Full List of BIG IDEAS
(Organized by Subject & Grade)
Big Idea / Subject & GradeConfidence develops through the process of self-discovery. / Career Education K
Strong communities are the result of being connected to family and community and working together toward common goals. / Career Education K
Effective collaboration relies on clear, respectful communication. / Career Education K
Everything we learn helps us to develop skills. / Career Education K
Communities include many different roles requiring many different skills. / Career Education K
Learning is a lifelong enterprise. / Career Education K
A new language is acquired by listening to and reproducing the models introduced by the teacher. / Français langue seconde - immersion K
Observing codes of politeness, knowing how to listen and letting others speak are practices that facilitate communication and promote respect. / Français langue seconde - immersion K
Images convey meaning and facilitate the understanding of a text. / Français langue seconde - immersion K
Each letter has its own graphic representation and its own sound. / Français langue seconde - immersion K
Our communities are diverse and made of individuals who have a lot in common. / Social Studies K
Stories and traditions about ourselves and our families reflect who we are and where we are from. / Social Studies K
Rights, roles, and responsibilities shape our identity and help us build healthy relationships with others. / Social Studies K
Language and story can be a source of creativity and joy. / English Language Arts K
Stories and other texts helpus learn about ourselvesand our families. / English Language Arts K
Stories and other texts can be shared through pictures and words. / English Language Arts K
Everyone has a unique storyto share. / English Language Arts K
Through listening and speaking,we connect with others andshare our world. / English Language Arts K
Playing with language helps us discover how language works. / English Language Arts K
Curiosity and wonder lead us to new discoveries about ourselves and the world around us. / English Language Arts K
Numbers represent quantities that can be decomposed into smaller parts. / Mathematics K
One-to-one correspondence and a sense of 5 and 10 are essential for fluency with numbers. / Mathematics K
Repeating elements in patterns can be identified. / Mathematics K
Objects have attributes that can be described, measured, and compared. / Mathematics K
Familiar events can be described as likely or unlikely and compared. / Mathematics K
People create art to express who they are as individuals and community. / Arts Education K
Engagement in the arts creates opportunities for inquiry through purposeful play. / Arts Education K
Dance, drama, music, and visual arts express meaning in unique ways. / Arts Education K
People connect to others and share ideas through the arts. / Arts Education K
Plants and animals have observable features. / Science K
Humans interact with matter every day through familiar materials. / Science K
The motion of objects depends on their properties. / Science K
Daily and seasonal changes affect all living things. / Science K
Designs grow out of natural curiosity. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies K
Skills can be developed through play. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies K
Technologies are tools that extend human capabilities. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies K
Daily physical activity helps us develop movement skills and physical literacy, and is an important part of healthy living. / Physical and Health Education K
Learning about ourselves and others helps us develop a positive attitude and caring behaviours, which helps us build healthy relationships. / Physical and Health Education K
Knowing about our bodies and making healthy choices helps us look after ourselves. / Physical and Health Education K
Good health comprises physical, mental, and emotional well-being. / Physical and Health Education K
Images and written words convey meaning. / Français langue première K
Our mastery of a language improves when we take risks in communicating. / Français langue première K
Texts often contain elements inspired by real-life situations that reflect the experiences of readers. / Français langue première K
Aboriginal narratives play an important role in the exploration of individual, family, generational, and community identity. / Français langue première K
Communicating in French helps to develop a sense of belonging to a Francophone community. / Français langue première K
Living things have features and behaviours that help them survive in their environment. / Science 1
Matter is useful because of its properties. / Science 1
Light and sound can be produced and their properties can be changed. / Science 1
Observable patterns and cycles occur in the local sky and landscape. / Science 1
We shape the local environment, and the local environment shapes who we are and how we live. / Social Studies 1
Our rights, roles, and responsibilities are important for building strong communities. / Social Studies 1
Healthy communities recognize and respect the diversity of individuals and care for the local environment. / Social Studies 1
Confidence develops through the process of self-discovery. / Career Education 1
Strong communities are the result of being connected to family and community and working together toward common goals. / Career Education 1
Effective collaboration relies on clear, respectful communication. / Career Education 1
Everything we learn helps us to develop skills. / Career Education 1
Communities include many different roles requiring many different skills. / Career Education 1
Learning is a lifelong enterprise. / Career Education 1
Communicating in French fosters a sense of belonging to the Francophone community. / Français langue seconde - immersion 1
As our vocabulary increases, so does our ability to make ourselves understood. / Français langue seconde - immersion 1
Our ability to communicate in a new language improves as we take risks in that language. / Français langue seconde - immersion 1
Readers must not only decode words, but also understand the meaning of a text. / Français langue seconde - immersion 1
Texts follow specific structures, depending on their type. / Français langue seconde - immersion 1
Numbers to 20 represent quantities that can be decomposed into 10s and 1s. / Mathematics 1
Addition and subtraction with numbers to 10 can be modelled concretely, pictorially, and symbolically to develop computational fluency. / Mathematics 1
Repeating elements in patterns can be identified. / Mathematics 1
Objects and shapes have attributes that can be described, measured, and compared. / Mathematics 1
Concrete graphs help us to compare and interpret data and show one-to-one correspondence. / Mathematics 1
People create art to express who they are as individuals and community. / Arts Education 1
Engagement in the arts creates opportunities for inquiry through purposeful play. / Arts Education 1
Dance, drama, music, and visual arts express meaning in unique ways. / Arts Education 1
People connect to others and share ideas through the arts. / Arts Education 1
Language and story can be a source of creativity and joy. / English Language Arts 1
Stories and other texts
help us learn about ourselves
and our families. / English Language Arts 1
Stories and other texts can be shared through pictures and words. / English Language Arts 1
Everyone has a unique story
to share. / English Language Arts 1
Through listening and speaking,
we connect with others and
share our world. / English Language Arts 1
Playing with language helps us discover how language works. / English Language Arts 1
Curiosity and wonder lead us to new discoveries about ourselves and the world around us. / English Language Arts 1
Designs grow out of natural curiosity. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 1
Skills can be developed through play. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 1
Technologies are tools that extend human capabilities. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 1
Daily physical activity helps us develop movement skills and physical literacy, and is an important part of healthy living. / Physical and Health Education 1
Learning about ourselves and others helps us develop a positive attitude and caring behaviours, which helps us build healthy relationships. / Physical and Health Education 1
Knowing about our bodies and making healthy choices helps us look after ourselves. / Physical and Health Education 1
Good health comprises physical, mental, and emotional well-being. / Physical and Health Education 1
Through texts, we learn about ourselves and discover the world around us. / Français langue première 1
Reading consists not only in decoding the words, but also in understanding the meaning and structure of a text. / Français langue première 1
Though we may lack the ability to write all the words, we can still convey a message in writing. / Français langue première 1
Our mastery of a language improves when we take risks in communicating. / Français langue première 1
All communication has a content and structure. / Français langue première 1
Aboriginal narratives play an important role in the exploration of individual, family, generational, and community identity. / Français langue première 1
Communicating in French helps to develop a sense of belonging to a Francophone community. / Français langue première 1
Local actions have global consequences, and global actions have local consequences. / Social Studies 2
Canada is made up of many diverse regions and communities. / Social Studies 2
Individuals have rights and responsibilities as global citizens. / Social Studies 2
Confidence develops through the process of self-discovery. / Career Education 2
Strong communities are the result of being connected to family and community and working together toward common goals. / Career Education 2
Effective collaboration relies on clear, respectful communication. / Career Education 2
Everything we learn helps us to develop skills. / Career Education 2
Communities include many different roles requiring many different skills. / Career Education 2
Learning is a lifelong enterprise. / Career Education 2
Language and story can be a source of creativity and joy. / English Language Arts 2
Stories and other texts connect us to ourselves, our families, and our communities. / English Language Arts 2
Everyone has a unique story to share. / English Language Arts 2
Through listening and speaking, we connect with others and share our world. / English Language Arts 2
Playing with language helps us discover how language works. / English Language Arts 2
Curiosity and wonder lead us to new discoveries about ourselves and the world around us. / English Language Arts 2
Fluency in a language facilitates our interactions with others. / Français langue seconde - immersion 2
Awareness of other cultures helps us discover our own culture and build our own identity. / Français langue seconde - immersion 2
The task and its context determine the strategies of comprehension and expression that are chosen. / Français langue seconde - immersion 2
Fairy and folk tales share common characteristics that define the genre. / Français langue seconde - immersion 2
Organizing and connecting our ideas in a logical fashion helps others better understand our message. / Français langue seconde - immersion 2
Numbers to 100 represent quantities that can be decomposed into 10s and 1s. / Mathematics 2
Development of computational fluency in addition and subtraction with numbers to 100 requires an understanding of place value. / Mathematics 2
The regular change in increasing patterns can be identified and used to make generalizations. / Mathematics 2
Objects and shapes have attributes that can be described, measured, and compared. / Mathematics 2
Concrete items can be represented, compared, and interpreted pictorially in graphs. / Mathematics 2
Creative expression develops our unique identity and voice. / Arts Education 2
Inquiry through the arts creates opportunities for risk taking. / Arts Education 2
Dance, drama, music, and visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating. / Arts Education 2
People connect to the hearts and minds of others in a variety of places and times through the arts. / Arts Education 2
Living things have life cycles adapted to their environment. / Science 2
Materials can be changed through physical and chemical processes. / Science 2
Forces influence the motion of an object. / Science 2
Water is essential to all living things, and it cycles through the environment. / Science 2
Designs grow out of natural curiosity. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 2
Skills can be developed through play. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 2
Technologies are tools that extend human capabilities. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 2
Daily participation in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels benefits all aspects of our well-being. / Physical and Health Education 2
Learning how to participate and move our bodies in different physical activities helps us develop physical literacy. / Physical and Health Education 2
Adopting healthy personal practices and safety strategies protects ourselves and others. / Physical and Health Education 2
Having good communication skills and managing our emotions enables us to develop and maintain healthy relationships. / Physical and Health Education 2
Our physical, emotional, and mental health are interconnected. / Physical and Health Education 2
The manner in which the originators of a message express themselves is influenced by the verbal and non-verbal language of the recipients. / Français langue première 2
The meaning of a message is influenced by the clarity of the vocabulary used and the way the message is organized. / Français langue première 2
Reading consists not only in decoding the words, but also in understanding the meaning and structure of a text. / Français langue première 2
Stories emerge from our imagination and reflect the experiences, dreams, and reality of the author. / Français langue première 2
The words and sentences of a text often contain clues and a context that can cue readers on its meaning. / Français langue première 2
Aboriginal narratives play an important role in the exploration of individual, family, generational, and community identity. / Français langue première 2
Communicating in French helps to develop a sense of belonging to a Francophone community. / Français langue première 2
Learning about indigenous peoples nurtures multicultural awareness and respect for diversity. / Social Studies 3
People from diverse cultures and societies share some common experiences and aspects of life. / Social Studies 3
Indigenous knowledge is passed down through oral history, traditions, and collective memory. / Social Studies 3
Indigenous societies throughout the world value the well-being of the self, the land, spirits, and ancestors. / Social Studies 3
Confidence develops through the process of self-discovery. / Career Education 3
Strong communities are the result of being connected to family and community and working together toward common goals. / Career Education 3
Effective collaboration relies on clear, respectful communication. / Career Education 3
Everything we learn helps us to develop skills. / Career Education 3
Communities include many different roles requiring many different skills. / Career Education 3
Learning is a lifelong enterprise. / Career Education 3
Making connections between personal experiences and the experiences of others can help us to better understand and respond to a message. / Français langue seconde - immersion 3
Texts present cultural elements that allow us to experience or understand different viewpoints. / Français langue seconde - immersion 3
The structure and textual cues, as well as the words, all help to convey the message. / Français langue seconde - immersion 3
Fairy and folk tales illustrate universal aspects of human life. / Français langue seconde - immersion 3
Every language has a system of rules that distinguishes it from other languages. / Français langue seconde - immersion 3
Fractions are a type of number that can represent quantities. / Mathematics 3
Development of computational fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers requires flexible decomposing and composing. / Mathematics 3
Regular increases and decreases in patterns can be identified and used to make generalizations. / Mathematics 3
Standard units are used to describe, measure, and compare attributes of objects’ shapes. / Mathematics 3
The likelihood of possible outcomes can be examined, compared, and interpreted. / Mathematics 3
The mind and body work together when creating works of art. / Arts Education 3
Creative experiences involve an interplay between exploration, inquiry, and purposeful choice. / Arts Education 3
Dance, drama, music, and visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating. / Arts Education 3
The arts connect our experiences to the experiences of others. / Arts Education 3
Language and story can be a source of creativity and joy. / English Language Arts 3
Stories and other texts help us learn about ourselves,
our families, and
our communities. / English Language Arts 3
Stories can be understood from different perspectives / English Language Arts 3
Using language in creative and playful ways helps
us understand how language works. / English Language Arts 3
Curiosity and wonder lead us to new discoveries about ourselves and the world around us. / English Language Arts 3
Living things are diverse, can be grouped, and interact in their ecosystems. / Science 3
All matter is made of particles. / Science 3
Thermal energy can be produced and transferred. / Science 3
Wind, water, and ice change the shape of the land. / Science 3
Designs grow out of natural curiosity. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 3
Skills can be developed through play. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 3
Technologies are tools that extend human capabilities. / Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 3
Daily participation in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels benefits all aspects of our well-being. / Physical and Health Education 3
Movement skills and strategies help us learn how to participate in different types of physical activity. / Physical and Health Education 3
Adopting healthy personal practices and safety strategies protects ourselves and others. / Physical and Health Education 3
Having good communication skills and managing our emotions enables us to develop and maintain healthy relationships. / Physical and Health Education 3
Our physical, emotional, and mental health are interconnected. / Physical and Health Education 3
The structure, textual clues, and words of a text all help to convey a message. / Français langue première 3
Communication is a social act in which we assert ourselves by expressing our opinions, feelings, and preferences. / Français langue première 3
Fairy and folk tales illustrate themes that are universal and timeless. / Français langue première 3
Every language follows a system of rules that distinguishes it from other languages. / Français langue première 3