Mar.10, 2015

Dear Parents,

We have about three weeks left in the third quarter. Our last quarter of the school yearwill begin on March 30. Presently, we are finishing up our studies with early America and will be having our unit test Thursday. The students received a study guide on Friday, Feb. 27. We will begin our physical science unit by the end of the week. With the next science unit I will be teaching some of the math measurement standards.

We will be presenting our family history projects the week of March 23. Please make sure your child has practiced his or her presentation so you can monitor how long their presentation is and how well they speak. The guidelines for this presentation were sent home this past Friday. Their presentation should be no longer than five minutes.

A few of the “I can” statements we will be working with after the unit test are as follows.

  • I can recall the states of matter and what needs to happen to change the state of matter.
  • I can learn the properties of each state of matter.
  • I can learn about chemical and physical changes with matter.
  • I can recognize that the amount of matter stays constant during any change.
  • I can explain why the volume of water decreases when placed in an open container and left to sit for an extended period of time.
  • I can investigate what happen to the total amount of mass during many types of changes.
  • I can recall that mass is the sum of all the parts in an object.
  • I can learn how to measure with metric and standard units of measure.
  • I can recall how to measure with linear units. .
  • I can learn how to measure mass and volume of an object.


  • Waves of Pride will be March 19 at the high school. Each of the students will have an item on display at the high school.
  • End of the third quarter will be March 27. Grade cards will go home about a week later.

Thank you for all you do to help your child succeed in school. If you need to reach me please email me at

Mrs. Walling