The Astorian

A Bi-Monthly Newsletter about Members and


Activities Volume 06– November-December 2017

The Astoria Beneficial Club Inc.,

“Celebrating a Rich Past:

Making a Difference In The Future

Message from the President

Greeting my fellowAstorians,

I hope this newsletter find you all well as we are entering into our fall and winter seasons of the year.

Please use caution and safety when raking and mowing of leaves for us that do our on clearing of leaves.Also be most careful of removing snow.

Remember our daylight saving time change back to regular standard time on November 5th, and it will get dark earlier be mindful of your surroundings.

Don't forget to vote on November 7, 2017 for your choice of candidates in your area. Every vote counts.

Our Clubs next big event is the Anniversary and Awards Banquet, to be held on November 19, 2017 at the Grace center at 4 P.M. please attend if possible.

Thanks to the Astoria Wives Club Inc. for their calendarof events.

Sunday October 29, 2017 Worship at Antioch Baptist Church.

Saturday December 16, 2017 10 A.M. 5 Street Baptist Church Grace Center, Presidential Prayer breakfast in honor of Mrs. Gloria J. Anderson.

Please keep all these events in your calendar.

God’s Blessing


Jonathan G. Johnson


Announcements and Reminders

The Next Regular Monthly Meetings;

Monday November 13 and Monday December 11, 2017

At the Letters Carriers Union Hall on Chamberlayne Ave

Nominating Committee – The following slate of Officers was submitted to the Club for 2018:

President Jonathan Johnson

1st Vice PresidentWayne Rachel

2nd Vice PresidentDalton King

Recording SecretaryArcher Dabney

Corresponding Secretary Fennon Henderson

Financial SecretaryJames Lewis

Assistant Financial SecretaryHerbert Southall, Jr.

TreasurerMarvin Tart, Sr.

Assistant TreasurerWillie Williams, III

Chaplain Ronald Ford

Assistant ChaplainHarvey Carey

Sgt.-At-ArmsTheodore Jones

Legal AdvisorAlan Foster

Board of Governors;

Eugene Harden

Roy Carter

Dolson Anderson

Ronald Ford

Keith Hicks


There will be a Presidential Prayer Breakfast honoring Astoria Wives Club, Inc.’s Mrs. Gloria J. Anderson on Saturday December 16, 2017 10:00 am at the Grace Center – Donation $20.00.


Club Website is ""

The Next Board of Governors Meeting;


The next Astoria Board meeting will be held on 11/30 at NALC club at 7pm-with a 6:30pm fellowship. Everyone will be hosting this one time.

We agreed andpassed at the last Board meeting that each member will contribute $15 each towards the meal. This is not expected from our New Board Members.

We need this to cover the expense of the meal. Please do your part. No excuses.


Wayne Rachel Sr

Board Chairman

Astoria Beneficial Club, Inc.

Officers 2017

Jonathan G. JohnsonPresident

First Vice PresidentWayne Rachel

Dalton King Second Vice President

Recording Secretary

Corresponding SecretaryFennon Henderson

Marvin R. Tart, Sr. Treasurer

Willie Williams IIIAssistance Treasurer

James H. Lewis, Jr.Financial Secretary

Herbert Southall, Jr. Assistance Financial Secretary

Ronald Ford Chaplain

Harvey Carey Assistance Chaplain

Theodore R. Jones, Sr.Sergeant At Arms

Alan J. Foster, Sr.Legal Advisor

Hamlet Hood, Jr.Historian

Astoria Calendar 2017







Happy Birthday

Happy Belated Birthday to Thomas Taylor. Celebrated in the Month of September.


Banks, Jr. William I.

Edwards, Jr., Andrew

Jones, Sr., Theodore R.

Moore, Alphonso


Barcroft, Sr. Gerald W.

Dickerson, Tyrone E.

Kenney, Walter T.

Shelton, Lornell L.

Thornton, William A.

“Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen”

Committees and Chairman


Alan J. Foster, Sr.


The Anniversary & Awards Committee;

James Lewis

Anniversary and Awards – The committee continues plans for our program to be held on Sunday, November 19, 2017 at the G.R.A.C.E. Center. Our confirmed Speaker is Mayor Levar Stoney and our Mistress of Ceremony is Ms. Antoinette Essa. Tickets will be $45.00 each. Deadline for ads and patrons list is October 31, 2016. Photos will be taken at our October meetings of the Club and Membership Committee. We request Club members to wear dark suites, neck ties, with Club medallions and pocket squares. Past presidents Alan Foster and Kirk Jones are now acting co-chairs of this committee.

Memorial/Sick Committee Member Dalton King shared that several Astorians are sick at this time: Algenon Brown, Roy Carter, James Lewis, Jake Woodie, James Hunt; James Taylor; Warrick Taylor, Henry Coleman. Cards have been sent out to members. Mr. Henry Coleman lost his mother, as well. Mr. Hamlet Hood and Lionel Alford are recovering as well.

Entertainment/Ways and Means Committee;


Norman McCowin presented the reports from our Annual Picnic and 2017 Raffle. Our total expenses were $701.48 and $273.52 was returned to the Club Treasury. Additional money is to be collected for our picnic guests. For our Raffle, total expenses were $2,008.20 with $1,103.40, less $700.00 ($403.41) returned to the Club Treasury.


PALS Committee

Bernard Christmas


Education Committee

Gerard McShepard


Membership Committee

Keith W. Hicks


Newsletter Committee;

The next Astorian (newsletter) will be sent January 3, 2018land mail, and email January 4, 2018. Harry D. Reid, Sr.–Newsletter Editor


Organized August 8, 2001

The remarkable tradition of the Astoria Beneficial Club, Inc. began on August 8, 1901 by 22 men who believed in firm religious values, high moral standards, intellectual growth, civic and social responsibility. Astoria also became a club of vision and recognized that the barriers to full citizenship eventually could be eliminated with patience, planning and timely action.
Astoria has earned a significant place in Richmond’s history because of the vision of its founders. They believed that the barriers to full citizenship could be eliminated with patience, planning and timely action. Their vision became the guiding light for a rich history of pioneer efforts to gain voting rights, equal opportunity employment and to end segregation of public eating facilities. The Astoria creed has inspired outstanding men from every walk of life to "higher moral, intellectual, civic and social standing" for almost a century.


I just had to share this;

The Secret of Selling To The Negro {1954}

Is one word, recognition, there’s nothing unusual about that, people want to be recognize. That’s basic in all of us, but because the Negro has had so little of it, the Negro need much more. He needs to feel important and appreciated, this need is a very real and important one. It shows up in many of the Negro shopping habits. Anyone who wants to sell and need to sell to the Negro needs to know about these habits.

Three habit in particular play a big part in every sales transaction;

  1. Most Negroes buy by brands, they ask for products by name. They are quick to turn down off brands. Buying by brand that’s the first important Negro buying habit.
  2. Negroes buy good quality merchandize, symbols of quality and prestige are very important to the Negro customer. Most buy for the approval and admiration of their friends and relatives (I can’t wait to show it to my friends, especially those I don’t like) it’s a well-known fact that many of their buying habits are influenced by what others will think of them. What their friends think of a certain item will influence their buying habits.
  3. When they specifically ask for one thing don’t try to sell them something else, don’t try to switch them at the point of sale, if you do they will probably react something like this, you don’t think I can afford this, he resent being offered a substitute. They want to be sold on quality not price.

The Negro buys by brand, he buys quality and don’t like to be switched at point of sale. These are the keys to Selling the Negro Customers.

Just For Laughs;

Teacher;what comes after 69?


Teacher; Get Out

World News

Two white men killed a total of 84 people in a little over a month between Las Vegas and Texas.

Are they terrorists yet?


Health News;

What Exactly Is Diabetes?

Diabetes comes in two forms or types: Type 1 (also known as juvenile or insulin dependent diabetes) and Type 2. In Type 1, an organ called the pancreas is no longer able to make insulin, a hormone that is essential for handling sugars in our body. Without insulin, we're unable to use glucose as an energy source and, as a result, our blood sugar becomes dangerously high. The only treatment for Type 1 diabetes is insulin, which can be delivered either via shots or through a continuous infusion via an insulin pump. It is believed that Type 1 diabetes is a result of a complex interaction of both genetic and environmental factors. There is no cure for Type 1 diabetes. In contrast,Type 2 diabetes occurs when our bodies are not able to respond to insulin – we become insulin resistant. Type 2 diabetes is most often associated with obesity and something doctors call "metabolic syndrome." This type of the disease can be reversed with weight loss and exercise in some cases, and it can also be treated with pills. Some patients with Type 2 diabetes also require insulin shots.

Type 1 diabetes accounts for only 5 percent of U.S. cases, but its incidence appears to be increasing.Type 1is most often diagnosed before age 6 or in the teenage years. Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common form and is most often diagnosed in adulthood.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of diabetes may include fatigue, frequent urination, excessive thirst, sudden weight loss or gain and excessive hunger. Symptoms develop quickly over weeks to months in Type 1, but may take years to develop in Type 2. Diabetes is diagnosed with a simple blood or urine test. Once the disease is diagnosed, treatment depends on which type of diabetes you have. Your doctor will develop a specific treatment plan for you and your family. Diabetes management requires lots of individual responsibility and involves family, friends, teachers and other school officials. The key to avoiding the complications associated with diabetes is to have a well thought out, comprehensive plan that allows you to have maximal flexibility while carefully controlling blood sugars every single day


James and Wanda Hunt celebrating October 12, 2017

“26 years today. Blessed with a good man. Would do it again. No doubt. It's our Anniversary!”

Astoria Song

(To the tune of Born Free)

Once more we gather together

Regardless of Weather

To salute The Astorians

Forward, onward and upward

Onward and upward

Forever that is our goal

Our weakness heeds

And strengthen our faith

Wit hope and love, and faith

Inspire our hearts

Forward, onward and upwards

Onward and upwards

The Astoria

The First Edition of the AstorianOnline(newsletter) version was launched January 2009 by Newsletter Editor Harry D. Reid, Sr. this is an online version of the original newsletter land mailed to all active members of the Club. The online version is an in depth perspective of the Club activities, Presidents Message, History, Upcoming event, Astorians in business, Health issues, Just-For- Laughs, Editorial, Business, Retirement and an opportunity for members to present issues of concern.

Send all articles and comments to;
