Unit Theme:Personal Essays and Beliefs 8.4Week:# 5

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 8th Date:From ______to______20____

Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that...
EU1. Family has a deep impact on the way we think and feel and how we view the world.
EU2. The beliefs I hold are deeply rooted in my culture, community, and family.
EU3. My words and actions are an extension of my beliefs
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Performance Task)
(unit projects, exams, etc.)
  • Analyzing Personal Essays
  • Exit Tickets
  • Self-Reflection

Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Writing / Writing / Listening / Language and Writing / Writing
Expectations / 8.W.3, 8.W.8 / 8.W.8 / 8.L1d / 8.LA.2a, 8.W.8 / 8.W.8
Academic Strategy
Instructional Strategy and Phase
Objective /
  • The student will write routinely for short and extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) for a variety of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. This includes, but is not
limited to, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing and knowledge of their qualities.
  • Write literary texts using transitional words and other cohesive devices to better organize writing that develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant
  • Descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
  • The student will write routinely for short and extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) for a variety of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. This includes, but is not
limited to, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing and knowledge of their qualities. / The student will demonstrate that they can perform a written self-reflection and target the main idea of their qualities. /
  • Use advanced punctuation (e.g., comma, ellipsis, dash) correctly
  • The student will write routinely for short and extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) for a variety of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. This includes, but is not
  • limited to, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing and knowledge of their qualities.
  • The student will write routinely for short and extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) for a variety of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. This includes, but is not
limited to, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive writing and knowledge of their qualities.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
InitialActivities / Challenge the student to sum up his/her beliefs in one sentence / Provide students with instructions to write a self-reflection. / Provide students with the necessary tools to complete the self-reflection / Introduce the main rules for the correct use of commas. / Introduce the main rules for semicolons.
Development Activities / The student writes his/her sentence of his/her personal beliefs. / The student starts writing his/her self-reflection / The student continues writing his/her self-reflection / The student will work actively on task during the discussion of the comma rules. / The student will work actively on task during the discussion of the semicolon rules.
Closing Activities / Revise the written work. / Reflect on the process and discuss the main three points of the lesson of the day. / • Have students discuss and/or write what they think the main idea for the day was. / Clarify doubts on the topic. / Clarify doubts and have students explain the rules orally.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection