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Find Your Voice
A Cross-Cultural Forum on Political Participation and Civic Activism
Rabat, Morocco
April 25-26, 2008
Americans for Informed Democracy (AID) and the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), along with the Centre Marocain d’Etudes Stratégiques (CMES) and the Institut National de la Jeunesse et la Démocratie (INJD), are now accepting applications for the conference “Find Your Voice: A Cross-Cultural Forum on Political Participation and Civic Activism.”
This two-day conference will be a multilingual dialogue on the necessity of youth mobilization in the political process and empowering emerging leaders in political parties and civil society. Bringing together Moroccan and American experts on media, political party participation, youth mobilization and citizen journalism, participants will engage the speakers in debate, hold small group discussions, and partake in youth mobilization workshops. The participants will also develop and ratify policy recommendations to be presented to government representatives.
Topics will include:
- The influence of media on youth
- Space for youth in political parties
- Youth activism in civil society
- Citizen journalism and youth mobilization
The conference will take place in Rabat, Morocco from April 25-26, 2008. American and Moroccan students and young professionals are encouraged to apply. We seek an ideologically and geographically diverse group of participants. Space is limited, and up to 50 participants will be chosen by a competitive application process.
Lodgingand most meals will be provided to participants. Participants are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from the conference. A limited number of modest travel scholarships are available for highly qualified applicants.
The application may be submitted electronically or in hard copy. To submit electronically, please fill out the online application at English, French, or Arabic. Alternately, e-mail a complete application to: . To submit a paper copy, please mail your completed application to:
4 Rue Badr
Residence Marrakech Apt. 6
Agdal, Rabat
Candidates will be accepted on a rolling basis until April10, 2008. After this date, additional applicants may be accepted, space permitting. Applications may be submitted in English, French, or Arabic. If you have questions, please e-mail , or call Julie at + or Jane at +
Last Name:
First Name:
Phone Number (home):
Phone Number (mobile):
E-mail Address:
University, Company or Organization with which you are affiliated:
Street Address of Residence:
Village, Town or City of Residence:
State or Governorate of Residence:
Country of Residence:
Please honestly and accurately describe your ability to speak and understand the following languages (please circle one rating for each language). Translation will be provided and language skills will not be a factor in evaluation or admission. (Note: Intermediate qualifies as being comfortable engaging in a discussion group in that language).
--Arabic:advanced intermediate beginner non-existent
--English:advanced intermediate beginner non-existent
--French:advanced intermediate beginner non-existent
Have you attended any youth activities before? If so, when and on what topics?
Do you have any experience in political parties or civil society groups (such as youth groups or non-governmental organizations)? If so, please describe any challenges and/or opportunities encountered.
Please write an essay (in Arabic, French or English) no longer than 500 words on what you hope to accomplish by attending "Find Your Voice: A Cross-Cultural Forum on Political Participation and Civic Activism?"