BIO102 Unit 3
Circulatory System
Study Guide
I.Functions of the Circulatory System
A.Composed of both the cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
B.Carries nutrients
C.Carries metabolic waste
D. second line of defense
II.Components of the Circulatory System
B.Blood vessels
C. Blood
D. Blood forming & blood storing structures:
E. Lymphatic System
III. Functions of the Circulatory System
A. Transport
B. Maintenance of body temperature
D. blood proteins
III. The Cardiovascular System
A. Blood Vessels
1. arteries
2. capillaries
3. veins
B. Arteries
1. carries blood
2. inner layer
3. middle layer
4. outer layer
5. arterioles
6. constrict
7. dialate
8. List the name and location of some of the major examples of arteries in the body:
C. capillaries
1. description:
2. location:
3. function:
D. Veins:
1. function:
2. description
3. valves:
4. venules
5. List the name and location of some of the major examples of veins in the body:
6. How does the action of skeletal muscle contraction help move blood in veins?
IV. Heart
A. Location:
B. mediastinum
C.Heart Tissue Layers
1. myocardium
2. endocardium
3. perocardium
D. Heart Chambers
1. atrium (atria)
2. ventricles
E. Heart Valves
1. Atrioventricular valves:
a. tricuspid valve -
b. bicuspid or mitral valve -
2. semilunar valves:
a. pulmonary valve -
b. aortic valve -
3. chordae tendineae -
V. Blood Flow Through the Heart & Body
A. Superior & Inferior Vena Cava –
B. Right Atrium – (tricuspid valve)
B. Right ventricle- (pulmonary valve)
C. Lung exchange
D. pulmonary veins
E. Left Atrium – (bicuspid valve)
1. pulmonary circuit
F. Left Ventricle – (aorta valve)
G. Aorta –
2. systemic circuit
VI. Blood Circulation
A. Pulmonary Circuit - defined
B. Systemic Circuit- defined
C. Systemic Circulation (in detail)
1. left ventricle (aortic valve)
2. aorta
3. arteries
4. arterioles
5. deoxygenated blood
6. venules
7. major veins – (superior & inferior vena cava)
D. Pulmonary Circulation (in detail)
1. right atrium – (tricuspid valve)
2. right ventricle – (pulmonary valve)
3. pulmonary trunk –
4. pulmonary arteries –
5. pulmonary veins & left atrium (bicuspid or mitral valve)
VII. Heartbeat (Cardiac Cycle)
A. Description of a heart contraction:
B. systole
C. Diastole
D. pulse
VIII. Intrinsic Control of Heartbeat
A. SA (sinoatrial) node –“the pacemaker”
1. location:
2. action:
B. AV (atrioventricular) node -
1. location:
2. tissues & actions:
C. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
1. records action potential
2. P wave (atrial depolarization)
a. atria contraction
3. P to Q interval
a. conduction time from atrial to ventricular excitation)
b. the time it takes SA node to transmit impulse to AV node
4. QRS complex
a. ventricular depolarization
b. indicates the ventricles contracting
5. T wave
a. ventricular repolarization
b. recharging of the ventricle for next heartbeat
IX. Heartbeat – Extrinsic Control
A. CardiacControlCenter
B. Adrenal Gland
X. Blood
A. Formed Elements
1. erythrocytes
a. hemoglobin
b. function:
2. leukocytes
a. functions
b. granular types:
c. agranular types:
B. Leukocytes Types:
1. Neutrophils
a. description
b. quantity in the blood
c. functions:
2. Eosinophils
a. description
b. quantity in the blood
c. functions: (phagocytosis)
3. Basophils
a. description:
b. quantity in circulation
c. functions:
4. Lymphocytes
a. description:
b. quantity in circulation:
c. functions:
5. Monocyte:
a. description:
b. quantity in circulation:
c. Function: (phagocytosis)
C. Platelets (thrombocytes)
1. description
2. function:
3. quantity in circulation
D. Blood Plasma:
1. general composition
2. Perecentage of blood volume
E. Components of Blood Plasma
1. water
2. plasma proteins
a. albumin
b. globulins
c. fibrinogen
3. salts
4. gases
5. nutrients
7. nitrogenous waste
XI. Disorders of the Circulatory System
A. Leukemia
B. hypertension
C. heart attack
D. atherosclerosis
E. stroke