Frenzelit at “ALUMINIUM”, 14.-16. September 2010
Messe Essen, Hall 6, Stand F 42
A complete range supplied by Frenzelit:
From aluminium insulation
to cylinder head gasket materials
The only thing that is bigger than Frenzelit’s product portfolio is the list of industries that opt for solutions from Frenzelit at crucial points in the production process.
Gaskets and gasket materials division:
Close liaison with the user
Photo 1 (Gaskets)
Comprehensive know-how acquired over a period of many years and process engineering skills enable Frenzelit to set standards in the production of new gasket materials. Frenzelit supplies a full range of gaskets, with novaphit®, the generation of gaskets made from pure graphite reinforced with expanded metal, the material concept novatec® - “engineered graphite with Kevlar® (a trade-mark registered by DuPont)”, the high-pressure gasket material novapress®, the high-temperature material novaMICA®
THERMEX based on mica, the PTFE gaskets novaflon® and the metal, dispenser and screen printing gaskets novaform®.
Automotive and new materials division:
Mobility facilitated by ingenious materials
Photos 2/3 (novaform®: metal, screen printing and dispenser gaskets) and (HICOTEC®)
As technology leader for gaskets, technical textiles, expansion joints and insulation, Frenzelit is a popular partner when customer-oriented high-tech solutions are needed for the automotive industry. Frenzelit can be found in practically every German car brand, e.g. screen printing gaskets for suction lamellae in air pressure brake systems, filter modules for the water pump, insulation materials in the exhaust system, needlemats for the wheel arches or HICOTEC® films for passenger compartment radiant heaters. Frenzelit develops and produces a range of composite fibre materials under this name. These HICOTEC® materials are based on the use of such high-performance fibres as carbon fibres. They are “new materials” for new application areas.
Technical textiles and insulation division:
Cool solutions for hot applications
Photo 4/5 (Technical textiles) and (Insulation)
Skills in the development and processing of highly temperature-resistant fibres combined with decades of experience have made Frenzelit one of the leading manufacturers of technical textiles. The range of sealing and insulating materials consists of various product lines, such as isoGLAS®, isoTHERM®, novaTEX® or novaSEAL® with different temperature limits up to 1 100°C. The insulation programme includes not only heat insulation materials like woven fabrics, woven tapes and needlemats from the isoGLAS® and isoTHERM® product lines, but also isoplan® insulation panels and special materials for transport rollers used in high-temperature applications, novaplan® heat shielding materials and pillows for acoustic insulation.
Expansion joints:
Technology for smooth processes
Photo 6 (Expansion joint)
More than forty years of experience go into the production of our fabric and elastomer expansion joints for power engineering and plant manufacturing applications. Due to the extremely exacting demands made in operation, exclusive use is made of highest-quality special woven fabrics produced in-house from glass, silicate or aramid fibres as well as the necessary coatings. PTFE composite material and PTFE, rubber and steel expansion joints round off the product range.
Brochures available on request
Further information is provided in brochures about the company as a whole, about the separate divisions and about individual applications areas, for example
“Customer-oriented high-tech solutions for …
· process industry“
· heating and air conditioning“
· the automotive industry“
· shipbuilding“
They can be ordered or downloaded from HS
Frenzelit: “creating hightech solutions”:Innovations today for the world tomorrowFrenzelit-Werke GmbH & Co. KG develops, produces and sells gaskets and gasket materials, technical textiles for heat insulation and sealing as well as expansion joints for plant engineering. About 400 employees work at the facilities in Bad Berneck and Himmelkron in Germany. Subsidiaries and sales offices in the USA, Russia, the Czech Republic, China and India are impressive evidence of the global presence that the medium-sized company from Upper Franconia in Southern Germany has established. The managing partner is Dr Wolfgang Wagner. Frenzelit was established in 1881. The company has not only ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 9001 quality management certification but also ISO 14001 environmental management certification.
Further information can be found in the Internet at
Frenzelit Werke GmbH
P.O. Box 11 40, 95456 Bad Berneck, Germany
Phone +49 9273 72-0, Fax +49 9273 72-222
Text: Photo:
HS Public Relations GmbH HS / Frenzelit
Louis Schnabl
Marbacher Strasse 114
40597 Düsseldorf
Phone +49 211 90486-10
Fax +49 211 90486-11