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WIPO / / E
DATE: October 5, 2005

assemblies of the member states of wipo

Forty-First Series of Meetings

Geneva, September 26 to October 5, 2005


prepared by the Secretariat

Symbol & serial no. of document / Languages of document[1] / Subject of document
A/41/INF/1 Rev.2 / E,F / General Information
(Second Revision)
A/41/INF/2 / E,F / List of Preparatory Documents
A/41/INF/3 / B / List of Participants
A/41/INF/4 Rev. / B / Bureaux/Officers
A/41/INF/5 / E,F / Parties to Treaties Administered by WIPO - Status on September 13, 2005
A/41/INF/6 / E,F / List of Documents
Symbol & serial no. of document / Languages of document[2] / Subject of document
A/41/1 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Consolidated and Annotated Agenda
A/41/2 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Program Performance Report for 2004
A/41/3 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Program Implementation Overview, January 1 to June 30, 2005
A/41/4 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Proposed Program and Budget for 2006-2007
A/41/5 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Report of the Eighth Session
of the Program and Budget Committee
A/41/6 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Accounts for the 2002-2003 Biennium; Interim Financial Statement for 2004; Contributions Arrears as of July 1, 2005
A/41/7 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Status of the Payment of Contributions on September 20, 2005
A/41/8 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Admission of Observers
A/41/9 Rev. / A,C,E,F,R,S / Composition of the WO/CC; Election of the Members of the P/EC and B/EC and Designation of the Ad Hoc Members of the WO/CC
A/41/10 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning the Establishment of a WIPO Audit Committee
A/41/11 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning the Adoption of the Proposed Internal Audit Charter
A/41/12 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Follow up of the Joint Inspection Unit’s Recommendation as Contained in its Report “Review of Management and Administration in WIPO: Budget, Oversight and Related Issues” (JIU/REP/2005/1)
A/41/13 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Audit by the External Auditor of the Detailed Construction Accounts Relating to the Renovation, Modernization and Extension of the Former World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Building
Symbol & serial no. of document / Languages of document[3] / Subject of document
A/41/14 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Interim Audit by the External Auditor of the New Administrative Building and Conference Room Construction Project – Follow up on the 2003 Audit
A/41/15 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Interim Audit by the External Auditor of the New Administrative Building and Conference Room Construction Project – Follow up on the 2004 Audit
A/41/16 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Management of the New Construction Project
A/41/17 / A,C,E,F,R,S / General Report
WO/GA/32/1 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Composition of the Program and Budget Committee
WO/GA/32/2 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning a Development Agenda for WIPO
WO/GA/32/3 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning Internet Domain Names
WO/GA/32/4 / A,C,E,F,R / Protection of Audiovisual Performances
WO/GA/32/4 Corr. / S / Protection of Audiovisual Performances - Corrigendum
WO/GA/32/5 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Protection of Broadcasting Organizations
WO/GA/32/5 Corr. / A,C,E,F,R,S / Protection of Broadcasting Organizations - Corrigendum
WO/GA/32/6 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Participation of Indigenous and Local Communities: Establishment of a Voluntary Fund: Recommendation of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore
WO/GA/32/7 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore
Symbol & serial no. of document / Languages of document[4] / Subject of document
WO/GA/32/8 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Invitation to WIPO from the Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity
WO/GA/32/9 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents
WO/GA/32/10 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning the Advisory Committee on Enforcement (ACE)
WO/GA/32/11 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning the Patent Law Treaty (PLT)
WO/GA/32/12 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Matters Concerning the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Revised Trademark Law Treaty
WO/GA/32/13 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Report
WO/CF/23/1 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Permanent Committee on Cooperation Related to Intellectual Property
WO/CF/23/2 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Report
WO/CC/53/1 / E,F / Staff Matters
WO/CC/53/2 / E,F / Approval of Agreements
WO/CC/53/3 / E,F / Report
P/A/36/1 / E,F / Report
P/EC/42/1 / E,F / Report
Symbol & serial no. of document / Languages of document[5] / Subject of document
B/A/31/1 / E,F / Report
B/EC/48/1 / E,F / Report
MM/A/36/1 / E,F,S / Legal Development of the Madrid System
MM/A/36/2 / E,F,S / Fee Reduction for Applicants from Least Developed Countries
MM/A/36/3 / E,F,S / Report
H/A/23/1 / E,F / Report
N/A/23/1 / E,F / Report
LI/A/20/1 / E,F / Report
LO/A/23/1 / E,F / Report
IPC/A/23/1 / E,F / IPC Reform Status Report
IPC/A/23/2 / E,F / Availability of the IPC Electronic Data
IPC/A/23/3 / E,F / Report
PCT/A/34/1 / E,F / Reform of the PCT
PCT/A/34/2 Rev. / E,F / Proposed Amendments of the PCT Regulations
Symbol & serial no. of document / Languages of document1 / Subject of document
PCT/A/34/3 / E,F / Proposed Amendments of the PCT Regulations – Clean Text
PCT/A/34/4 / E,F / Report on Quality Management Systems for PCT International Authorities
PCT/A/34/5 / E,F / Status Report on PCT Automation
PCT/A/34/6 / E,F / Report
BP/A/20/1 / E,F / Report
VA/A/16/1 / E,F / Report
WCT/A/3/1 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Report
WPPT/A/3/1 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Report
PLT/A/1/1 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Rules of Procedure
PLT/A/1/2 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Applicability of Certain Amendments and Modifications of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) to the Patent Law Treaty (PLT)
PLT/A/1/3 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Future Work
PLT/A/1/4 / A,C,E,F,R,S / Report

[End of document]

[1] A: Arabic; B: bilingual (English and French); C: Chinese;
E: English; F: French; R: Russian; S: Spanish.

[2] A: Arabic; B: bilingual (English and French); C: Chinese;
E: English; F: French; R: Russian; S: Spanish.

[3] A: Arabic; B: bilingual (English and French); C: Chinese;
E: English; F: French; R: Russian; S: Spanish.

[4] A: Arabic; B: bilingual (English and French); C: Chinese;
E: English; F: French; R: Russian; S: Spanish.

[5] A: Arabic; B: bilingual (English and French); C: Chinese;
E: English; F: French; R: Russian; S: Spanish.