7.30pm Winkleigh Village Hall


Present Cllr Turner (Chair), Cllr Jacobs (Vice-Chair), Cllr Ware, Cllr Bayley, Cllr Mondy, Cllr Mercer, Cllr Pearce, Clerk

1.8.17  Apologies for Absence CC Saywell, Cllr Taylor, Cllr Hodgson

2.8.17  Declarations of Interest from Members

Cllr Mondy – Personal interest Planning Application Heckapen Farm WDOI004/2017

3.8.17  Public Participation

4.8.17  Minutes

Proposed by Cllr Turner that WPC approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 26th July 2017, seconded by Cllr Ware, all in favour and Resolved (RR151/08/17)

5.8.17  Financial Matters

a)  Cllr Pearce requested that the Clerk’s contractual basis is reviewed so that the core functions of the Clerks duties do not become overtime. Noted by Employee Committee. Proposed by Cllr Turner that WPC approve the Financial Schedule of payments as presented by the Clerk on the Financial Statement, seconded by Cllr Bayley, all in favour and Resolved (RR152/08/17) Appendix A to Minutes

b)  Receipt of Bank Reconciliation

6.8.17  Planning Applications

a)  New

i.  1/0705/2017/FUL Heckapen Farm, Winkleigh,Creation of new vehicular access from highway and track with hedge bank and tree planting. Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC GP support app with proviso that highways look at the lines of sight and prove to TDC that they are adequate, seconded by Cllr Ware.

Proposed by Cllr Turner that the proposal be amended to include A site visit is carried out in person by Highways, seconded by Cllr Bayley, 5 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention and Resolved.

Amended Proposal by Cllr Pearce that WPC support the application with the proviso that Highways carry out a personal site visit to look at the line of sight and prove to TDC that they are adequate, seconded by Cllr Ware, 5 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention and Resolved (RR153/08/17)

ii.  1/0757/2017/FUL Ashley House Farm, Wembworthy, Proposed Agricultural General-Purpose Building Extension Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC support this application, seconded by Cllr Turner, 6 in favour, 1 abstention and Resolved (RR154/08/17)

b)  Appeal

1/0035/2017/AGMB Barn at Heath Farm Winkleigh – Prior notification for the change of use of agricultural building to no.1 dwelling under Class Q. On 22/2/17 WPC resolved to Support with no additional comment and did not wish to make any further comment on the appeal.

7.8.17  Other Planning Matters

a)  Local Plan Consultation on Modifications

Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC accept the circulated amendments to PMM/66 STO5 to be incorporated into the Local Plan, seconded by Cllr Mercer, all in favour and Resolved (RR155/08/17) Appendix B to Minutes

Proposed by Cllr Mercer that WPC accept the circulated amendments to PMM/72 ST18 to be incorporated into the Local Plan, seconded by Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved (RR165/08/17) Appendix B to Minutes

Proposed by Cllr Ware that WPC recommend an additional paragraph under PMM/72 ST18 to read “Sites should provide affordable housing with local qualification to buy and be in line with local rates of pay”, seconded by Cllr Bayley, all in favour and Resolved (RR166/08/17)

b)  Brownfield Sites Consultation

Proposed by Cllr Mercer that WPC identify Little Acorns site as a potential brownfield site under the TDC Local Plan because it appears to meet the TDC criteria, seconded by Cllr Mondy, 6 in favour, 1 abstention and Resolved (RR167/08/17)

c)  Neighbourhood Plan

i.  Locality Fund Grant, Clerk reported the £3767 grant had been received and was being held in the reserves account. Funding must be spent or returned within 6 months

ii.  Framework Document and questionnaire. Cllr Mercer reported the NP group have reviewed the documents to be issued to the public for consultation. In the light of new guidance regarding Neighbourhood Plans, and reflection on the current Winkleigh Plan, it was agreed that the full framework document (previously issued to the Council for comment) was excellent and would continue to be the foundation document for the Winkleigh NP, however, it was felt that both the consultation document and response form should be revised, shortened, and made more-user-friendly and commence the public consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan from 28 August 2017 for 6 weeks.

Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC approve the framework document, summary and questionnaire, subject to minor typographical amendments, and consultation to commence 28th August 2017, seconded by Cllr Mondy, 6 in favour, 1 against, and Resolved. (RR122/06/17)

iii.  Printing and distribution costs of Framework documents. Cllr Mercer reported that the Distinctly Winkleigh team had offered to distribute the summary and questionnaire and where necessary arrangements would be made for hand delivery to outlying properties and businesses not covered by DW distribution. The Clerk reported that £1591 grant funds were held for the printing and distribution costs of the framework document. Proposed by Cllr Mercer that the Parish Clerk to secure confirmation quotation from Hedgerow printing and place the order, seconded by Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved (RR123/06/17)

iv.  Prize Draw for completed returned questionnaire – withdrawn following Councillor discussions, all in favour.

v.  Public consultation room hire included in grant application for 1 day. Cllr Mondy reported the Community Centre had been booked for 19th September 2017

vi.  Promotional Clothing Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC support the purchase of promotional clothing of t-shirts/ sweatshirts for £105, for the Neighbourhood Plan group, seconded by Cllr Mondy, 3 in favour, 3 against, 1 abstention, chair casting vote, Motion Failed (RR140/07/17)

vii.  Promotion Banners. Clerk reported grant funds had been received for the banners. Proposed by Cllr Mercer that WPC approve the purchase of 2 multi-purpose banner for advertisement of events £45 plus VAT and for Clerk to order via Hedgerow Printing, seconded by Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved (RR141/07/17)

viii. Hamilton Baillie Traffic Survey. Provisionally booked for 19/9/2017 £1130.40 incl VAT. Cllr Mercer reported that Hamilton-Baillie are an experienced team of traffic and transport consultants, with a national reputation. Their experience is specifically in assisting local groups, preparing local plans, to address issues that are beyond the scope of council highways' departments. They specialise in creating innovative and appropriate solutions where new developments are proposed. It is relevant to note that they have experience of developing transport plans as part of Neighbourhood Plans, and have worked with many other groups in Devon and the South-West. The funding for this work has been secured through a successful grant application Following discussions, the Council agreed to await the outcome of the public consultation before any survey is commissioned to consider public concerns raised from the consultation. Clerk to email Hamilton Baillie.

ix.  Wildlife Survey, Cllr Mercer reported that The NP group consider that an updated wildlife survey is a central element of the Neighbourhood Plan. Funding for this survey has beenconfirmed in writing from the Winkleigh Biodiversity Group. Proposed by Cllr Mercer that WPC approve the wildlife survey as funded by Winkleigh Society, seconded by Cllr Ware, all in favour and Resolved (RR142/07/17)

x.  NP Leaflet printing costs £164.00 item withdrawn

xi.  NP article in next edition of Distinctly Winkleigh. Proposed by Cllr Ware that WPC approve the submission of a neighbourhood Plan article in the next edition of Distinctly Winkleigh, subject to accuracy check by Clerk, seconded by Cllr Pearce, 6 in favour, 1 abstention and Resolved (RR156/08/17)

xii.  Meeting between NP working group and Councillors, Cllr Turner requested an informal meeting to be arranged between the NP working group and Councillors. Cllr Mondy to arrange (Action item Cllr Mondy)

8.8.17  Current Business

Exeter Road bus shelter update on tender process. Clerk reported that the tender had been prepared and would be advertised by 11th August until 22nd September 2017

9.8.17  Reports

a)  Chair Cllr Turner

i.  Co-option 1 vacancy currently advertised

ii.  TAP Fund 2017-18 closing date 28/2/18 Neighbouring parishes do not have to contribute but have to show how they would benefit

iii.  Chulmleigh Community College New Building Opening Ceremony - invitation to the Parish Councillors to attend the opening of the new buildings, in the latest phase of developments, on Tuesday 5th September at 10.45am. Proposed by Cllr Turner that herself as Chair and Cllr Pearce attend, seconded by Cllr Bayley, all in favour and Resolved (RR162/08/17)

iv.  SLCC Regional Training Seminar £69 plus VAT per person – Saltash covering important legal and financial changes. Proposed by Cllr Turner that herself as Chair and the Clerk be authorised to attend, seconded by Cllr Mercer, all in favour and Resolved (RR163/08/17)

v.  Vicar Licensing 8th August attended by the Chair who welcomed the Vicar on behalf of the Parish.

b)  Clerk

i.  Data Protection Act – PC covered for nominated Cllrs to have access to the PC laptop when Clerk unavailable.

ii.  New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) training webinar £36 incl VAT Proposed by Cllr Turner that the clerk be authorised to subscribe to the GDPR webinar at £36 incl VAT, seconded by Cllr Mercer, all in favour and Resolved (RR157/08/17)

iii.  Electricity Cupboard lock (RR158/08/17) Clerk to make further enquiries and raise at next pcm.

iv.  Litter Bin in The Square. Asset group to make recommendations during asset inspection.

v.  Annual Defibrillator Check and training Proposed by Cllr Turner that the Clerk book the Village Hall for 21st September 2017 for the annual defibrillator training, seconded by Cllr Bayley, all in favour and Resolved (RR159/87/17)

vi.  DW Article for annual defibrillator training Proposed by Cllr Mercer that the article for DW advertising the annual defibrillator training be approved, seconded by Cllr Ware, all in favour and Resolved (RR164/08/17)

c)  Cemetery Proposed by Cllr Turner that WPC authorise the Cemetery Group to liaise with the Clerk to issue letters to the next of kin, where possible,for graves which require remedial works to be carried outto bring them in line with the Cemetery Terms & Conditions, seconded by Cllr Mondy, 6 in favour, 1 abstention and Resolved (RR160/08/17) (Action item Cllr Turner)

10.8.17  Public Participation Session

11.8.17  Move to Part II as the following items contain exempt information under S12A LGA 1972 Cemetery Field

Proposed by Cllr Turner to move to Part II, seconded by Cllr Ware, all in favour and Resolved (RR161/08/17)


Proposed by Cllr Turner the clerk writes to the parties involved stating the PC will be taking no further action on this occasion, seconded by Cllr Ware, all in favour and Resolved (RR168/08/17)

12.8.17  Date of Next Meeting

27th September 2017, 7.30pm Village Hall

Meeting Closed 10.05pm


Winkleigh Parish Council
Meeting date: / 9th August 2017
Total all balances : / £22,451
Reserve / Current / Bungalow
13364.12 / 4204.88 / 4881.80
Regular / Payments / since last pcm 26th July 2017
Payment reference / Payment method / Details / TOTAL COST
PM052/17 / STO / A Ware - Cemetery Grounds Maintenance / 250.00
PM051/17 / DD / EDF Electricity to Square / 16.00
PM053/17 / STO / Clerk Basic Salary Aug 2017 / 725.69
Internet Banking items for Payment 9th August 2017
Payment reference / Payment method / Details / TOTAL COST / Bank A/c
PM056/17 / Bacs / Clerk overtime/mileage July 2017 / £171.81 / Curr
PM057/17 / Bacs / HMRC Period 5 contributions / £30.98 / Curr
PM054/17 / Bacs / Cemetery Maintenance work / £80.00 / Curr
PM055/17 / Bacs / N Hill - Asset Maintenance / £110.00 / Curr
PM058/17 / Bacs / Community Centre Hire 12/6 NP / £4.00 / RES
A/Cs / Amount / Details / Actioned
Reserve to Curr / 52.61 / NP clerk 3.5 hours ovetime and 16 miles reimbursement
Receipts / Since last / pcm 26th July 2017
Receipt number / Receipt reference / Details / TOTAL AMOUNT
RC023/17 / Bacs / Interest Reserve Account / £0.11
RC024/17 / Bacs / Pure Lettings - Bungalow Rental July 17 / £434.88
RC022/17 / Bacs / Locality Grant (NP Restricted reserves) / £3,767.00
Monies held in the reserves account 7th August 2017
Reserves Account Balance / Amount / Details / UNALLOCATED BALANCE
17131.23 / -1000.00 / Restricted - Earmarked Election accrual
-1000.00 / Restricted - Earmarked bus shelter accrual
-2347.71 / Earmarked - Neighbourhood Plan
-52.61 / NP reserves to be transferred to current a/c
-4.00 / NP reserves Room Hire 12.6
-3767.00 / Restricted - NP Locality Grant
-7950.00 / Earmarked - Council contingency (39% precept)
-140.00 / Earmarked - TAP Fund project 2015-16
-369.12 / Earmarked - Shute Lane Project
-500.00 / Restricted - Earmarked P3 Partnership
Monies held in the bungalow account 26th July 2017
Balance / Amount / Details / BALANCE
5316.68 / -4000.00 / Contingency
Annual Maintenance/letting fees (budget £2650)
Additional Notes


TDC Local Plan Modifications Consultation

10th August 2017

At their Parish Council Meeting on 9th August 2017, Members Resolved to respond as follows (suggested amendments in blue):


(3 5) All new major development will be encouraged to build must be built to a standard which minimises the consumption of resources during construction and thereafter in during its occupation through by:

(b) connecting to any existing or proposed decentralised energy scheme or developing a scheme individually or jointly within a specified time frame; DELETE ALL (b)

(b c) maximising the opportunities for renewable and low carbon technologies through the installation of sufficient photovoltaic cells (solar panels) capable of providing a minimum of 1Kw of power per day at maximum efficiently and being connected to the National Grid including decentralised energy networks;

PMM/72 ST18

(4) Where the policy seeks on-site provision, alternative off-site delivery or provision through financial contributions of broadly equivalent value maybe negotiated where it can be demonstrated that on-site provision is not possible or appropriate.

Winkleigh Parish Council suggest that this paragraph weakens the ability of TDC to insist on affordable housing provision and enables developers to provide a financial payment to the Council in lieu of fulfilling their responsibilities towards the community. Moreover, there is clearly no guarantee that such payments would be either sufficient to compensate for the deficit in affordable housing, or that the funding would be used to provide suitable housing provision elsewhere and WPC propose this paragraph is deleted and an additional paragraph incorporated that sites should provide affordable housing with local qualification to buy and be in line with local rates of pay