RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
Emerging Infectious Diseases(birds,bugs and people)
Ebola-Marburgviral (hemorrhagic fevers)
Avian flu ???
RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
{} Prevent bad things by planning for them.
{} Minimize impact by planning and preparation.
{} Principles of response incorporate safety for responders
RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
- System Program that can run lots of different software
- Infection disease control plan
RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
All Hazards Approach calls for a generalized preparedness so general principles, approach, organizational structure and response can be applied to variety of events and situations.
Basic elements of All Hazards Approach: NYC DOH/COH
- Coordination of emergency agencies with public health andpublic safety
- Enhanced surveillance system: especially primary care health professional community (the first to sound alarms for W Nile, anthrax, monkeypox in the mid west, tularemia on Martha's
Vineyard, were primary care hcws)
RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
All Hazards Approach (cont)
- Preplanning for surge capacity i.e. what to do in a mass casualty event (WTC, Station Fire,Avflu?), vaccination /antibiotic distribution event or emerg event requiring quarantine (SARs).
(Int’l relief response agencies e.g. Int’l Rescue committee)
RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
All Hazards Approach (cont)
- Emerg communications and communication to the public
- Frequent drills and exercises
- Increase public and official literacy
RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
Generic features of infection control program for a facility:
- criteria to define a case. cluster, outbreak
- standard and contact precautions;
RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
(Cont}Generic features of infection control program for a facility:
- isolation practices relating to droplet precautions
- respiratory protection policy (airborne and not just droplet exposures);
- controls and practices for high risk procedures
- patient cough etiquette;
Generic features of infection control program for a facility:
- strict enforcement of hand and surface hygiene;
- management of staff and visitor traffic
- role of vaccines and anti-viral meds and related therapies (e.g. drugs that interrupt mediators of sepsis).
Pandemic flu
Recommendations for first responders (CDC/RIDOH 12/05)
- Standard precaution s
- hand washing after every encounter
- {masking patient (surgical)}
- Face protection (goggles shield...)
- Disposable PPE
- Disposable respirators N-95s
RI Committee on Occupational Safety &Health
Av flu websites:
CDC’s wwcdc.gov/flu/avian/ and the WHO’s
is a great resource from public health perspective and is directed to specific facility plans both internationally and in US.
infection control policies on state/ national level
- Pharmaceutical therapies
- Patient handling, (SARS isolation)
- Surveillance
- Travel Restrictions, Screening Travelers, ClosingSchools
- Limiting Public Gatherings.
- Restrictions On Business And Commercial Activity
- Maintaining Strict Infection Control Procedures Within High Risk Settings,