A Bill to Provide Proper Healthcare Incentives


SECTION 1. The Joint rule on Incentives for Nondiscriminatory Wellness Programs in Group Health Plans is amended to include the following language: "No incentive shall be allowed which provides a financial penalty for any failure to correct any behavior or health care condition."

SECTION 2. Such penalties may include, but are not limited to, higher healthcare premiums for those who smoke, higher healthcare premiums for those who meet the definition of overweight or obese, or changes in coverage based on the cessation of the above.

SECTION 3. The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury, as well as the Internal Revenue Service, will oversee enforcement of this joint rule.

SECTION 4. This will take effect at the end of the year 2018's open enrollment period.

SECTION 5. All Laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Submitted by Dru Kelton, Jeffersonville High

A Bill to make our Highways Safer


SECTION 1. All commercial vehicles with a gross weight greater than Thirty Thousand pounds shall be equipped with a mechanical device limit maximum speed of the vehicle to no more than 70 miles per hour.

SECTION 2. This device, or governor, shall be required as standard equipment on all vehicles manufactured after the effective date of the legislation, and all existing vehicles shall be retrofitted to include this device.

SECTION 3. The National Transportation Highway Safety Board will be held responsible for enforcement of this legislation. Operators of vehicles found to be in violation shall be subject to a fine of no less than ten thousand us dollars.

SECTION 4. This shall take effect on July 3rd 2019, and this shall be announced as soon as it passes.

SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Submitted by Paige Sweeney, Jeffersonville High

A Bill to educate the children on morals to improve the character of our nation.


SECTION 1. Schools from grades three to eight are required to instigate a new class focusing on moral and character development, mainly through activities beneficial to one's community.

SECTION 2. Character development: morals such as generosity, kindness, and integrity.

Activities: such as volunteer work in the community.

SECTION 3. The Department of Education will oversee the enforcement of this bill

1. To further encourage the implementation of this bill in every school, the department of education will offer one thousand dollars for each school that implements the bill before the 2018/ 2019 school year.

SECTION 4. This bill will be implemented by the 2019/2020 school year.

SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Bill by Tien-Lu Huang

Jeffersonville High School

A Bill to Encourage Immigration to the United States By Increase in Immigration, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Decrease on Sanctions.

Section 1

1. Increase maximum number of immigrants allowed into the United States.

2. Increase number of people allowed refugee status and people seeking asylum into the United States.

3. Decrease on sanctions for immigration on Muslim majority countries.

Section 2

1. Asylum is the the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee.

2. Refugees are generally people outside of their country who are unable or unwilling to return home because they fear serious harm.

3. Refugee status is a form of protection that may be granted to people who meet the definition of refugee and who are of special humanitarian concern to the United States.

Section 3

1. All of the above actions will be under the United States government.

1. With the agreement of Congress.

2. Enforcement by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS).

Section 4

8. The resolution is active immediately.

Section 5

9. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

By Erin Kramer

Jeffersonville High School

A Resolution to Encourage the President to Sign the Paris Climate Agreement

WHEREAS,The president's decision to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement has caused international backlash and embarrassment; and

WHEREAS,The United States is the only country in the world that has refused to sign the agreement since Syria signed in early November; and

WHEREAS,Climate change is a danger for our people, planet, and country; and we must treat this threat accordingly; and

WHEREAS,This refusal to sign the agreement will also leave the United States behind in renewable energy resources for future sustainability; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED,By the Congress here assembled strongly recommend the president to sign the Paris Climate Agreement.

Introduced by Trinity High School

A Bill to Increase the Public Health Emergency Fund


SECTION 1.The Public Health Emergency Fund shall hereby be increased by by $1.7 billion each year for the next ten years.

SECTION 2.The Public Health Emergency Fund is a section of the Disaster Relief Fund that is dedicated to human health emergencies, most notably and recently is the opioid crisis.

SECTION 3.The Federal Emergency Management Agency will oversee the implementation of this legislation.

A.The funds will come from ceasing maintenance of vacant federal buildings.

SECTION 4.This legislation will go into effect on January 1st, 2019.

SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Trinity High School.

A Resolution to Support the Creation of a Kurdish State in Northern Iraq

WHEREAS,A Kurdish referendum has recently shown that the vast majority of the Kurdish people in Iraq wish to break away from the control of Baghdad; and

WHEREAS,They have fought for their independence repeatedly for years; and

WHEREAS,Continued subjugation of the Kurdish people will cause more strife in the Middle East; and

WHEREAS,It would be in our best interest to promote a more stable Middle East by supporting the creation of Kurdistan in Northern Iraq; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED,That the Congress here assembled make the following recommendation for the United Federal Government to support the creation of Kurdistan and use of diplomatic means to accomplish said task peacefully.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Cooper Winrich from Trinity High School.

A Bill to Restrict Termination of Presidential Appointees


Section 1. The U.S. Code be amended so that any presidential appointee will require equal levels of advice and consent from the Senate for approval and termination.

Section 2. The current standards of Senatorial confirmation that are required for each federal position with a presidential appointee shall become the standards for termination of that person from the office.

Section 3. This legislation shall take effect January 1, 2018.

Section 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by
Senator Correna Tate
Assumption High School

The Student Athlete Medical Act

SECTION 1. ​Intercollegiate Athletic Programs at 4 year universities will be required to adhere

to the following:

A. If a student athlete suffers an incapacitating injury or illness resulting from his/

her participation in the athletic program and therefore cannot compete, the athletic

program shall be responsible for renewing the scholarship funds [up to five years

or completion of degree, whatever comes first] in order to ensure the student can

continue with his/her education at the respective university.

B. The athletic program shall be responsible for paying the insurance deductible

amount applicable to the claim of any student athlete who suffers an injury

resulting from his or her participation in the athletic program and makes a claim

relating to that injury.

C. If a student athlete suffers an injury resulting from his or her participation in the

athletic program that requires ongoing medical treatment, the athletic program

shall provide, for a minimum of two years following the student athlete’s

graduation or separation from the institution of higher education, the necessary

medical treatment.

SECTION 2.​ Any university that does not adhere to the above standards will lose 40% of their

federal funding

SECTION 3. ​The Department of Education shall oversee the implementation of this legislation.

SECTION 4.​ This legislation will be implemented July 1 2018.

SECTION 5.​ All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

A Bill to Tax the NCAA

SECTION 1.​ The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is hereby stripped of its

Non-Profit Status.

SECTION 2.​ “Non-Profit” is defined as a 501 C3; an entity that receives federal funding

subsidies and is excluded from federal taxing.

SECTION 3​. The Internal Revenue Service will be in charge of implementation of this


SECTION 4. ​This bill shall be implemented April 16 2018.

SECTION 5.​ All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

A Resolution to Recognize Catalonia

Whereas,​ Catalonia has long considered itself a nation within a hostile state; and

Whereas,​ The history of its self-government has been repeatedly disrupted through acts of war

and dictatorships imposed by Central Spain; and

Whereas,​ The United States has its roots based in independence; and

Whereas,​ The United States has enormous leverage in the situation between Spain and an

emerging Catalonia; and

Whereas,​ The United States could use its influence to prevent a violent crackdown on the region

and encourage a peaceful separation; now therefore be it

Resolved, ​That the Congress here assembled recognize Catalonia as independent from Spain.

A Bill to Identify CTE Before It’s Too Late

SECTION 1.​ A.​ $50 million shall be given to the research, improvement, and creation of a

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) test.

B. ​This money shall be taken from the United States Military Budget (FY 2019).

SECTION 2.​ At the time of testing and development, professional athletes of the 4 major sports

leagues shall pay no fee to complete the test.

SECTION 3.​ The Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense

shall oversee the implementation of this legislation.

SECTION 4.​ This legislation shall be passed on July 1 2018.

SECTION 5.​ All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

A Bill to Take Net Neutrality Back Three Years

SECTION 1. ​This legislation will function as a Joint Resolution of Disapproval to overrule the

recent FCC’s decision concerning net neutrality.

SECTION 2. ​The 2015 regulations that prohibited broadband providers from blocking

websites or charging for higher quality service of certain content will remain in


SECTION 3.​The Federal Communications Commission shall oversee the passage of this


SECTION 4. ​This bill shall be implemented immediately upon passage [within the appropriate

60 day time frame]

SECTION 5.​ All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void,

A Bill to Fund CHIP

SECTION 1.​ The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) shall be renewed and funded

through 2022.

SECTION 2. ​The renewment of CHIP shall be funded by:

A. Cutting 6.3 billion dollars from the Prevention and Public Health Trust Fund

[over 5 years].

B. Increasing the amount Medicare beneficiaries pay on premiums by 35% [over 5


SECTION 3.​ The Department of Health and Human Services shall oversee the passage of this


SECTION 4. ​This legislation will take effect upon passage.

SECTION 5.​ All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.


SECTION 1. ​The complete text of the “Report and Educate About Campus Hazing” Act

(REACH) is hereby enacted.

SECTION 2.​ “Hazing” is defined as any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a

student, or a former student, of an institution of higher education, whether

individually or in concert with other persons, against another student, that—

A. Was committed in connection with an initiation into, an affiliation with, or

the maintenance of membership in, any organization that is affiliated with

such institution of higher education; and

B. Contributes to a substantial risk of physical injury, mental harm, or

degradation or causes physical injury, mental harm or personal


SECTION 3.​ The Department of Education shall oversee the passage of this legislation.

SECTION 4.​ This legislation shall be implemented on July 1 2018

SECTION 5. ​All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.