The Wildlife Group Update

Share a close encounter with wild life: Under a slow worm home we saw three pairs of mating slow worms (April 10th). Our first Swallows were seen on the 6th April, always a pleasure and relief to see them return.

Down the bottom of the garden my neighbours have a hedgehog feeding station. They have perfected the design and I would like to share it with you. A lidded plastic container (approx. 40 X 30 X 20 cms), has a hole cut into the short side (10 X 10 cms.The red band is to lower the height of the original hole which was too tall). The heavy stone on top is important and arguably the hole would be better if it had a lip, say 3 cms ht. instead of the front being raised by standing the box on a stone.

The inside layout is with the food bowl behind a "U" shaped 3 cms high box like construction. the forward facing box edge, i.e. the "bar" prevents enterprising animals pulling the food out. It is all well anchored in place with tape.

Note water bowl to the left of the feeding station

The alternative to a "feeding Station" is to feed the local Cat, Fox, Rat, Mouse, Dog and Hedgehog population. My neighbours have installed a night time camera looking at their feeding station and caught different animals trying their luck at getting the food. Before the bar was installed the cat and fox would drag the bowl out of the box using their paws. They have plenty of amusing footage and some of a fat Hedgehog going in and out too.

Froglets for free. If you have a wildlife pond and would like it stocked with beautiful froglets please contact me. Maybe make a wildlife pond with the kids over a weekend!

Meeting up:

This year some of our visits will be all day outings. These will be organised slightly differently. We will have a guide date, but liaise with those people that tell me they are interested. I'll communicate by email to confirm the date (because we don't want to be out all day in the rain!).

3rd or 4th May to Martin Down - All day outing.

Tips: Take a break from mowing all of your lawn by leaving part of it unmown for three weeks and see what flowers come up. Massed Daisies look stunning and the flowers make lovely necklaces, insects like them too!

Contact information:

Bridget Wadey:


or phone: 01749 860240

  • You can follow our activities by:joining our emailing list; contact Bridget see above,
  • through the FTN news( there is usually a monthly update on the Wildlife group
  • or , this site publishes our meetings and activities as they happen. The Wildlife Group has its own tag