Application Questionnaire

Please complete this questionnaire and upload it to your participant portal. Your answers will help us to make the best possible placement for you. We will do our best to create a program which will meet your expectations, but please remember that we cannot guarantee the program will meet all of your expectations.

Welcome to our program, we are so grateful for your decision to be of service to our community. At ELI Abroad, we are committed to providing the most rewarding volunteer experience during your time here. We would like to be sure that your desires and wishes that brought you to our door are realized during your experience. Please join with us in working together to design an experience that will access your special skills in your contribution to your volunteer site.

ELI Abroad is committed to capturing the expertise and learning of our volunteers in continually building our program offerings. Though some volunteers are here for a relatively short time, the intensity of the experience often yields exciting and creative new processes and activities that not only contribute to the people we serve, but to the quality and continuing growth of our programs. We would like to ask you to help us capture your thoughts and suggestions in a form that can be shared with other volunteers, serving as building blocks toward sustainability and further development.

  1. What type of project would you like to do and what's your motivation for the project?
  1. What are your expectations and goals for the program?
  1. Please let us know the skills and experiences that you bring with you that you would like to share with the program staff, the site staff and the people that you will be serving.
  1. Skills and interests review (please check area of interest)—would you like to:

Write an article for our newsletter about your experience
Prepare a media presentation of your experience
Present to staff and volunteers areas of your expertise
child development,
organizational development,
community building,
social responsibility,
collaborative models for service delivery,
educational topics,
program promotion activities and plans,
report writing,
grant writing?
Other areas of skill:
  1. Initial ideas/plans for incorporating your skills and experiences into your volunteer work:

Please feel free to bring resources with you or send documents via e-mail that will assist you in meeting these goals.

  1. Please list your prior international travel experience.
  1. Please list the languages you speak other than English and your proficiencies in each one.
  1. Living abroad can be a very challenging experience. What qualities do you have to adjust to the new living environment? Have you ever experienced culture shock? Please explain.
  1. Do you have any health conditions that we should be aware of? Allergies?
  1. Are you undergoing any medical treatment including any prescription medications?
  1. Do you have any dietary restrictions?

10. Please email us a photo of yourself to help identify you for airport pickup. Some organizations also request photos of incoming volunteers and interns. We appreciate it if you could follow the following guidelines for your photo:

*All photos should be in jpg format

*The photo should be a head and shoulders shot

*Make sure the photo is culturally appropriate (no alcohol, no scanty clothing, no displays of affection within the picture)

*Please send us a smaller file (less than 1 MB)