Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 27th June 2017 at 7.30 in Eagle Village Hall.
Present – Councillors Katy Thomas, Dawn Warnock, Jane Wallis & Chris Patty.
Councillor Parker from 8.20pm
Councillor Nolan from 8.45pm
Rachel Popplewell – Parish Clerk
3 members of the Public, one being the newly elected County Councillor Mike Thompson.
Public Forum
Cllr Thompson introduced himself to the Parish Council, explaining that he was looking forward to working with the parish councils, and that he was hoping to attend parish council meetings on a fairly regular basis.
Agenda Items
- Welcome & Apologies
In the absence of the Chair & the Vice Chair, the Clerk called for a Councillor to Chair the meeting.
Cllr Thomas was proposed by Cllr Jane Wallis & Cllr Chris Patty, it was Resolved that Cllr Thomas would Chair the meeting.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Chennells, Bottom, Jackson & Nolan and District Councillor Appleby.
No notification had been received from Councillor Parker.
- To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.
None Received
- Notes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 30th May 2017 to be approved as minutes.
The council Resolved to approved the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Cllr Warnock seconded by Cllr Patty signed by the Chair.
- Clerks Update
The Clerk made comment regarding the Action points from the previous meeting, saying that she had the threshold for contracts to hand for future reference, the speed sign had been delivered to a parishioner living just outside the 30mph curtilage, it was next due to be moved to Thorpe on the Hill for them to borrow for a short time.
The Clerk confirmed that the Facebook page was now up and running with a positive response.
The playing field funds had now been added to the parish council spreadsheet, it now shows all Parish Council funds available.
North Kesteven District Council, confirmed that paper plans for any future planning applications would now be issued on a ‘request’ only basis – all applications are now online to be viewed before the meeting.
The Clerk confirmed that only one committee member could be a signatory on the Playing Field bank account, any other signatories are to be parish councillors.
The clerk had collected 200 ‘30mph’ signs to distributed in the village.
Cllr Nolan and the Clerk have contacted Highways to report Back Lane which is now fully overgrown. They were still awaiting a response.
The Clerk made comment that she had had a complaint received from a parishioner regarding the state of Beehive Lane which was in a bad state of repair close the quarry access. The Clerk had asked NKDC to visit the site, with a view to getting it repaired, Cllr Thomas made comment asking the clerk to check the original planning application to check the conditions. Action RP
- To authorise the signing of orders for payment & to note bank balances & any monies received.
The Councillors considered the list previously circulated. It wasResolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed.
Bank Balances –
31/05/2016 - £43,066.48
31/05/2017 - £30,100.21
Payments to be Approved
Date / Name / Net / VAT / Total27.06.2017 / Eagle Village Hall / £16.00 / £16.00
27.06.2017 / E-on / £158.94 / £31.79 / £190.73
27.06.2017 / Lincolnshire County Council / £100.00 / £100.00
27.06.2017 / LALC / £10.00 / £10.00
27.06.2017 / Stationary / £12.72 / £12.72
27.06.2017 / Salaries / £296.68 / £296.68
27.06.2017 / LALC / £52.61 / £0.52 / £53.13
27.06.2017 / E-on (lamp post replaced on Mill Lane) / £773.00 / £154.60 / £927.60
Total / £1419.95 / £186.91 / £1606.86
Monies Received
VAT refund - £442.54
Railway Public House - £485.00
- New email addresses for Parish Councillors – under the Freedom of Information Act.
Cllr Warnock offered to look into the costs of an additional 9 email addresses – Deferred to the next Meeting. Action DW
- To Consider the following planning applications.
- Alterations and extension to dwelling. Durham Castle, Southern Lane, Eagle Barnsdale. REF – 17/0611/HOUS
After discussion, it was Resolved to make ‘No Comment’ for the above application.
- To consider the quotation from E-on regarding the replacement of the existing Lampposts and Street Light.
The Clerk was asked to contact E-on to ask if any of the Lampposts were considered to be unsafe, and can the quote be put in priority order of importance for the replacing the remaining posts and lights. Action RP
- To evaluate the response of the ‘30mph’ signs and to consider purchasing additional stickers or to replace the existing cardboard signs.
Cllr Thomas made comment that the signs were welcomed at the school fayre, there are still a few left. Cllr Thomas volunteered to ask the ladies in the Post Office if they would be willing to hand out the remaining stickers, as and when requested. A comment was to be added to the Facebook page Action KT/DW/RP
The option of new Cardboard signs was deferred to the next meeting.
Cllr Parker Joined the meeting at 8.20pm
- To Consider & sign the new offer letter from the War Memorial Trust, incorporating the additional works & costs as recommended by the contractor.
After discussion, it was Resolved to sign the new contract, for the additional funds. The Clerk made comment saying she had received the invoice for the first contract, the payment of which is due mid-July. The War Memorial Trust would like to pay the full grant once all of the works were completed. The Clerk was asked to clarify payment terms with the Contractors and the War Memorial Trust as an interim payment may be required. Action RP
- Neighbour Hood Plan Update
Cllr Thomas made comment that a consultation had taken place at the school fayre, with a report being put together by Mr S Duckworth from Community Links. Two further surveys are needed to be done, a Housing Needs Survey and a Landscape Character Assessment both of which there is funding is available.
Parish Councillors from Stubton parish council will attend the next working group meeting for the neighbourhood plan having recently gone through the same process.
- Playing field committee update.
Cllr Wallis made comment that during her weekly checks she had noticed that one of the legs on the frame for the swings was broken. The swings were taken out of use straight away with notices and tape put around the swings to make the public aware. A notice was put on the village Facebook page, also to inform the public that they are unsafe to use.
The tape and notices are being removed on a daily basis putting the children/public at risk, the only alternative is to remove the swings from the frame. It was Resolved to get the swings removed as soon as possible in the interests of public safety.
It was at this point that the meeting was intentionally interrupted by a group of young males entering the building shouting abusive language in relation to the swings, the meeting then continued without any further interruptions.
The Frame was to be repaired as soon as possible, to hopefully get the swings usable able again for the 6 weeks school holidays.
Quotes were to be obtained Action RP & Playing field Committee.
A quote had been obtained to replace the wooden gates at the park from CFS Fencing, it was Resolved to accept the quote, the clerk to contact Action RP
Cllr Wallis made comment saying the planned Pamper Night had to be cancelled, but
the raffle was still going to take place on the 8th July 2017.
Future events planned are – Freagle scheduled for August Bank Holiday weekend and a Yard sale on 24th September 2017.
Cllr Nolan Joined the meeting 8.45pm
Cllr Wallis made comment that they would soon be purchasing items for Freagle, the clerk confirmed that all invoices should be made payable to ‘Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council’ in order for any VAT to be reclaimed.
- Items for the next agenda/any other business
- Date & Time of Next Meeting
July 25th at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………………
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