A glimpse into the world of poetry
throughthe work of Edgar Allan Poe
Room 244
What is poetry?
What makes a poem, well, a poem?
Poetic Devices
Pretty Pretty Princess / Definition:
End rhyme
Happily we row along
Humming our little song
Ex: the sun beat down hard, charring and blistering our skin
Internal rhyme
Ex: The sky as I fly
Makes my heart leap apart
Ex: She was a ghost, floating down the abandoned hallway
Ex: Whish! Swish!
Ex: The sound of the waves sang me to sleep
Ex: We will, we will rock you!
Ex: I'm Twaddletalk Tuck and I talk and I talk
and I talk when I run and I talk when I walk
Rhyme scheme
Ex: abab
There once was a cat
Who loved to eat mice
He grew very fat
‘Cause they tasted nice
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Ex: She’s as cold as ice.
Ex:Drip drop, drip drop,
darned rain won't stop.
Dropping on my windowpane,
it is driving me insane.
Praised be the ornament makers
the masons and the decorators
the creators of flitting angels
also the makers of ribbons
and on them hearty inscriptions
(fluttered by a great river-wind)
“make music” “paint a picture”
Now, let’s examine one of Poe’s most famous poems,
“The Raven,” in a close reading:
First, read and listen as
the poem is read aloud.
Then, read the poem
through again, making
- analysis of poem
- examples of poetic
devices and lit terms
Then, make inferences:
- Connections to Poe’s life
How does “The Raven”…
Make Music
Poetic Device / Example from poemPaint a Picture ______
Poetic Device / Example from poemMaking Inferences:
What is an inference?
What does it mean to infer?
(What you already knew) (clues from the text) (drawing a conclusion)
Ex: If Johnny walks inside with a heavy coat on...what can you infer?
Schema / Evidence / InferenceMaking Inferences about Poe and “The Raven”
Schema(What do we know about Poe?) / Evidence
(What do we see in the poem?) / Inference
(What can we conclude?)
“Annabel Lee” Post-reading Questions:
1. What made life meaningful to the narrator of the poem?
- What was the real cause of Annabel Lee’s death, according to the poet?
3.According to the poem, what would you say the narrator spends most of his time doing?
4.Determine the theme:
5. What is the mood?
6. How do assonance, alliteration, and repetition influence the mood of the poem?
7. How does imagery influence the mood of the poem?
8. What tone does the author express toward Annabel Lee?
9. How many stanzas make up the poem?
10. Write the rhyme scheme next to the lines of the poem.
Making Inferences about Poe and “Annabel Lee”
Schema / Evidence / Inference