Quiz Chp 13 A

1. The religious split between the Sunni and the Shi’ite Muslims was caused by the

a. Different opinions about monotheism.

b. Whether or not to accept Christians as “people of the book.

c. Whether or not Muhammad was a prophet.

d. How to determine who would become caliph.

e. Whether or not slavery was acceptable within Islam.

2. What proved to be the most effective way for the Islamic faith to expand?

A. Muslim armies conquered large territories and spread Islam beyond Arabia.

B. It expanded through the publishing of the Qu’ran.

C. Muslim missionaries moved to foreign lands to spread the word of Muhammad.

D. It did not expand outside of the Arabian peninsula until after 1000 C.E.

E. None of the above.



A. Muhammad accepted the earlier Christian revelations, but rejected completely any influence from Judaism.

B. Muhammad accepted the earlier Judaic revelations, but rejected completely any influence from Christianity.

C. Muhammad accepted the validity of earlier Christianity and Judaic revelations and taught that his own revelations were a final refinement and reformulation of earlier ones.

D. Muhammad stressed that only his own revelations had merit and that others were works of the devil.

E. Muhammad taught that monotheistic religion was compatible with polytheism.


A. All converts to Islam, regardless of their ethnic origins, were full citizens and members of the elite.

B. Only Muslim Arabs were first-class citizens of this great empire and given an opportunity to lead or gain wealth.

C. The Umayyads recognized all residents of their empire, whether Muslims or “peoples of the book” as full citizens.

D. Arabs rapidly lost their dominance in the Umayyad Empire to the native residents of Persia.

E. Malawi were accorded full rights of citizenship.

5. How did the conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia influence the role of women in the Islamic world?

a. Female infanticide was declared illegal.

b. Islamic society became much less patriarchal.

c. Polygamy was outlawed.

d. Islamic society became more patriarchal.

e. A fertility goddess rose to challenge Allah.

Quiz Chp 13 B

1. What was Muhammad teaching with respect to other monotheistic religions?

a) Muhammad accepted the earlier Christian revelations, but rejected completely any influence from Judaism.

b) Muhammad accepted the earlier Judaic revelations, but rejected completely any influence from Christianity.

c) Muhammad accepted the validity of earlier Christian and Judaic revelations and taught that his own revelations were a final refinement and reformation of earlier ones.

d)Muhammad stressed that only his own revelations had merit and that others were works of the devil.

e) Muhammad taught that monotheistic religion was compatible with polytheism

2.Which of the following cultures found in the Arabian peninsula was most significant in shaping the development of Islam?

A) Bedouin

B) Urban

C) Sedentaryagriculturalvillages

D) Huntingandgathering

E) Medieval

3. WhatwastheUmayyadattitudetootherreligions?

A. The Umayyads suppressed all religions within their territories other than Islam.

B. The Umayyad converted to Christianity, but continued to permit the open worship of Islam.

C. The Umayyad displayed tolerance towards the religions of peoples of the book, however, they were forced to pay a tax to continue to worship freely.

D. Christianity and Judaism were suppressed as heresies, but other communities were permitted to retain their religions.

E. Zoroastrians and Hindus were never accepted.

4. The Sufis believed:

A. in reconciling the spiritual and rational worlds.

B. that they, and not the Umayyads, were the legitimate rulers of the Islamic world.

C. in an emotional and mystical union with Allah.

D. that the leadership of the Islamic world had to pass through the line of Ali.

E. in a strictly logical and rational definition of the divine.

5. The Persian influence on Islam is best seen in

A. treatises on mathematics.

B. works calling for greater equality for women.

C. literary works, such as Arabian Nights.

D. mythology

E. the fact that the Quran was written in Persian.