Suit: Two–piece (matching pants and jacket) dark, wool suit is the best and safest choice.
A. Navy or dark gray is best. Pinstripe is acceptable.
B. Two, three, or double-breasted jackets (double-breasted jackets must be buttoned unless the wearer is seated). Suit jackets should not be worn with other trousers.
C. Remove external tags, dangling threads, and tacking stitches. (Suits typically have tacking stitches to hold vents on the jacket back and on sleeves in place before the suit is purchased.)
D. Clean and well pressed
Remember: a sport coat and slacks is not a suit—it’s more informal.
Ties: Good quality silk tie. Solid colored (navy, burgundy, subdued blue or red), small prints or stripes
Shirts: White or light-colored collared shirt, long-sleeved (even in summer), clean and well pressed, neatly tucked into pants
Shoes: Leather, dark (preferably black), clean, polished, in good repair, lace-up (preferred) or slip-on. Consider investing in a good pair.
Belt: Black leather, like your shoes
Socks: Dark socks (same color as pants), over-the-calf length so no skin is visible when you sit down.
Jewelry: Conservative watch, wedding band and/or class ring. Remove earrings and jewelry from any other piercing (nose, tongue, etc.)
Hair: Clean-cut appearance, freshly shaven. If worn, facial hair should be well groomed. Observe other men in your industry if you’re unsure what’s appropriate or are thinking of changing your look. If you have long hair, pull it back very neatly. No colors not found in nature.
Scent: Use deodorant, avoid (preferred) or use very lightly scented cologne or aftershave
Nails: Clean and trimmed
Tattoos: Cover up when possible using clothing, a flesh-colored bandage, or make-up.
Briefcases: Unless you have a reason to carry a bulky briefcase (leather), don’t. Instead carry a conservative portfolio, preferably leather.
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