A format guide to developing a safeguarding policy for the third/faith sector

Section 1: Details of the place of worship/group/activity – to include:



Telephone numbers

Email addresses

A brief description of the organisation: ...... is a family friendly church that offers pastoral guidance and support.....under the leadership of...... and its board of Trustees.

Points of contact for safeguarding: if you have any concerns for a child [vulnerable adult] then speak to one of the following:

Designated/named person

Deputy designated/named person

Our commitment: a statement about the organisations need to provide a safe environment, acknowledgement of the vulnerability of some attendees.

Acknowledgement of UN convention on Human Rights and the rights of the child.

Commitment to using procedures and accepting safeguarding standards – such as SAFE and SECURE [CCPAS]

  • Endorse and follow local procedures, legislation and international conventions
  • Provide awareness and training for workers and volunteers
  • Ensure premises are safe and meet H&S requirements
  • Support designated leads in their work and actions taken
  • File a copy of procedure with the SCB

Section 2:responding to concerns

Recognising and responding to an allegation or suspicion of abuse

Understanding abuse and neglect:include definitions of abuse

Signs and symptoms of abuse: include an overview of indicators

How to respond to an allegation /disclosure: include do’s and don’ts of talking to a child; parental consultation and consent issues.

Referring in accordance with SCB procedures: include, who has responsibility to refer; who in that person’s absence; key contact numbers.

Who is the point of contact if concern is about the designated/named person.

Safeguarding awareness: training and development opportunities.

Allegations of abuse against a person worker/volunteer in the organisation: safe recruitment; referring allegations to social care/police; what the process of a MASM [Managing Allegations against Staff Meeting].

Section 3: Prevention

Safe recruitment: how will you do this – job descriptions, references, DBS check; suitable training; discussion and induction to policy.

Management of workers and volunteers: codes of conduct, practice guidance; assessment of activities; supervision ratios; health and safety compliance; safe care routines.

Section 4: Pastoralcare/care and support

Supporting those affected by abuse and vulnerability: who how when, professional/formal/informal/role with other agencies involved.

Supporting those convicted/alleged to be offenders: use of organisational risk assessments; written agreements; safeguarding responsibilities and boundaries.

Confidentiality: definition/principles

Working in partnership: acknowledgement of diversity; commitment to working with others where required; good communication and with whom.

Signatory and Review:

Signed:...... Date:......

Review regularity and date: ......

Copies of policy shared with: SCB/professional organisation such as CCPAS/youth service etc.

Trustees declaration: as a trustee I am committed to......
