A Gathering of Eagles
Ernie Spisak – Valley mirror 9/15/11
On May 23, around 7:30 p.m., 162 high school seniors bid farewell to Camelot. Members of the Scott High School Class of 63 traveled down many roads. On August 27, 2011, twenty-eight of these graduates turned onto a yellow brick road. Keeping a sharp eye out for Lions, Tigers, and Bears they ended up at the Grandview Golf Course in North Braddock, to celebrate their 48th high school reunion. A gathering of eagles?
Although one table of Raiders and Raidettes was unusually boisterous, there was not much boom left in these ‘Baby Boomers’. One gentleman won the prize for traveling the longest distance. He came from Kansas. He is still at Grandview. The Access Bus forgot to pick him up. Those who wish to help an old classmate can call the bartender at the Grandview.
After we were told who we were talking to, we all enjoyed reminiscing about the good old days. All enjoyed the reenactment of a pep-rally presented by the athletes. Dressed in cheerleader uniforms, they made us lean to the left and lean to the right. Three participants fell off their chairs, but it was fun. As we remembered them, the cheerleaders are still beautiful. However, their artificial knees clinked and clanged as they made their way across the room.
The majorettes, once seated, kept their seats. You see, their artificial hips locked up in place and they could not move. Marching in freezing weather in short skirts took its toll over the years. However, it did not detract from their beauty. Only one marching band member attended the celebration. He was found standing alone, talking to the coat rack. Too much to drink? No, just vision problems. Suddenly, we heard a loud thud. Three of our classmates walked into a glass wall. Ironic, they were scheduled to have their cataracts removed the following week. A gathering of eagles?
Our ‘ring leader’ panicked when she spotted three or four attendees arguing over who had the longest scar from their open-heart surgery. One was a female. As the group began threatening to remove their shirts, the rest of us shouted, “Take it off, take it off.” Our leader stepped in and calmed the group down. The Preacher shouted ‘Praise the Lord’. Some of us shouted, “Cowards”.
A few Chorus members gathered around to quell the disturbance. Their angelic voices brought tears to our eyes as they sang Norbra High. Half way through our alma mater, they forgot the words. No matter, they forged ahead and finished with, “A thousand stars in the sky”
As the song ended, one female graduate streaked across the room and threw herself on the lap of an old male classmate. In tears, she explained, ‘you were the one love that I adored’. The man’s astonished wife stomped out of the room. The estranged couple hurried out to the bar, never to be seen again.
The room fell silent, and we began to order our lunch. Only three of us requested the kitchen staff purée our sandwiches. Everyone enjoyed the lunch and the aroma of the food and freshly brewed coffee, cancelled out the smell of Ben gay, Icy Hot, and various assortments of liniments.
One cannot say enough about Grandview’s professional staff. They graciously looked after us, and provided for our every need. They stationed two gurneys in the bar and converted their station wagon into an ambulance. During the pep-rally, they assisted the three graduates back into their chairs. No sooner than the three fellows smashed into the glass wall, two staffers were there with ice bags. After serving the couple that ran into the bar, the bartender refused to serve them after they finished three bottles of wine. We plan to go back next August. The manager informed our ringleader that they plan to remodel the room. By next year, oxygen masks will drop down from the ceiling when needed.
Due to illness, one of our classmates could not attend the reunion. Our ringleader, Diane, informed us that Jean said ‘Hi’. The group responded “Hi Jean, Get well soon”. As the Eagles began flying home, we all thanked Diane for bringing us together.
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