Minutes of the RegularCity Council held on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Pursuant to Notice Duly Given:
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Bostedt at 6:00 p.m.
- Roll Call: Mayor Bostedt, Al Schreiber,Roger Reed, Lauren Resch, Bob Le Breck, Connie Bickel, Sheri Groll, Jean Feldt, Joseph Stiloski, Darrell Andersonand Attorney Calvert
Excused: Marlene Zahn
Also Present:Police Chief Dan Ault, Superintendent of Public Works Jeremy Wusterbarth, Fire Chief Jack Mlnarik, Sara Perrizo, Administrator and as recording secretary and other interested parties
- Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Alderperson Schreiber.
- Approval of Agenda
Moved by Resch, seconded by Schreiberto approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.9 ayes
- Approval of minutes as presented from Committee of the Whole, Council and any Special Council meetings.
Moved by Feldt, seconded by Groll to approve the minutes as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.9 ayes
- Approval of department reports as presented.
Moved by Schreiber seconded by LeBreckto approve the department reports as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.9 ayes
- Correspondence/Public Input.
Steve Woodworth thanked Chief Ault and the Oconto Police Department for the display of honor and respect they showed for his father, Oren Woodworth, upon his passing.
- Presentation from Aaron Malczewski Regarding Upcoming School Referendum
Malczewski presented information on the two referendum questions that will be on the ballot on November 4.
- Discussion/Recommendation/Action on the Following:
- Recognition of Steve Woodworth as State of Wisconsin Operator of the Year
Mayor Bostedt presented a plaque to Woodworth recognizing his award.
- Mayor Bostedt stated that the Council may vote to convene into Closed Session at approximately 6:22 p.m., pursuant to notice duly given and as allowed by Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session for the following items:
- Offers to Purchase City-Owned Property
Moved by Groll, seconded by Feldt to enter into closed session at 6:22 p.m.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded roll call vote.9 ayes
- Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to return to open session at 6:28 p.m.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.9 ayes
- Discussion/Action on Matters from Closed Session
Moved by Groll, seconded by LeBreck to approve the offer from Gregory Corporation contingent upon approval from the DNR and the receipt of a final certified survey map.
Stiloski asked about a plan for the snowmobile trail. Mayor Bostedt explained that a request has been submitted to the DNR to move the trail to run across Copper Culture Park.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes, 1 abs (Feldt)
Moved by Reed, seconded by Schreiber to approve the offer from LeTourneau Plastics contingent upon approval from the DNR and the receipt of a final certified survey map.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes, 1 abs (Resch)
- Set Dates for November Committee of the Whole and Council Meetings
Mayor Bostedt explained that since there is an election on November 4, the Committee of the Whole meeting can’t be held that day.
Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Groll to hold the Committee of the Whole meeting on November 11 and the City Council meeting on November 18.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.9 ayes
- Resolution Allowing the Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Special Registration Deputy to Conduct Election Day Registrations
Perrizo explained that this will allow her, the Deputy Clerk/Treasurer and a Special Registration Deputy to register citizens to vote on Election Day.
Moved by Resch, seconded by Feldt to approve the resolution allow the Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Special Registration Deputy to conduct Election Day registrations.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes
- Approval of Repairs to Roundabout in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,500 – Money to be Taken Out of General Fund
Mayor Bostedt stated that volunteers have worked on the roundabout at the entrance to the City, but it needs more work. The State built the roundabout and it’s now under County jurisdiction, but the County does not have money for this. It is the City’s responsibility to maintain. A volunteer removed all plants that were alive and will care for them over the winter. In the spring, the volunteer will replant and also develop a plan including perennials.
Moved by Anderson, seconded by Bickel to approve the repairs to the roundabout in an amount not to exceed $2,500 and to take the money out of the general fund.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes, 1 nay (Stiloski)
- Approval of Quote from Electrical Service & Supplies, Inc. for Installation of New 100 Amp Generator Transfer Switch in the Amount of $4,800
Mlnarik explained that the generator is tested regularly and during the last test, the switch failed. The new switch will be electronic and will work for any generator that we may purchase in the future.
Moved by LeBreck, seconded by Groll to approve the quote from Electrical Service & Supplies, Inc. for installation of new 100 amp generator transfer switch in the amount of $4,800.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes
Appointments by Council President:
Mayor Bostedt stated that a copy of ordinance 2-2-3(d)(2) is on the alderperson’s desks. In addition, she read aloud a letter to the Council regarding her disapproval of the process used regarding these appointments.
- Appointment of Dan Ault to the Ethics Board (City Official)
Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Feldt to approve the appointment of Dan Ault to the Ethics Board.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes
- Appointment of Al Schreiber to the Ethics Board (Alderperson)
Mayor Bostedt stated that she does not approve of this appointment. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not this item should be voted on.
Moved by Reed, seconded by Feldt to approve the appointment of Al Schreiber to the Ethics Board.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes, 1 abs
- Appointment of Ronny Daul to the Ethics Board
Mayor Bostedt stated that she does not approve of this appointment.
Feldt asked if Mr. Daul lives in the City. It was confirmed that he does.
Moved by Reed, seconded by Schreiber to approve the appointment of Ronny Daul to the Ethics Board.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.6 ayes, 3 nays (Anderson, LeBreck, Groll)
- Appointment of Chris Roberts to the Ethics Board
LeBreck asked for information on Mr. Roberts. Reed explained that Roberts owns Clean Right Janitorial in the City, which is the company that cleans City Hall and other businesses. Schreiber stated that Roberts also owns some rental properties in the City.
Moved by Resch, seconded by Schreiber to approve the appointment of Chris Roberts to the Ethics Board.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes, 1 nay
Mayor Bostedt stated that she does not approve of this appointment.
- Appointment of Mike Werner to the Ethics Board
Moved by Feldt, seconded by LeBreck to approve the appointment of Mike Werner to the Ethics Board.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes
- Appointment of Jeanne Young to the Ethics Board
Moved by Le Breck, seconded by Feldt to approve the appointment of Jeanne Young to the Ethics Board.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes
- Appointment of Ron Hayes as Advisory Member of the Tourism Committee
Mayor Bostedt stated that she reappointed Hayes to the Tourism Committee two years ago and it didn’t work regarding her office and the work she is doing. She does not approve of this appointment.
Moved by Feldt, seconded by Reed to approve the appointment of Ron Hayes as an Advisory Member of the Tourism Committee.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes
- Approval of Consent Agenda
- Approval of Alcohol Beverage License Applications and Applications for License to Serve Fermented Beverages and/or Intoxicating Liquor
- Approval of Appointment of Pat Trepanier to the Industrial Development Commission
- Approval of Appointment of Bruce Retzlaff to the Park & Recreation Committee
- Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of September 2014 in the Amount of $423,280.21, Payroll for the Month of September 2014 in the Amount of $116,747.32 and Other Financial Reports as Presented
This item was pulled by Alderperson Reed so that he could abstain.
Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Groll to approve the accounts payable for the month of September 2014 in the amount of $423,280.21, payroll for the month of September 2014 in the amount of $116,747.32 and other financial reports as presented.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes, 1 abs (Reed)
- Approval of Invoice from Robert E. Lee & Associates for SRTS Engineering Services in the Amount of $13,892.59
- Approval of Invoice from Oconto County Highway Department in the Amount of $8,772.24
- Approval of Pay Request #2 from Peters Concrete in the Amount of $188,943.99 for Howard Lane
- Approval of Bid from Peters Concrete in the Amount of $47,942 for Voy Avenue Water Main Project
- Approval of Proposal for Facilities Planning Study for Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Amount of $13,900
- Approval of Invoice from Robert E. Lee & Associates, Inc. for Phase 2 Dredging in the Amount of $7,583.77
- Approval of Adoption of Official City Logo Using the Version with the Sun Crossing into the Letter “O”
- Approval of Three-Year Fire Protection and Ambulance Service Agreement with the Town of Oconto
- Approval of Three-Year Ambulance Service Agreement with the Town of Pensuakee
- Approval of Offer from Howard and Nona Schaden to Purchase 25 Feet of the Former Railroad Right-of-Way at a Price of 50 Cents per Square Foot Contingent Upon Receiving Final Approval from the DNR to Lift the Deed Restrictions and a Certified Survey Map
Moved by Resch, seconded by Anderson to approve the consent agenda with the exception of item d.
Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.9 ayes
- Prior to adjournment, Reed read aloud a letter expressing concerns that he has regarding the Mayor.
Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Bickelto adjourn at 7:07 p.m.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 9 ayes
Respectfully Submitted:
Sara J. Perrizo