Department of Biotechnology
(A Constituent & AutonomousCollege of Biju Patnaik University of Technology,Odisha)
Techno Campus, P.O.- Mahalaxmi Vihar
Ref. No.–865/BT/CET Date: 20-09-17
Sealed quotation are invited from registered firms/agencies/authorized dealers having valid GSTIN No., PAN, and authorized dealers certificate for supply of chemicals and glass wares as per the items given below for Department of Biotechnology along with other terms and conditions as per rules. The intenders are required to submit the above documents in their quotations. Your Quotation should reach the Principal, CET, Ghatikia, Post-Mahalaxmivihar-751029, Bhubaneswar, on or before
10-10-2017, 11 a.m. positively with sealed cover envelope super scribed on the top ‘Quotation for Chemicals for Dept. of Biotechnology’. The quotation received after due date will not be entertained. The rate should be quoted inclusive of all taxes, transportation, etc. and delivery of the materials will be made at Dept. of Biotechnology, CET, Bhubaneswar at the cost of supplier. The amount of GST applicable must be mentioned clearly. The undersigned has the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason thereof. The quotation must be sent in speed post/Regd. Post/Courier service only.No hand delivery is accepted. The authority will not be responsible for any postal delay.
Sl.No. / Items / Make / Quantity1000 mM dNTP mix / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 4x 0.25ml
2X PCR Taqmixture / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 20 reactions (0.5ml)
Acrylamide / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 50 gm
Agar agar / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Aluminum foil / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 10 no.
Baffled bottom flask / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1no.
BamH I / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 250units
BioLit Protoplast Fusion Kit / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1kit
Boric acid / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Chloroform extra pure / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 2 x 500 ml
Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 10 gm
CTAB / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 100 gm
Dialysis membrane -70 / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 meter
Dihydrogen potassium phosphate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Dinitro salicylic acid / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 25 gm
Dipotassium hydrogen phospahate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydride / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
DMEM / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 x 5 L
DNA marker- 100 bp / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 pack
EcoR I / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 250units
EDTA / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 100 gm
Ethanol / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 15 no.
Foetal Bovine Serum / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 100 mL
Forceps(blunt) / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 2 no.
Forceps(pointed) / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 no.
Glacial acetic acid / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 2.5 L
Gloves / Tarson / 1 pack
Gram Staining Kit / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 pack
HexaG-plus 1 / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 no.
HexaG-plus 3 / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 no.
HexaG-plus 9 / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 no.
Hind III / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 250units
HiPer® MTT Cell Asay Teaching Kit / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 kit (5 expt)
HiPer®TeachingmKit for Lymphocyte isolation and Staining / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 kit (5 expt)
HPLC grade methanol / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 2.5 L
Hydrochloric acid / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 mL
Inoculating loop / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 2 no.
Iodine solution / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 125 mL
MR-VP Broth / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Negative Staining Kit (Congored 1% aqueous) / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 kit
Nigrosin / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 25 gm
Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride(NBT) / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 250 mg
Penicillin streptomycin powder / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 5 x 50 ml
Petroleum ether(60-80) / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 2.5 L
Polyvinyl alcohol (cold water soluble) / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Sandwich ELISA kit / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 kit (5 exp)
Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore stains / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 no.
SDS / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Sealing film / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 no.
Simmon’sCitate Agar / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Sodium acetate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 100 gm
Sodium alginate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Sodium bicarbonate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 100 gm
Sodium molybdate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 100 gm
Sodium nitrate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Petridish / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 packet
Sodium orthophosphate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Sodium potassium tartrate / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Spatula / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 10 no.
Spirit lamp with mouth openable / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 3 no.
Sterile syringe driven filters / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1x100 no.
Thiamine HCl / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 25 gm
Tissue culture flasks (25cm2) / Borosil / 4 x 10 no.
Tissue paper / Softex / 20 rolls
Tris base / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 1 x 100 gm
Tris HCL / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 100 gm
Trypsin / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 100 gm
Tryptone / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 500 gm
Tyrosine / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 25 gm
Xylose / Himedia/SRL/Merck / 10 gm x 2
CET, Bhubaneswar
Fax:0674-2386182, Website: -