Welcome & Announcements

  • everyone is given a copy of the Territorial Acknowledgement upon entering
  • announcements, as per usual
  • acknowledge gift of new paschal candle from the class of 2013

Territorial Acknowledgment

  • led by someone from the Anti-Oppression Committee
  • silence

Preparation[led by Bill]

  • lighting of new paschal candle (next to the font) with words:

“You are the light of the world.

Let your light so shine before others,

that they may see your good works

and give glory to God!” (Mat. 5:14)

  • water is poured into the font
  • Taize song: X5
  • …repeating, to silence

Prayer: VU 645in unison [led by Ralph]

God our Mother,

Living Water,

River of Mercy,

Source of Life,

in whom we live and move

and have our being,

who quenches our thirst,

refreshes our weariness,


and washes

and cleanses our wounds,

be for us always

a fountain of life,

and for all the world

a river of hope

springing up in the midst

of the deserts of despair.

Honour and blessing,

glory and praise

to you forever.


Hymn: VU 449 “Crashing Waters at Creation”


Old Testament: Isaiah 42:1-9 [a reader]

The Word of God. Thanks be to God

Psalm 29: VU p. 756 [a reader]

Gospel:Matthew 3:13-17 [read by Ralph]

Sermon[by Ralph]

Silent Reflection

Hymn: VU 381 “Spirit of Life” (X 2)

Remembering Our Baptism

with asperges(with words by Bill)


Invitation & Peace

words of invitation by Ralph followed by:

The Peace of Christ be with you all.

And also with you.

[Let us exchange signs of peace as we come to the table.]

we exchange signs of peace

Presentation Hymn:VU 84 “O Radiant Christ, Incarnate Word”

during which time the elements are brought forward, the table is set,

The Great Thanksgiving

God is with us.

We are not alone.

Emmanuel is born among us!

Behold the Beloved of God, on whom the Spirit descends!

Let us give thanks to God.

It is good to give God thanks and praise.

Holy God of Water and Wisdom,

All-embracing God of Life and Love:

your Spirit still moves over the waters of life and new life;

your ever-expanding Love

stillreaches out to reveal the radical grace of your epiphany,

where all creation and all creatures,

are included in the embrace of your freedom and justice.

And so we seek to give you praise

with our lips and by our lives,

bearing witness to the call of your Beloved:

[MV 203]

O holy, holy, holy God,

O God of time and space.

All earth and sea and sky above

bear witness to your grace.

Hosanna in the highest heav’n,

creation sings your praise.

And blessed is the One who comes

and bears your name always!

We remember your grace, like water,

alive and flowing, in and through all things;

We remember your love, like this loaf and cup,

to nourish our bodies and gladden our spirits.

And we remember your Table,

by which our every table gets it meaning,

where all are welcome,

and none are ever turned away;

where Jesus took bread, and gave thanks;

he broke it, and gave it to his friends, saying:

“Take and eat; this is my body, given for you.

Do this for the remembrance of me.”

Where he took the cup, gave thanks,
and gave it for all to drink, saying:
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood,
shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin.

Do this for the remembrance of me.”

In womb and tomb, in cradle and cross,

by water and the Spirit, by Word and witness,

for the sake of your kindom of a new heaven and a new earth,

we proclaim the mystery of faith:

Sing Christ has died and Christ is risen, Christ will come again! (repeat)

And we also now call to mind and heart,

all those with whom you would have us share this feast,

in order to re-member and make this body whole:

. . . those who are anxious or afraid, sick or dying, sad or grieving . . .

. . . all those who are living without shelter, food or work . . .

. . . those who are oppressed, persecuted or marginalized for reasons of race or belief, sexual orientation or gender identity . . .

. . . First Nations and indigenous peoples . . .

. . . other persons, places or needs we name aloud or in silence . . .

In all our prayers, and by all our actions,

in all we say and do here, O God,

may we and these gifts,

be grace and gift to one another,

and to all the world.

May it be so! Amen!

Amen, amen, O Holy One! Hosanna and Amen! (repeat)

. . . We gather these and all our prayers, thankful that we can turn to you as to a our Loving Parent, Mother and Father,

who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name . . . . .

the bread is raised and the cup is filled

words for communion:

Jesus Christ: The Bread of Life.

Jesus Christ: The Cup of Blessing.

Music during Communion:

MV 47 “Born in Human Likeness”

MV 201 “I am the Bread of Life”

Prayer after Communion: VU 80 “An Epiphany Prayer”


Hymn/Song: VU 651 “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah”

Blessing and Sending Forth [by Ralph]