile and/or other forms, covering a good range of creative activities with a comprehensive assortment of techniques, tools and materials. The course forms an introduction to contemporary practitioners and first hand contact with art material and examples, as well as historical and cultural sources and contacts.

Different learning approaches such as:

·  Individual, group and whole class, keeping a sketchbook.

·  The coherence of building upon previous work and achievements.

·  Working in both 2 and 3 dimensions including ICT, where appropriate on a variety of scales.

·  Varying methods of analysis, interpretation and presentation.

·  Covering the following areas of study – Fine art – drawing, painting and sculpture.

·  Graphic Design – Advertising, packaging, ICT, illustration, letterform, and new media design. 3D design – craft, ceramics, sculpture. Textiles – printer textiles, textile construction and decoration.

·  Critical and contextual studies.


Short Name / Business
Qualifications / Level 1/Level 2 in Applied Business
Qualification Type / GCSE
Exam Board / WJEC
Online / http://goo.gl/rGmTmq
Assessment / Exams 40% Controlled Assessment 60%
Speak to: / Miss J. Hole

Students pursuing this course of study will be encouraged to develop their knowledge and understanding of business in a vocational context. It is a suitable qualification for those who want a broad background in business and those who want to progress to higher education. It will provide essential preparation for those entering the world of work.

In order to understand the nature of business, students will experience the business environment first hand and in a variety of contexts. In particular students will make visits, where possible, to a range of different businesses, links will be established with local employers and visiting speakers will be encouraged. The use of the internet and e-mail contact will be utilised. In addition understanding of the world of work will be further enhanced through Young Enterprise, via role-play exercises, business games and courses which promote increased understanding and awareness of how businesses operate.

The course is divided into two units, The Business and its Environment and Business Finance and Decision Making.

Units 2 will be assessed through examination and unit 1 through controlled assessment. The examinations will be 1 hour and 15 minutes. The controlled assessment will be taken over a six week period in the classroom. It will involve 10 hours’ work answering set questions on one business of the student’s choice.


Short Name / Construction
Qualifications / Introductory Certificate in Basic Construction Skills
Level 2 Certificate in Construction and Built Environment
Qualification Type / IVET
Exam Board / City & Guilds
Pearson BTEC
Online / http://goo.gl/Nw4KIs
Assessment / Exams 40% Controlled Assessment 60%
Speak to: / Mr S. Davies

Construction is a practical, work-related course. It introduces you to the construction industry and provides a good basis to go on to a more advanced qualification in construction or as preparation for a career in the construction industry. Many learners take BTEC First Certificates as taster qualifications providing them with an initial experience of an area of interest to them.

Pupils who choose construction will be transported to Afan Campus every week on the school minibus.


Short Name / CoPE
Qualifications / Level 2 Certificate of Personal Effectiveness
Qualification Type / IVET
Exam Board / ASDAN
Online / http://goo.gl/xA80ka
Assessment / Exams 0% Controlled Assessment 100%
Speak to: / Mr D. Wright

The Certificate of Personal Effectiveness- CoPE, blends activities pupils undertake in their traditional GCSE subjects with investigative activities and skill based projects. There is an emphasis on rewarding pupils for completing challenges and each pupil builds a portfolio of evidence. Pupil experiences together with a set of challenges combine to form the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness.

Pupils will be required to keep records and take responsibility for gathering the evidence of the work they have completed.

There is no formal examination and all grades are awarded on the standards achieved in the 12 challenges completed. Pupil portfolios of work will be assessed by the class teacher, checked and then externally moderated. Pupils achieving a high standard of work may and progressing at the necessary pace will be entered for the additional Wider Key Skills qualifications.

The course is designed to prepare pupils for a more independent style of learning required once pupils leave school at sixteen. There is also a strong emphasis on the development of key skills required by employers. Pupils will be encouraged to develop a variety of skills including: planning, research, working with others, discussion, problem solving and evaluation of their work.


Short Name / Cymraeg
Qualifications / Level 1/Level 2 GCSE in Cymraeg Ail Iaith (Short Course)
Level 1/Level 2 in Cymraeg Ail Iaith
Level 1/Level 2 in Cymraeg Ail Iaith Cymhwysol (Short Course)
Level 1/Level 2 GCSE in Cymraeg Ail Iaith Cymhwysol
Qualification Type / GCSE
Exam Board / WJEC
Online / http://goo.gl/04ZbXG
Assessment / Exams 40% Controlled Assessment 60%
Speak to: / Mrs J. Price

Modern Wales is a bi-lingual society and the ability to speak Welsh provides young people with a wealth of opportunities and benefits. A qualification in Welsh maximizes employability and prospects.

Full course

This course is designed to promote continuity, coherence and progression and is built on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed within Key Stage 3.

Short Course

This course offers learners the option to study ½ the content of the GCSE Full Course. However, is it not akin to ½ the difficulty – it is ½ in relation to the time spent studying the subject.

In both courses pupil will be entered for either:

Higher Tier - Grades A* - C

Foundation Tier - Grades C – G


Controlled Assessment: 40%

Oral - 20%

Reading - 10%

Writing - 10%

Examination: 60%

Oral - 20%

Listening - 10%

Reading - 15%

Writing - 15%


Short Name / Drama
Qualifications / Level 1/Level 2 in Drama
Qualification Type / GCSE
Exam Board / Pearson Edexcel
Online / http://goo.gl/02oGQQ
Assessment / Exams 25% Controlled Assessment 75%
Speak to: / Mr S. Davies

The GCSE in Drama encourages students to:

·  develop a personal interest in why drama matters and be inspired, moved and changed by studying a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study

·  work imaginatively and creatively in collaborative contexts, generating, developing and communicating ideas

·  consider and explore the impact of social, historical and cultural influences on drama texts and activities

·  reflect on and evaluate their own work and the work of others

·  develop and demonstrate competence in a range of practical, creative and performance skills

·  develop a basis for their future role as active citizens in employment and society in general, as well as for the possible further study of drama

·  actively engage in the process of dramatic study in order to develop as effective and independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds.

Drama is delivered on site at Glan Afan by a Neath Port Talbot College lecturer. Pupils are transported to Neath Campus for their final external assessment at the end of Year 11.


Short Name / English
Qualifications / Level 1/Level 2 in English Language
Qualification Type / GCSE
Exam Board / WJEC
Online / http://goo.gl/JYSvP4
Assessment / Exams 60% Controlled Assessment 40%
Speak to: / Mrs M. Mandale or your English teacher

At Key Stage 4 you will study to gain two GCSE’s in English; one in English Language and one in English Literature.