You Do Not Think It Is Necessary to Ask Forgiveness for Anything You Do Because You Do
![You Do Not Think It Is Necessary to Ask Forgiveness for Anything You Do Because You Do](
You do not think it is necessary to ask forgiveness for anything you do because you do not do
anything wrong.
(Pride) / You just passed your driving test and now you won't listen to any new instructions from anyone. You have your driving license now so you know everything there is about driving.
You refuse to clean up the mess in the kitchen that you did because you have been at school all day and you are tired.
(Pride) / You have a terrible argument with your mother and you said some hurtful things, but you refuse to apologize because she wouldn’t let you go with your friends.
You receive a lower grade than you thought you deserved on a paper and yell at the teacher and call her an idiot.
(Pride) / You get mad and throw a book and break your Mom’s vase. You refuse to say you are sorry because she made you mad in the first place.
You are good at sports and laugh at others when they try and fail.
(Pride) / You come home from a friend’s house angry because they stink at playing video games.
Everyone keeps on complementing you on how well you can sing and you become stuck up.
(Pride) / You play a game and you loose. You throw a fit; yell and scream that it wasn’t fair and that you should have won.
You volunteer at the local shelter so your name will be written in the newspaper for your good deed.
(Pride) / You think you are smarter than everyone and get very frustrated with how stupid everyone is.
No matter what you are doing or where you are, you have to be the center of attention at all times.
(Pride) / You help tutor kids after school in Spanish so you can show off how smart you are.
You always buy all the neatest things that come out because you have to have the best in everything because you deserve only the best.
(Pride) / You ask your best friend if they like your school project. Your friend gives you a few suggestions that would improve it, but you ignore her suggestions because you think there is nothing wrong with your project and turn it in. (Pride)
The most popular guy in school asks someone else to the dance. You are absolutely shocked because you think he should have asked you.
(Pride) / Your teacher divides the class into groups to do a project. John wants to take charge of your group, but you wouldn’t let him because you can’t stand it when someone tries to be superior over you. (Pride)
No matter what your little brother does, you tend to find fault with him and make him feel bad
on purpose.
(Pride) / You don’t care what others have to say. Only your opinion matters. No one else’s.
You exaggerate what you do all the time just to look good to others.
(Pride) / There is a promotion at work and you think you are the only one
that deserves it.
Whenever you make a mistake, you do not admit it because you do not think you make mistakes.
(Pride) / Given any situation, you have to have it your way or no way.
You try out for the basketball team. You know you will make it on the team because you think you are the best in everything.
(Pride) / You call your brother a mean name and do not apologize.
You accidently break you sister’s iPod and you do not say you are sorry.
(Pride) / Your sister got an A in Science. You do not compliment her even though she deserves it.
You should always get the best of everything because you are more important than others.
(Pride) / You get second place in the Science Fair. You think your project is better and deserve
first place.
Your friend wants to play another video game and you do not. You start arguing with your friend to get your way.
(Pride) / You had a fight with your friend and you are angry at them for treating you so badly.
Sarah always gets the most attention from boys. You don’t like it so you hold a grudge
against her.
(Pride) / Your friend worked really hard to bring up their grade in Spanish from a C to a B. You do not congratulate her for the accomplishment.
You see a long line for the water fountain. You butt ahead of others and take your turn.
(Pride) / Your Mom likes it when she comes home from work and the kitchen is all clean. You make sure that you do it so your Mom will thank you in front of your siblings.
You have a heated argument with your brother. You will not give in because you are always right.
(Pride) / Tom made the football team and you did not. Now you refuse to be friends with him.
Your friend shows you the new MP3 player they got. His/her parents had to work overtime to be able to afford it. You tell them it's junk because you have one that holds more music and costs more money. (Pride) / You just got a new leather jacket and you can’t wait to show it off
to everyone.
You are last in a school race, but happy you have completed it.
(Humble) / Someone is being bullied in school and you stop it.
You volunteer at the Food Bank every Wednesday for a couple of hours just to help out.
(Humble) / You pass your driving test and now drive to school.
Your Mom asks you to clean up your room and you do it.
(Humble) / Your Great Aunt comes for a visit and you allow her to kiss your cheek.
Your little brother needs help with his homework and you help him.
(Humble) / Your sister calls you a mean name and you say nothing back.
You get a B on your math test and you are thankful.
(Humble) / You are not as good as an athlete as your brother, but you do enjoy playing sports.
You turn in your homework and it comes back with a lot of mistakes. You ask your teacher if you can correct it.
(Humble) / Your brother wants the window closed in the car. You want it open. You two discuss your problem and come up with a solution. You compromise and leave the window half way open. (Humble)
Your brother hits you and you
walk away.
(Humble) / You forgot about your homework and you go out and play soccer. You come home and your parents ask you if you did your homework. You just remembered that you have some and tell your parents. (Humble)
You accidently step on someone’s foot and you say, “I’m sorry.”
(Humble) / You respect the opinions of others and try to get along with everyone.
You try to be fair in any given situation even though you may not come out on top.
(Humble) / You are often complemented on your athletic abilities but you always graciously accept the compliment with thanks and
do not get a big head.
All of your teachers always commend your work ethic and personality. You are shy and become embarrassed at the attention but thank them.
(Humble) / You make sure everyone in your group that worked on the project gets recognition.
Tara got a new book bag and you tell her that you like it.
(Humble) / Your friend always beats you in games but you have a fun time any way.
You are happy for Jamie for making the cheerleading squad even though you did not.
(Humble) / Juniors want to be able to drive their cars to school so you help start a petition requesting for them to receive the privilege.
Your coat my not be new, but you are glad that it keeps you warm.