Date Range August 31st – September 23rd
Review Day: Sept 20, 21
Test Day: Sept 22, 23
1.2 Points, Lines, and Planes_
Prior Knowledge:Students have previously applied their knowledge of arithmetic to the study of algebra, and now they will continue to use arithmetic in this section as they apply it to points, lines, and planes.
- Today I will learn the basic terms of geometry and use basic postulates of geometry to solve problems.
Success Criteria:
- I can identify collinear points.
- I can name planes in multiple ways.
- I can explain the difference between a postulate and conjecture.
- I can explain and use the 4 basic postulates of geometry.
- I can find the intersections of two planes.
Performance of Understanding: guided practice and TOD
What questions do I still have?
Self-Assessment: Where I am in relation to this lesson’s target(s)?
Rating scale: (Check One)
______1 – Novice: I looked at my notes and/or got help and still got the problems incorrect.
______2 – Apprentice: My problems are mostly correct, but I am not very confident.
______3 – Proficient: My problems are correct, but I used a resource(s) to help me solve the problem.
______4 – Distinguished: My problems are correct and I did not use any resources.
Plan of action: In order for me to master the material, I am going to:
1.3 Segments, Rays, Parallel Lines and Planes.
Prior Knowledge: Students have previously learned basic terms of geometry: point, line, plane, and they will now extend this understanding of those terms into more basic geometry terminology.
- Today I will learn how to identify segments and rays.
- Today I will learn how to recognize parallel lines and apply it to real world problems.
Success Criteria:
- I can name segments and rays from a diagram
- I can identify parallel and skew lines from a diagram.
- I can identify parallel planes.
Performance of Understanding: guided and individual practice, TOD
What questions do I still have?
Self-Assessment: Where I am in relation to this lesson’s target(s)?
Rating scale: (Check One)
______1 – Novice: I looked at my notes and/or got help and still got the problems incorrect.
______2 – Apprentice: My problems are mostly correct, but I am not very confident.
______3 – Proficient: My problems are correct, but I used a resource(s) to help me solve the problem.
______4 – Distinguished: My problems are correct and I did not use any resources.
Plan of action: In order for me to master the material, I am going to:
1.4 Measuring Segments and Angles
Prior Knowledge:Students have previously learned about measuring and now they will apply this to measuring angles and segments. They also need to know how to solve each equation.
- Today I will learn to measure and compare segments lengths.
- Today I will learn to measure angles and classify as acute, right, or obtuse.
Success Criteria:
- I can find segment lengths and determine congruence of segments.
- I can use measure and classify angles.
- I can use the angle addition postulate,
- I can identify congruent angles.
Performance of Understanding: guided and individual practice, White boards, TOD
What questions do I have about this lesson?
Self-Assessment: Where I am in relation to this lesson’s target(s)?
______1 – Novice: I looked at my notes and/or got help and still got the problems incorrect.
______2 – Apprentice: My problems are mostly correct, but I am not very confident.
______3 – Proficient: My problems are correct, but I used a resource(s) to help me solve the problem.
______4 – Distinguished: My problems are correct and I did not use any resources.
Plan of action: In order for me to master the material, I am going to:
1.5 Basic Constructions
Prior Knowledge:Students have vocabulary foundation of points, lines, segments, and rays that they can expand in this section. Students have also taken Algebra 1 and can use substitution to solve equations.
- Today I will learn to use a compass and a straightedge to construct congruent segments and congruent angles.
- Today I will learn to use a compass and straightedge to bisect segments and angles.
Success Criteria:
- I can use tools to construct congruent segments, angles, and bisectors of segments and angles.
- I can explain what it perpendicular means.
- I can use algebra to figure out the measure of angles.
Performance of Understanding: individual practice, TOD
What questions do I still have about this lesson?
Self-Assessment: Where I am in relation to this lesson’s target(s)?
______1 – Novice: I looked at my notes and/or got help and still got the problems incorrect.
______2 – Apprentice: My problems are mostly correct, but I am not very confident.
______3 – Proficient: My problems are correct, but I used a resource(s) to help me solve the problem.
______4 – Distinguished: My problems are correct and I did not use any resources.
Plan of action: In order for me to master the material, I am going to:
1.6 The Coordinate Plane
Prior Knowledge:Students have previously learned to evaluate algebraic expressions in Algebra 1 and will use those skills in this lesson.
- Today I will learn how to find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane.
- Today I will learn how to find the coordinates of the midpoint of a segment in the coordinate plane.
Success Criteria:
- I can use the distance formula.
- I can apply the distance formula to real world problems.
- I can use the midpoint formula.
- I can solve linear equations.
Performance of Understanding: guided and individual practice, TOD, whiteboards
What questions do I have about this lesson?
Self-Assessment: Where I am in relation to this lesson’s target(s)?
______1 – Novice: I looked at my notes and/or got help and still got the problems incorrect.
______2 – Apprentice: My problems are mostly correct, but I am not very confident.
______3 – Proficient: My problems are correct, but I used a resource(s) to help me solve the problem.
______4 – Distinguished: My problems are correct and I did not use any resources.
Plan of action: In order for me to master the material, I am going to:
1.7 Perimeter, Circumference, and, Area
Prior Knowledge:Students have previously worked with finding the distance between points and will use those skills on this lesson.
- I can find the perimeter and area of rectangles, squares, and circles.
Success Criteria:
- I can investigate the formulas for calculating area and perimeter of shapes.
- I can calculate circumference of a circle.
- I can use the distance formula to find the perimeter of a triangle.
- I can find area of irregular shapes.
Performance of Understanding: investigation activity, individual practice, TOD
What questions do I have about this lesson?
Self-Assessment: Where I am in relation to this lesson’s target(s)?
______1 – Novice: I looked at my notes and/or got help and still got the problems incorrect.
______2 – Apprentice: My problems are mostly correct, but I am not very confident.
______3 – Proficient: My problems are correct, but I used a resource(s) to help me solve the problem.
______4 – Distinguished: My problems are correct and I did not use any resources.
Plan of action: In order for me to master the material, I am going to:
Key Vocabulary in this Unit:
- acute angle
- angle
- angle bisector
- axiom
- collinear points
- compass
- congruent angles
- congruent segments
- conjecture
- construction
- coordinate
- coplanar
- counterexample
- inductive reasoning
- line
- midpoint
- obtuse angle
- opposite rays
- parallel lines
- parallel planes
- perpendicular bisector
- perpendicular lines
- plane
- point
- postulate
- ray
- right angle
- segment
- skew lines
- space
- straight angle
- straightedge