1.  Introduction

As a development organization, it is incumbent on us to always come out with a road map of the year in order to know in advance the task before us. It is often said that he who fails to plan is planning to fail. It is in line with this saying that YDC through a participatory approach was able to elaborate 2012 plan of action and budget which follows this brief introduction.

Permit me, to first of all state the mission and the objectives of YDC before elaborating the actions and budget

·  Youth Development Centre's mission is to enable youth and women acquired survival skills in order to secure a better future for themselves through education & training on life and vocational skills activities.


·  To carry out sustainable agricultural activities with youth and women’s groups.

·  To undertake activities geared towards the protection of the forest & its natural resources.

·  To assist communities in implementing development projects(e.g., water supply, community hygiene & sanitation)

·  To establish a multipurpose life & vocational training unit for the less privileged in order to equip them with practical knowledge and skills for employability and self reliance.

·  To wage a sustained campaign against the spread of HIV/AIDS & equally assist those affected by the pandemic (e.g. orphan & widows.)

We successfully implement three projects in 2011 i.e. vegetable gardening/Tree nursery, Hygiene & sanitation as well as a water supply project..

We shall within the course of 2012 implement activities in the domains of sustainable agriculture,(organic vegetable growing in schools/communities).Conservation (Tree nursery & planting),Hygiene and sanitation, vocational skills activities and community water supply projects

Below therefore is the elaborated 2012 action plan for the programmes envisaged



No / Activity / Indicator / period / Means of verification / Responsibility / partners / Expected results
1.  / Organize 1 sensitization meeting / At least 1 meeting held at the beginning of the year. / May 2012 / Workshop reports and pictures / YDC management / Donor agencies, Local contributions / The population becomes more aware of the activities of YDC.
2.  / Organize organic vegetable gardening workshop / Two workshop on organic vegetable gardening will be held and at least 280 children will be trained two school farms established / Sept- Oct 2012 / Pictures, reports and existing vegetable farms / YDC agric technician / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Increase in the use of organic manure
3.  / Organize workshop on agro-forestry/ organic farming system with women / 6 women groups trained and 6 agro-forestry farms established and at least 160 women trained on agro-forestry / May-June 2012 / Pictures, reports and existing agro-forestry farms / YDC agric technician / Donor agencies
Local contributions / Knowledge and skills on agro-forestry farming acquired by women’s groups
4.  / Re establish two central nurseries / Two nurseries re- established with a capacity of 4,000 seedlings each of different species / May 2012 / Reports ,existence of two nursery sites , and list of species available / YDC agric technician & nursery attendance / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Knowledge on tree nursery gained by pupils, youth and women.
5.  / Carryout tree planting in 4 schools and two communities / At least 4 schools and two communities have shed trees planted by Nov 2012 / June-Oct 2012 / Reports, pictures of tree planting exercise / YDC agric technician & nursery attendance / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Reduces the effect of global warming and provide shade and wind breeze
6.  / Distribute tree seedlings to farmers groups and children / Four schools and 6 communities have shed trees planted / Aug -Nov 2012 / Report on tree planting exercise / YDC agric technician & nursery attendance / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Beauty of the natural environment and provide shades
7.  / Organize campaign against bush fire / 1 campaign held in 1 local community / Jan-Mar 2012 / Report s and
Pictures / YDC agric technician / Donor agencies, Local contributions / -Improved soil nutrients & increased production
8.  / Organize 4 workshops on pig/poultry farming with YDC staff, youths and women’s group / At least two workshops held by Sept 2012 / June-Sept 2012 / Workshop reports and pictures / YDC peer educator / Donor agencies, Local contributions / More awareness on pig & poultry farming gained
9.  / Water supply to schools / water supplied to 1 school and pupils and FMC trained on
water management / July-Sept 2012 / Report s and
Pictures of existing water stand taps. / YDC management / Donor agencies, PTA, Local contributions / Reduces the out break of water borne diseases
10.  / Establish piggery /poultry farms and train children, youths and women on pig rearing and poultry farming / At least 100 pupils, 50 youths and 30 women trained on poultry and pig farming. / June-Oct 2012 / Existence of pig and poultry farms / YDC agric technician / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Practical knowledge on poultry & pig farms management gained
11.  / Assist youths and children, set-up piggery sty and poultry houses / 2 pig farm houses and 1 demonstration poultry house constructed where by at least 600 birds kept. / Sept-Nov 2012 / Existence of pig sty and poultry houses / YDC agric technician / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Practical knowledge gained
12.  / Organize Workshop and train farmers on feed composition / At least 5 staffs trained on pig and poultry farming / June-Sept 2012 / Workshop reports and pictures / YDC management / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Staff gained practical knowledge on feed composition
13.  / monitoring and Evaluation / Monitoring to project site at least twice a month and 1 mid term evaluation and 1 final evaluation / May-Dec 2012 / Monthly and yearly reports / YDC management / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Reports are ready in hard copies
14.  / Form FMC and train members / 4 school FMC and 6 communities will be trained on farm management / Sept-Nov 2012 / Existence of FMC members / YDC management / Donor agencies, Local contributions / Proper management of YDC project in schools
15.  / Inter school farms competition / 1 competition involving all the schools / June –Sept 2012 / Pictures and reports / YDC management / Donor agencies, Local contributions / -School pupils pleased with prizes.
- More seriousness in executing project


No / Activity / Indicator / period / Means of verification / Responsibility / partners / Expected results
1. / Organize sensitization campaign in communities / At least 3 communities will be involved in environmental clean up campaign by Oct 2012 / Sept-Oct 2012 / Clean up campaign report. list of attendance / YDC management / Fred foundation. YDC management / Conducive environment for the communities
2. / Sensitize schools on environmental sanitation / At least 4 schools will be sensitized on hygiene and sanitation by may2012 / May-Oct 2012 / Sensitization report / YDC management / Fred Foundation YDC beneficiaries / Awareness on health and sanitation raised
3. / Construct and rehabilitation of toilets in schools. / At least 3 clean toilets will be ready for use by children in 4 schools by Nov 2012 / Oct-Nov 2012 / Existence of toilet facilities / YDC management / Fred Foundation YDC beneficiaries / Incidence of air and water borne disease reduced.
4. / Set up first aid boxes/health posts in schools and communities / At least 4 fully equipped health posts become functional in 4 schools by Dec.2012 / Sept-Dec. 2012 / Existence of structures and list of medications bought / YDC management / Fred foundation YDC beneficiaries / Infant mortality rate reduced.. Health of the population improved. access to treatment improved
5. / Supply of trash cans to schools and communities / At least 12 trash cans supplied to 3 schools and communities by may2012 / Feb-may 2012 / Existence of trash cans / YDC management / Fred foundation YDC beneficiaries / Clean environment for habitation
6. / Produce & paste posters in schools and communities / At least 20 posters paste in 3 schools/ communities by June 2012 / April-June 2012 / Existence of posters / YDC management / Fred foundation YDC beneficiaries / Awareness and information on hygiene & sanitation widely disseminated


No / Activity / Indicator / period / Means of verification / Responsibility / partners / Expected results
1.  / Set up an apprenticeship tailoring workshop and train women & school drop-out girls / - At least 15 youth trained by Oct 2012. / Sep 2011-
Oct 2012 / -Training equipment bought
-Training pictures / YDC management / Donor agencies, patrons & patronesses , local contribution / -Trainees fern for themselves and support their relatives financially
2.  / Provide ICTs training: Office application and hardware maintenance (computers & mobile phones) / - 6 additional computers purchased
-At least 50 young people trained on basic computer operations
- At least 20youth trained on hardware maintenance by Dec 2012. / Oct 2011 – Dec- 2012 / . Training equipment bought
-Training pictures / YDC management / Donor agencies, patrons & patronesses , local contribution / Technical knowledge acquired.
3.  / Provide computer training to 50 youths and women / Atleast 50youths trained on soft ware programs / Jan – Dec 2012. / Certificate provided.
Graduation pictures / YDC management / Donor agencies, patrons & patronesses , local contribution / Many people will be ready for the job market
4.  / Admit and organize training sessions on office programs, Internet and computers maintenance / At least 10 training workshops organized / March- Sept 2012 / Reports and pictures / YDC management / Donor agencies, patrons & patronesses , local contribution / Ease internet communication
5.  / Admit and train women and school drop-out girls on sewing / - A functional sewing training unit by Nov 2012 / March – Nov 2012 / Certificate provided.
Graduation pictures / YDC management / Donor agencies, patrons & patronesses , local contribution / Unemployment reduced.

4.  YDC elaborated action plan on Community Development Project

No / Activity / Indicator / period / Means of verification / Responsibility / partners / Expected results
1. / Supply potable water to C.S Owe Primary School / Atleast 2 tap stands constructed in the school garden and campus by Dec. 2012 / Feb- Dec. 2012 / Existence of the stand taps / YDC, PTA and school Authorities / ACWW, PTA / Water is available through out the year
2. / Organize refresher course for water management committee / A 2 days training held and all water management committee members trained / Nov. 2012 / Training report / Water supply technician / ACWW, PTA / Adequate knowledge & skills acquired by the trainees
3. / Inauguration of the water project / Village chiefs & council authorities invited to witness the event in November. / Nov. 2012 / Report
pictures / YDC
School authorities / PTA / General awareness on the importance of water created


3. Budget (Projected income and items of expenditure)

No / Activities / Needs /

Sources of Funding

1. / Sustainable agriculture activities / Flip charts, bold markers, block notes, hall, pens, cardboard papers, file jackets, hoes, cutlasses, spades, diggers, rakes, watering cans, hand pushed trucks, wire mesh, masking tape, communication cost, motor bikes, stationery, feeding etc. / Local contribution / External support
1.950.000 / 10.500.000
2. / Conservation activities / Same as above / 1.750.00 / 7.500.000
3 / Construction of apprenticeship workshop premises and installation facilities / Cement, timber, zinc, iron rods, toilet pots, nails, land, plywood, electrical appliances, water installation, sewing machines, dryers, training materials, skilled builders and carpenter. / 2.750.000 / 18.000.000
4 / Launching ceremony / Presentation, invitees feeding of invited guests, public address system / 500.000
5 / HIV/AIDS sensitization meetings and training in schools and communities / Flip charts, visual aids, posters leaflets, papers, peer educators trainers / 200.000 / 5.500.000
6. / Support AIDS orphans / Clothes, school fees, books, subsistence allowance, etc / 150.000 / 5.000.000
7. / World AIDS Day celebration / T-shirts, banners, condoms, leaflets, posters, feeding, transport, etc. / 150.000 / 1.000.000
8. / Produce a simplified booklet on vegetable gardening and tree planting / Manuscript, advance copies, papers, artist, printing cost, editor. / 500.000 / 1.000.000
9. / Produce a handbook on piggery farming / Manuscript, papers, artist, editor. advance copies, printing cost. / 500.000 / 1.000.000
Sub Total / 5.700.000 / 46.500.000

4.Other Costs.

1 / Office running /representation / 750.000
2 / Office rents for 1 year / 480.000
3 / Electricity /Water bills / 240.000
4 / Staff salaries (8) / 9.600.000
Total / 11.070.000

5.Total Budget. In FCFA

Item / Amount
1 / Activities related costs. / 46.500.000
2 / Other costs / 11.070.000
3 / Local contribution ( In kind & cash) / 5.700.000
Grand total / 63,270.000

Sixty three million two hundred and seventy thousand francs

Prepared for YDC by: Akang Samuel Mwene
