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Français 3H
Tâches ménagères
Interprétation écrite
A. Comprendre des mots-clés en contexte
Lisez le texte et identifiez les mots en français qui expriment le sens de ces mots/phrases en anglais. Les mots sont indiqués en ordre chronologique.
- involving
- the completion
- rid oneself of a burden
- from a young age
- responsible for themselves
- key points
- to expect from
- the steps
- by putting on music
- balance
- laundry basket
- without supervision being necessary
- to sign up
- budget one’s time
5+ / 14 key words appropriately with context of the text.5 / Identifies 12-13 key words appropriately with context of the text.
4 / Identifies 10-11 of key words appropriately within context of the text or 12-13, but with some errors.
3 / Identifies 8-9 key words appropriately within the context of the text or 10-11, but with some errors.
2 / Identifies 6-7 key words appropriately within the context of the text, or 8-9, but with some errors.
1 / Identifies fewer than 6 key words, or 6-7 key words, but with errors.
0 / No response
B. Purpose/Main Idea.
Using information from the excerpt, provide the main idea of this text in Englishand provide a few details from the text to support the main idea.
Grille pour l’idée principale
5 / Identifies the complete main idea(s) of the text and provides a few pertinent details to support this main idea.4 / Identifies the main idea and provides at least one pertinent detail/example to support the main idea.
3 / Provides a relevant main idea but does not support it with any pertinent details or examples.
2 / May provide details from the text, but is unable to determine a main idea or may provide a partial main idea.
1 / The main idea and details provided to not follow the ideas presented in the text.
0 / No response given
C. Supporting Details.
1. Check each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included).
2. Fill in the information that is given for each detail you have checked. Write in English.
Reasons to have children participate in household chores
The age that one should start involving children in chores
What to take into account when assigning your child chores
Ways to make doing household chores more fun
At what age you can start having children wash vegetables in the sink
Chores that are acceptable for children, starting age 3
When you can start asking your child to take out the garbage
At what age a child can start taking care of their own pet
When you can start asking your child to do his/her own laundry
At what age, children can water plants
Which household chores children can be expected to do starting around 10-12 years old
The kind of work children do when they do household chores
A reason to set up a schedule of chores in advance
How much time you should give a child to complete his/her chores
Grille pour la compréhension des détails
5 / Identifies all supporting details in the text and accurately provides information from the text to explain these details.4 / Identifies most of the supporting details and provides pertinent information from the text to explain these details
3 / Identifies most of the supporting details and provides pertinent information from the text to explain many of them
2 / Identifies someof the supporting details and provides pertinent information from the text to explain some of them
1 / Identifies few of the supporting details, does not provide pertinent information from the text to explain supporting details.
0 / No response
D. Guessing Meaning from Context. Find the underlined words/phrases and write what you think they mean in English. The information in parenthesis tells you in which section of the text the word appears.
1. La collaboration des enfants aux corvées ménagères est essentielle… (Déléguer aux enfants)
2. Voici donc quelques clefs pour que l’entreprise se passe sans trop d’accrocs (Déléguer aux enfants)
3. il ne sert à rien de donner ces tâches à sa sœur, qui, elle, préfère passer la lance d’arrosage dans le jardin (°3 sur la liste Déléguer aux enfants)
4. Pensez également à y inscrire par avance des dates butoir… (Planning des tâches)
5. L’enfant sera donc libre de s’organiser comme il l’entend pour réaliser la tâche… (Planning des tâches)
Grille pour la compréhension de nouveaux mots
5 / Infers meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases in the text. All inferences are accurate.4 / Infers meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases in the text. Most of the inferences are plausible although some may not be accurate.
3 / Infers meaning of some unfamiliar words and phrases in the text. Most of the inferences are plausible although many are not accurate.
2 / Inferences of meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases are largely inaccurate or lacking.
1 / Is unable to infer the correct meaning of any of the words or phrases or no response
E. Inférences culturelles: Considérez ces scénarios et préparez vos réponses. Puis, jouez les rôles (à l’oral) avec un partenaire.
A. Imaginez que vous êtes le/la parent d’une famille de trois enfants (de 3 ans, 7 ans, et 10 ans). Vous et votre mari/femme préparez une réunion de famille où vous allez expliquer à la famille la répartition de tâches ménagères pour le mois de novembre.
- Qu’est-ce que vous préparez avant la réunion de famille?
- Comment diviserez-vous les différentes tâches ménagères et pourquoi?
- Que direz-vous à un enfant qui n’aime pas vos idées?
B. Imaginez que vous êtes un/une des enfants dans la famille. Après la réunion de famille, vous téléphonez à un/une ami(e) et vous lui expliquer ce qui s’est passé et ce que vous allez devoir faire à la maison. Donnez votre réaction à ce nouveau système. Comparez les systèmes dans vos deux maisons.
5 / Infers and interprets the text’s meaning in a highly plausible manner and supports these inferences with detailed, pertinent information from the text.4 / Infers and interprets the text’s meaning in a partially complete and/or partially plausible manner and adequately supports these inferences with pertinent information from the text.
3 / Makes a plausible inference regarding the text’s meaning but provides inadequate information from the text to support this inference.
2 / Makes a plausible inference regarding the text’s meaning but does not support the inference with pertinent information from the text.
1 / Does not make a plausible inference regarding the text’s meaning.
0 / No response
Interpretive Reading out of 25
Rubric / Gradebook
26 / 102
25 / 100
24 / 98
23 / 95
22 / 93
21 / 90
20 / 88
19 / 85
18 / 83
17 / 80
16 / 78
15 / 75
14 / 73
13 / 70
12 / 68
11 / 65
10 / 63
9 / 60