Finally, the temperature is cooling down, the leaves are changing color, and our calendar is filling up… FAST! Continue to read newsletters, emails, and portal NOTES for any upcoming communications. We will try to limit email distribution to Sundays. If you have NOT been receiving TTL emails, please let us know. Also, if you have not yet done so, please text the studio phone, so we have you in our contact list (484) 547- 5330.
TTL Spirit Wear Sale will start Oct. 13th!!! It is an online store where you can purchase bags and apparel for the whole family! We now have TODDLER sizes also!! Watch for the email to come out!
TTL will be closed in the evening of Wednesday, Oct 25th (WC Halloween parade) and Tuesday, Oct 31st (Halloween). These dates are scheduled closures, and will not be made up.
TTL will be participating in the Halloween Parade this year. Information will be sent out via email, and will be available at the desk. Any dancer under the age of 10 will need to have a parent with them.
Our Winter Show is scheduled for Dec 16th. Times of each dancer’s performance will be posted by Oct 15th. The Winter show is an “observation” rather than a full recital. If you already have plans for that day, let us know, and we can allow you to observe your child’s class at a different time. The Winter show will be held at Fugett Middle School.
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our dancers at the Car Wash! It was a fun day! Our next fundraising event will be “DESCENDANTS DAY”, for dancers ages 6-10. Check your email to register! Information is also available at the desk. This event is open to anyone, not just TTL families! So grab a friend and join Miss Alyssa for a fun-filled afternoon.
We will have two more events coming up; Vendor day on Nov 4th, and Parents night out on Dec 2nd. Both are always a lot of fun, so mark your calendars!
We are working to solidify the dates for the June recital. Please reserve June 6th 7th as possible dress rehearsal dates, June 8-10 as possible recital dates. This is our usual recital weekend, and we are working with the WCASD to secure the dates.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Any questions about classes and class placement should be directed to Ms. Rhonda. Any other TTL questions can be addressed to Patty at .