Present /
Swindon Streetwise 2017
A fun event for Scouts, Guides, Explorer Scouts and Senior Section
Date: Saturday 11th November 2017
Central Community Centre,
Emlyn Square, Swindon, SN1 5BL. (in Railway Village)
Event: All over Swindon
The Challenge: With a set of questions relating to streets in Swindon, visit the areas using only buses and foot power. With your knowledge, navigation, planning and observation skills answer the questions set at the beginning of the day as well as the additional challenges set on the on the day.
Are you up to the Swindon Streetwise Challenge?
- No private transport to be used
- The groups safety is their responsibility
- Maximum of 1 leader per team (accompanied teams),
- Each team need a Swindon street map
- Minimum of 3 members & a maximum of 6 members per team (plus leader for accompanied teams)
- Group Scarf should be worn during the day
- Activity forms are the responsibility of each team
- Teams must stay together at all times
- All teams must book in and return to baseduring their section report back time
- This event is not a race
- Judges decision is final
- Limited car parking available
Competing Sections
Section 1 - Unaccompanied Scout / Guide team (for the Dave Carr Plastering Trophy)
Section 2 - Accompanied Scout / Guide team
Section 3 - Explorer Scout / Senior Section (aged 14-17years) team
Section start and finish times
Sections 1 and 2 book in at 08:30 with briefing at 08:45. Report back between 15:15 & 15:45.
Section 3 book in at 09:15 with briefing at 09:30. Report back between 16:00 & 16:30.
Cost: £5.00 per team.
(each team will get a bus time table, question sheet & additional challenge sheets)
Each team member will be required to purchase their own ticket or bring a bus pass:
Thamesdown DayRider Ticket (Scouts & Guides) - £2.70 (child) & £4.00 (adults)
for accompanied teams – 1 adult+3 children - £5.00
Thamesdown DayRider Plus ticket (Explorers & Senior Section)–£3.30 (upto 16th birthday)
& £4.50 (16 & over)
(prices correct at the time of issue14/08/16)
Contact: Geoff Begg, 34 Leslie Close, Freshbrook, Swindon, SN5 8QT.
Tel: 01793 874066 e-mail:
Closing date for Applications: Monday 6thNovember 2017
Swindon Streetwise 2017
Number of teams entered
Total number of members
Number of teams entered
Total number of members
Number of teams entered
Total number of members
Contact Name
E-mail Address
Postal Address
Telephone Number
I enclose / or will bring on the day* a cheque made payable to Swindon Ridgeway Explorer Scouts for £ ______.
*delete as appropriate
Swindon Streetwise Application 2017v 1.0