YWCA USA NCB Technology Task Force
Site Migration Matrix
This Site Migration Matrix will help you get a head start on planning so you will know what content will go into the new local association template. This tool is intended to help you think about what content needs to be edited or created and keep track of of your content tasks, securing photos and migrating files.
When should I use this document?
Right away! You can begin preparing materials for your new site now. The Migration Matrix is a working document and a tool to start and track the migration process. Keep track of where your current content will move to in the new site, what content needs updating, what content can be removed, and what pages need to be created to accomodate existing content. The Site Map document shows you an overview of the new website structure, but doesn't allow you to create task lists for you or your staff. You can use this Migration Matrix to track these staff tasks.
How does this document differ from the site map?
The site map provided shows you an overview of the new website structure and provides general ideas regarding what content should be placed where. It is a generic site map and obviously doesn't reflect the current site structure you have in place for your existing site. You can customize the Migration document to track staff tasks and map it to include items from your current website that aren't reflected in the Site Map example document.
Step 1: Evaluate Current Content
q / Review your current website - Is everything up to date?
q / What information should you keep?
q / What information should you remove or disregard when creating your new site?
q / What needs to be changed?
Step 2: Complete Migration Matrix
q / Go to the Migration Matrix Tab (if working in the Excel version)
q / On the left you will see the site map for the new template
q / Items are number so that you can sort by all fields but return them to their original order
q / Decided what current content can be migrated ("old" template content)
q / Mark items that you need to create.
q / Mark those navigation items which you plan to use at a later date or not use at all.
q / List files that need to be uploaded, migrated or created.
q / List photo names to upload once the template is available.
Step 3: Don't Lose Content
q / Make sure that all the relevant content from your "old" site has a home in the new template.
Step 4: Create New Content
q / Sort the matrix list by column D to give you the list of new content you need to create.
Step 5: Evaluate file/image uploads
q / Decide which files need to be moved from the old template to the new?
q / Once the content is written, look at what photos will work well.
q / What color images do you have that would go well with this content?
q / Look at YWCA Flickr account to find appropriate color photos to fill the need.
q / Look at purchasing low-cost stock photos at istock.com or foltolio.com.
Step 6: Begin building new template.
q / Use the matrix as a guide to building out your site.
q / Best Practice: Use Paste Plain text to move copy from the old template to the new.
New Site Structure Element / What content exists or needs to be created? / File Uploads / Images / Staff Assigned
“Old” Template Content / Create Content / archive/hidden & disable / Transfer Existing / Upload New
Examples / Annual Reports / Include last 5 years of annual reports / Annual reports 2005-2010 / mom&baby.jpg
Job Opportunities / About Us>Employment Opportunities / CEO Job Description / Woman_with_laptop.jpg
Health and Fitness / Remove - Services not provided
1 / Utility Navigation
2 / Home
3 / News
4 / Shop
5 / Donate
6 / Primary Navigation
7 / Who We Are
8 / Mission & Vision
9 / History
10 / Organization Structure
11 / Staff
12 / Board
13 / Regulations/Policies
14 / Annual Reports
15 / Job Opportunities
16 / FAQ
17 / Contact Us
18 / What we do
19 / Signature Programs
20 / Racial Justice
21 / Women's Economic Empowerment
22 / Safety, Family and Self
23 / Safety
24 / Housing & Shelter
25 / Human Rights
26 / Economic Self Sufficiency
27 / Child Care & Youth Development
28 / Health and Fitness
29 / Leadership
New Site Structure Element / What content exists or needs to be created? / File Uploads / Images / Staff Assigned
“Old” Template Content / Create Content / archive/hidden & disable / Transfer Existing / Upload New
30 / Advocacy
31 / Changing Lives
32 / Facts and Statistics
33 / Success Stories: People We've Helped
34 / Tell Us Your Story Form - Link to My Y
35 / Our History: A Timeline of Change
36 / YW Community
37 / Spotlights
38 / People Helped
39 / Volunteers
40 / Donors
41 / Local Programs
42 / Event
43 / News
44 / YWCA in the News
45 / National News (share news as RSS feed)
46 / Worldwide News
47 / Local News (share news as RSS feed)
48 / Statements/Speeches/Advisories
49 / Newsletters
50 / Current Newsletter
51 / Archive Newsletter
52 / Sign-up for Newsletter (contact form)
53 / RSS Feeds
54 / Events
55 / Calendar of Events
56 / Event Registration
57 / Email Templates
58 / Media
59 / Photo Gallery/Photo Ops
60 / Videos
61 / Media Toolkit
62 / Media Resource/Contacts
New Site Structure Element / What content exists or needs to be created? / File Uploads / Images / Staff Assigned
“Old” Template Content / Create Content / archive/hidden & disable / Transfer Existing / Upload New
63 / Use Policy
64 / My Account - Landing Page
65 / Manage My Profile (contact form)
66 / Manage My Interest (contact form)
67 / What interest is your interest?
68 / Update My Username and Password (tool)
69 / Manage My Newsletter Subscriptions (contact form)
70 / Submit News and Links (optional…tool)
71 / My Giving Summary (optional…)
72 / My Transaction History (optional…)
73 / Login/Logout
74 / How You Can Help
75 / Give Now
76 / Make A Gift/Donate Now/Give Now (donation form)
77 / Mail Your Gift
78 / Local Giving
79 / Right Column to include details about giving.
80 / FAQs
81 / Contact Us (Donor Relations)
82 / Volunteer
83 / Volunteer Registration
84 / Advocacy
85 / Sign Up - Email Activist
86 / Shop Persimmon Boutique
87 / Connect With Our Community
88 / YW Community
89 / Corporate Partnerships
90 / Homepage/Internal Secondary Navigation
91 / Donate Now
92 / Get Involved
New Site Structure Element / What content exists or needs to be created? / File Uploads / Images / Staff Assigned
“Old” Template Content / Create Content / archive/hidden & disable / Transfer Existing / Upload New
93 / Act
94 / Homepage “Fresh@YW” Navigation
95 / News
96 / Upcoming Events
97 / Homepage/Internal “Empower Yourself” Navigation
98 / Get Help With…
99 / Personal Safety
100 / Housing and Shelter
101 / Child Care and Youth Development
102 / Health and Fitness
103 / Learn About…
104 / Racial Justice
105 / Economic Self-Sufficiency
106 / Women's Empowerment and Leadership
107 / Take Action
108 / Current Issues
109 / Search Elected Officials
110 / YWCA Publications
111 / Support Us…
112 / Donate Now
113 / Join Our Community
114 / Get Involved or Volunteer
115 / Footer Navigation
116 / Social Networks
117 / Facebook
118 / Twitter
119 / YouTube
120 / RSS Feed
121 / Find Another YW
122 / Sign-up for Newsletter (contact form)
123 / Search YWCA USA site
New Site Structure Element / What content exists or needs to be created? / File Uploads / Images / Staff Assigned
“Old” Template Content / Create Content / archive/hidden & disable / Transfer Existing / Upload New
124 / "Old" Site Content - Not to be lost
125 / Content from "old" site - Create new Page
126 / Content from "old" site - Create new Page
127 / Content from "old" site - Create new Page
YWCA USA NCB Technology Task Force