Wendlebury Village Newsletter .

Winter 201 1-2012 .

Published quarterly by and for the residents of Wendlebury , Oxfordshire

Editor: Maggie Patient.

Parish Council News

The Wendlebury precept ,(the village’s part of the council tax), was discussed and fixed at the same level as last year.

Thames Valley Police Front Counter Provision – the Council was in agreement with the proposed changes to opening hours but would like this reviewed once the new housing stock in Bicester is completed.

Allotments – we now have the possibility for some land to be made available for allotments. We realise there was significant interest when this was raised 2 years ago and we will be putting out a survey soon to see who would want allotment space.

Graven Hill Development – Our formal comments have been submitted following the village meeting and CDC are deciding how to proceed.

Annual Litter Pick – The litter pick will take place at 2pm on Sunday 13th May, volunteers to help with this fun annual event are all very welcome. Meet in the village hall car park.

From: Kathy Sharp

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

We are now well advanced in the preparations for our village celebrations to be held on Monday 4 th June. Very shortly every household in the village will receive its invitation to join in with the Royal Garden Party in the village hall grounds and to all the other exciting events being held in the village that day.

Starting at 3pm we have a full programme of events. We will be focussing on the children and the garden party in the afternoon and a pig roast, bars and music in the evening, finishing off with a procession to the beacon and fireworks at the end of the day.

We have now had our beacon officially recognised and we will be part of the national programme for the lighting of the 2012 beacons across the country.

We are currently undertaking a survey on the number of children in the village so that we can provide them with a memento of the occasion. So do not be surprised if you are asked a question on the ages of children in your family. We do not want to miss anyone.

Our first fundraising event has now taken place. Saturday 3 rd March saw the Big Breakfast being held at the Village Hall, with the excellent food being provided by the members of the WI. It was extremely well supported and I am sure it has made a great contribution to the village jubilee fund. Thank you to everyone who braved the wet weather and made their way to the hall to join in. We will let you know how much was raised in a future web mailing.

At the Big Breakfast we announced the winners of the village Diamond Jubilee Logo Competition. Three prizes were presented, one to Maddy Powell in third place, one to Alex Bell as the runner up and Amy Bell in first place. As the winning entry Amy Bell’s will be used in all the village publicity for the event. Well done to all the entrants, thank you for joining in the competition.

Our next fundraising event is the Red, White and Blue Party to be held on Saturday 28 th April. The event will have a disco, bar, silent raffle and a Best of British finger food buffet. There is a prize for the most creative way you can wear a Union Jack. Start thinking outside of the box! Remember age is no barrier ( unless you are under 18 ) and we hope everyone will consider coming along to help raise the money required for providing the villagers with a brilliant Jubilee celebration. Tickets are available from Lindsay Daulton 248651, Paula Cordy 244589 or Lou 07880733557.

Already underway is the Village’s Diamond Jubilee Draw. We are selling tickets for these at all the village events and this fundraiser is being run by the Wendlebury Village Club. Tickets are £5 and there is a first prize of £250! We hope you will find it difficult to escape the lure of these little orange tickets....................

Keep an eye on the village website for more Jubilee information.

From: Anni Thompson

Wendlebury Village Club

Below is info for the next three months for events from Wendlebury Village Club:

1. ‘Children’s Easter Egg Hunt on the afternoon of Monday 9 th April. The venue for the Easter Egg Hunt is undecided. Although we would prefer to hold it at the Red Lion, with an amount of uncertainty about who will be running it then, we are leaving our options open until nearer the time. We will be sending flyers, emails and have display boards out when the venue is settled.

2. Travelling Supper – this popular event will be held on Saturday 12 th May.

3. Annual Village BBQ on Saturday 30 th June.

From: Jean Bebbington


Are you a Cricketer? Well do you fancy taking on our local arch rivals Chesterton on the Sunday of the Jubilee weekend, June 3 rd . The match will start at 2p.m. and probably be 20 overs per side. The good folk of Chesterton are going to provide the traditional tea and no doubt some beer. It would be great to get a good mix of ages.
Dave Holley has kindly volunteered to Captain the team and will no doubt be pulling together a rigorous training programme before the match...only kidding I hope!!
If you are interested in playing please drop a quick e mail to

Neighbourhood Watch

Bicester Rural neighbourhood update from WPC Caroline Brown .


In relation to thefts, a mobile phone was stolen from a shop in Ambrosden, number plates were stolen from cars in Ambrosden and Caversfield and a stereo was stolen from a parked car in Piddington. Lead was stolen from Fringford School and an attempt was made on Stratton Audley church roof. Heating oil was stolen from two properties, one in Chesterton and another in Stoke Lyne, fuel and batteries were stolen from vehicles parked on a farm in Souldern.

In relation to burglaries, horse tack was stolen from outbuildings in Fewcott and cash stolen during a burglary to The Red Lion in Stratton Audley. A quad bike and a steam cleaner were stolen from an outbuilding in Mixbury and a narrow boat at Lower Heyford was broken into and nothing stolen. A window was damaged at a house in Ambrosden and a fence damaged in Oddington. Police have checked occupied vehicles in the following villages and found the occupants to be in possession of Cannabis: Blackthorn, Caversfield and Launton.

Police updates

The Bicester Rural Neighbourhood Team are sending out crime prevention advice packs to all oil distributors in the area which customers will receive when ordering oil. We are working in partnership with Nolan Oils to deal with this issue. Officers from the Bicester rural team assisted colleagues on an operation on the Banbury rural area following recent burglaries. During this operation a vehicle was stopped and the occupants arrested on suspicion of going equipped to steal as they had in their possession items that could be used to commit thefts and also cannabis.

The team is now under the supervision of PS Nicki Entwistle who has taken over responsibility from PS Bruce Riddell who left us at the beginning of January. PS Entwistle has worked in the Bicester area for several years and was an officer on the town team before being promoted to sergeant over a year ago and comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience in Neighbourhood Policing.

Good News Stories.

Males have been arrested or given cautions for all the above drug offences. Another male has been arrested and charged for theft at Bicester Sports Association Chesterton where money was stolen from players’ vehicles and the changing rooms and is appearing in court later this month.

Contact us

If you want any advice or would like to contact the neighbourhood team you can call us on the new police non emergency number of 101 which came into effect on 14th November 2011, but if your call is an emergency then dial 999. You can also contact us via email: - please note this email address cannot be used to contact Thames Valley Police to report crimes or for any urgent matters. If you have information about crime or Anti Social Behaviour in your area but you do not want to speak to the police, please call the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555111. To view information on your neighbourhood team you can visit the force website at: www.thamesvalley.police.uk If you have information about crime but do not want to speak to the police, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

From : Jane Burrett

Your health records - Oxfordshire Care Summary .

The way we manage your health records is changing

The NHS in England is introducing the NHS Care Records Service to improve the safety and quality of patient care. These secure electronic records will give healthcare professionals faster, easier access to reliable information about you to help with your care - particularly in an emergency, or if you see a doctor out-of-hours when your GP practice is closed.

Your care records will be made up of two parts;

The national Summary Care Record – this record is held nationally and will be available across England to support emergency care and will contain three things: your allergies; your medications; and any adverse reactions to medicines that you have.

The local Oxfordshire Care Summary – this is ‘view only’ and will contain more detailed information than the national Summary Care Record. It will only be available to local healthcare professionals involved in your treatment in Oxfordshire.

Every individual in Oxfordshire aged 16 years old and over* will receive a patient letter at the beginning of April 2012, asking them to choose whether they want these care records. If you are a parent or guardian, you will need to make this choice on behalf of your child, or support them in making their own decision if you feel they are mature enough to do so. (*or who will be 16 by the end of June 2012)

For more information visit www.oxfordshirepct.nhs.uk/healthrecords or contact the information lines at:

· Summary Care Records telephone 0300 123 3020

· Oxfordshire Care Summary telephone 01865 428886 From : Sian Knot OXON PTC

150 club.

Winners: 09 Nov. £10 D. Jones, 16 Nov. £10 S. Brown, 23 Nov. £10 C. Burton, 30 Nov. £10 P. Goddard.

Bowler’s Copse W oodland Project.

The current Bowler’s Copse volunteers are retired so we meet on Thursdays (10.00 -13.00) from early November and we have 2 more days to do in order to finish some hand made gates to protect the coppiced 3rd section, from deer and rabbits who like the new shoots. This section had its new hazel planted in 2005-06 season. We have done some fencing as illustrated above and two different types as well.

Everyone is welcome to visit at any time – it is a small strip when you wizz past in the car but if you walk from the bigger bridge to the far end there may be some bluebells later and the little pond will probably fill up again.

There will be some new photos on the village website shortly.

Contact Mike Pearce 01869 243967 or Jane Burrett 01869 325876 for information.

From: Jane Burrett

Wendlebury W omen’s Institute.

Wendlebury WI is alive and well and nearly up to 30 members. We would love to enrol more ladies and we hope to do so this year. In any case, visitors are always welcome to our meetings.

The WI meets once a month – every second Tuesday (except in August) – in the village hall, when we discuss business and then we have a speaker or some other entertainment, except for when we have social events such as going out for a meal together or our annual Christmas Party.

We started the new year with 2 very good illustrated talks: one entitled “Tasting the Past – A Brief History of Food & Cooking” and the other about a river boat cruise through Russia from the Baltic to the Caspian – so this gives an idea of the range and variety of interesting talks that we enjoy. Our programme of speakers and subjects for the rest of the year includes “Child Labour in Victorian Oxfordshire”, “The Oxford of C.S. Lewis”, “Chinese Medicine” and “The History of Garden Design since 1700” by Paul Ridley.

There are also County and National events in which we participate and there really are subjects that cater for all tastes and interests. Details of all county events appear in News & Views, our monthly Oxfordshire Federation publication, and all members receive WI Life, the WI membership magazine.

For further information about the WI please contact our President Janet Witney on 01869 240705.

From: Elspeth Shirtcliffe

Secret Joker

My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30 this morning. Can you believe that - 2:30am? Luckily for him I was still up playing my bagpipes.