Lesson Plans

August 31st through

September 4th

AP FRENCH Language, 1st block blue days

NOTE: This student has independent study for the most part

Day One, Tuesday, September 1st

Curriculum Standards

MLVINT1C Demonstrate comprehension of level-appropriate material

MLV.IP2D Use self-correction

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support indidivual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

Student will be typing answers on the word processor


Comment est-ce que la lecture peut te préparer pour l’examen de AP?


Warm-up on verb synopsis

Instructional Plan

Le monstre dans le Metro, reading chapters 5 and 6

Reading comprehension exercises pages 23-25 and 28-32

Summary: Student will write a 2 sentence summary in French of the main events of Chapters 5 and 6


Instructor will check with student to see if he has understood the reading, and if he needs help with the exercises.

Student will be assigned a quiz on the story for Thursday, Sept. 3rd


Day Two, Thursday, September 3rd

Curriculum Standards

MLVINT1C Demonstrate comprehension of level-appropriate material

MLV.IP2D Use self-correction

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support indidivual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

Student will be typing answers on the word processor


Comment est-ce que la lecture peut te préparer pour l’examen de AP?


Summative Test on Monstre dans le metro

Instructional Plan

Le Gorille d’Anniversaire—chapter 1

Summary: Write a 1-2 line sentence in French about this first chapter


Copy vocabulary on page 71

Exercises A, B, C, D, E, F pages 71-75

Betsey Ellingsen

Lesson Plans

August 31st through September 4th

Honors French IV, 1st block blue days

Day One, Tuesday, September 1st

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2D Use self-correction

ML4IP2A Participate in oral and written activities reflecting the present, with some usage of the past and future tenses

Technology Standards

Video on French speaking countries


Etes-vous à l’aise avec tous les temps du verbes que nous étudions?


warm-up on irregular future stems and conditional tense

Summative Test on all review material since 8/10

Instructional Plan


Vocabulary: all the careers

Reading Comprehension Questions on page 130, ex. 1-4—copy for handout, due on Thursday

Summary: Write in French on TOD card one thing you envision seeing yourself do in the future


ReviewVocabulary Tu n’as qu’à to il vaudrait mieux que


Day Two, Thursday, September 3rd

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2D Use self-correction

ML4CCC3B Compare linguistic elements of the target language and English, such as the different structures used to express time, tense, and mood

Technology Standards

Some sort of video lesson on the subjunctive if it can be found


Qu’est-ce que c’est le subjonctif et pourquoi est-ce c’est si important?


Warm-up on the conditional tense

Instructional Plan

Vocabulary: requesting information

Go over reading comprehension questions

Review Subjunctive mood—will and necessity; introduce the subjunctive after possibility with Il se peut que and Il est possible que

Summary; Write on subjunctive sentence in French on TOD card.


Textbook introduction to French-speaking African countries pages 122-127

Textbook pages 132-133

Betsey Ellingsen, Lesson Plans

August 31st through September 4th

Honors French III, 1st block white days

Day One, Monday, August 31st

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2E Begin to self-correct

ML3CUIC Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studies

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Pourquoi est-ce c’est important de savoir un petit peu d’un province français?


Warm-up on the imparfait

Instructional Plan

Vocabulary: expressing indecision and making recommendations

Translation of pages 6 and 7 #1—Jenny, #2—Jessica and Darien, #3 Sandy, #4 Elizabeth, #5 Chinwe #6 Taylor

Students will pick a province to study: Alsace, Champagne, Bretagne, Normandie, Provence, Touraine, Burgogne

Summary: Write down 3 sentences in French using the imperfect tense.


Review vocabulary from asking and describing what a place was like

Workbooks, pages 4 and 5, ex. 5 and 7, skipping 6


Day Two,Wednesday, September 2nd

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2E Begin to self-correct

ML3CUIC Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studies

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Pourquoi est-ce c’est important de savoir un petit peu d’un province français?

Pourquoi est-ce que vous devez distinguer entre le passé compose et l’imparfait?


warm-up on passé compose and imperfect—components of: ex. The passé compose is a ______tense which is comprised of______parts: the ______and the______., etc.

Instructional Plan

Vocabulary on foods from les entrees to le poulet haricots verts

Introduce use of Si plus imperfect to indicate “How’s about doing something?

Passing out Province questions.

Doing research on laptops in classroom about their provinces.

Summary: Write down on TOD card 1 fact you have learned about your specific province.


Review: Vocabulary: expressing indecision and making recommendations

Workbook, page 4, ex. 6.


Day Three, Friday, September 4th

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2E Begin to self-correct

ML3CUIC Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studies

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Pourquoi est-ce c’est important de savoir un petit peu d’un province français?

Pourquoi serait-il necessaire de savoir la nourriture française?


Warm-up on foods

Instructional Plan

Vocabulary: rest of foods tom la salade vert through les tartes aux fruits

Work on laptops researching provinces of France


Review: Vocabulary on foods from les entrees to le poulet haricots verts

Summary: Illustration and labeling of 8 French foods from vocabulary list

Betsey Ellingsen

Lesson Plans

August 31st through September 4th

Honors French III, 3rd block daily

Day One, Monday, August 31st

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2E Begin to self-correct

ML3CUIC Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studies

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Est-ce que vous pouvez distinguer entre le passé compose et l’imparfait?

Qu’est-ce que vous vous souvenez du subjonctif?


Warm-up on imperfect verbs yet again!

Instructional Plan

Textbook, pages 10-14


after lunch group work on provinces

Summary: TOD, page 13, ex. 16 in textbook

Day Two, Tuesday, September 1st

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2E Begin to self-correct

ML3CUIC Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studies

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Comment est-ce qu’on indique “some ou part of” en français?


Warm-up on indefinite, definite articles


Instructional Plan

Review use of partitive (positively and negatively)


after lunch group work on provinces

Summary: On TOD cards write the following. I want some fruit pies and I don’t want any fruit pies.

Day Three, Wednesday, September 2nd

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2E Begin to self-correct

ML3CUIC Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studies

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Qu’est-ce que vous allez apprendre des 3 province aujourd’hui à votre avis?


Warm-up on partitive

Instructional Plan

3 Presentations of Province group work

Textbook, reading pages 14 and 15


Exercises on pages 14 and 15, ex. 20-23

Summary: Write down 1 fact per province that you learned today during the presentations

Day Four, Thursday, September 3rd

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2E Begin to self-correct

ML3CUIC Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studies


Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Qu’est-ce que vous allez apprendre des 3 province aujourd’hui à votre avis?


Warm-up derived from page 19, ez. 32 Au diner

Instructional Plan

3 Presentations of Province group work


Give brief presentation about rivers , major bodies of waer, and mountain ranges in France.

Summary: Write down 1 fact per province that you learned today during the presentations

Day Five, Friday, September 4th

Curriculum Standards

ML4IP2E Begin to self-correct

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Using go.hrw.com to review chapter 1.


Pourquoi pensez-vous qu’il est important d’etre raisonnable?


Warm-up derived from page 24, ex. 1.

Instructional Plan

Reading: Il faut etre reissonable on pages 20-22


Textbook, page 25, ex. 4 and 5

Summary: Write down 1 sentence in French that you remember about today’s story.

Betsey Ellingsen

Lesson Plans

August 31st through September 4th

French II, 4th block daily

Day One, Monday, August 31st

Curriculum Standards

ML2IP2B Demonstrate comprehension of material

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Combien de verbes conjugués est-ce qu’on peut avoir dans une phrase française?


Warm-up on LCD projector dealing with complementary infinitives

Instructional Plan

Review of complementary infinitives

Textbook, pages 8-18

Introduction of IR verbs

Summary: On the TOD card write down how many conjugated verbs one can have in a French sentence.


Practice for tomorrow’s vocabulary test

Day Two, Tuesday, September 1st

Curriculum Standards

ML2IP2B Demonstrate comprehension of material

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Warm-up on LCD projector on ER verbs in anticipation of learning IR verbs

Comment est-ce que vous allez me montrer que vous avez bien étudié pour l’examen de vocabulaire d’aujourd’hui?



Summative Exam on Chapter 1 Vocabulary

Instructional Plan

Vocabulary Test

Introduction of Commands, tu and vous forms


Summary: Conjugate an IR verb on your TOD card.

Day Three, Wednesday, September 2nd

Curriculum Standards

ML2IP2B Demonstrate comprehension of material

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Comment est-ce que votre connaissance des conjugations des verbes qui terminent en ER pourraient vous aider a apprendre les verbes qui terminent en IR?


Warm-up on LCD projector on command forms

Instructional Plan

Textbook, pages 15-16,

Summary: Writing assignment. On your TOD card: Je vais au Quebec or a la Martinique. Say what you are going to take in your suitcase, utilizing the future proche and your vocabulary from chapter 1.


Workbooks page 4, ex. 7

page. 7, ex. 14 and p.8, ex. 15

Day Four, Thursday, September 3rd

Curriculum Standards

ML2IP2B Demonstrate comprehension of material

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.



Combien de formes est-ce qu’il y a en français pour donner des commandes?


Warm-up on LCD projector on IR verbs

Instructional Plan

Workbooks page 6, and 7, exercises 11, 12 and 13


Summary: Write 3 IR commands on the TOD card and 3 negative commands

Day Five, Friday, September 4th

Curriculum Standards

ML2IP2B Demonstrate comprehension of material

Technology Standards

T2 Student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Qu’est-ce que vous vous souvenez du futur proche?


Warm-up on LCD projector on command forms

Instructional Plan

Workbooks, pages 10-11, ex. 20, 21, and 22


Go over workbook exercises from yesterday, pages 6 and 7, ex. 11, 12, and 13

Summary: Write 3 things you are going to do this weekend and 3 things you are not going to do on TOD card

Upcoming events:

Reading pages 22-23 plus reading comp. questions

Warm-ups from page 26, ex. 8—Tuesday, 9/8

Page 27, ex. 9 and 10—9/9, and 11—9/10

What’s on the test on Wednesday, 9/9

Test on Chapter 1 on Thursday, September 10th

Begin Chapter 2 on Friday, 9/11