A Godly play session with children acting out the story of the Good Samaritan

We believe that:
  • Religious Education enables children to develop religious understanding by exploring what religion means in the lives both of people in the community in which they live and the wider world.
  • All children have the right to have the door labelled “religion” opened for them. This is an important part of their education.
We aim to lay the foundation of religious understanding so that children leave school wanting to find out more about religion and what it can mean in their lives.
At Guestling we aspire:
  • To encourage a sense of awe and wonder
  • To develop an understanding of right and wrong
  • To encourage sharing and giving
  • To enable children to empathise with others
  • To experience being part of a group and the school community
  • To learn to value and respect themselves and others
  • To learn about Christianity and other faiths e.g. through festivals and in sharing other cultures and traditions, and promote tolerance and understanding
  • To prepare pupils for their opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life, and to help them come to terms with difficult or painful situations they encounter.

We all walk across the fields to Guestling Church for our Easter service

Resources available include artefacts, videos and access to the Internet.
Outside speakers are also invited to share their beliefs.
There are opportunities for visits to local churches.
ICT is used in all years whenever appropriate.
Godly Play is used across the school, in each year group up to 3 times a year – the purpose being to encourage reflection and personal response.
Planned R.E. curriculum weeks are held throughout the school twice a year.
In KS1 and KS2, learning is based on the Diocese of Chichester Religious Education Guidelines for Church of England Aided Schools, plus resources from ESCC Journey of Discovery.
World religions:

Foundation Stage
In Reception,Bible stories are incorporated into topic work, and festivals such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter are celebrated.

Religious Education is taught as a dedicated subject in mixed ability classes.
In KS1 emphasis is on teaching Christianity with some aspects of Judaism.

KEY STAGE 2 – YEARS 3 to 6
Religious Education is taught as a dedicated subject in mixed ability classes.
In KS2 Christianity plus Judaism, Hinduism and Islam are studied.