Regular Meeting
January 14, 2013
5200 Oakland Ave.
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122
Tom King, Chairman Richard Espinoza
Rob DeBuck, Commissioner Kathy Ortiz
Gavin Pantoja
1. Call To Order/Roll Call
Chairman King called the meeting to order at 4:12pm, called roll and noted that a quorum was present. Commissioner Avalos was absent due to a family matter.
2. Approval of Agenda
A MOTION was made by Commissioner Debuck to approve the agenda. Commissioner Pantoja SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously.
3. Approval of Minutes
A MOTION was made by Commissioner Debuck to approve the November 15, 2013 regular meeting minutes and December 10, 2013 regular meeting minutes. Commissioner Pantoja SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously.
4.1 Approval of Event Permits and Licenses
a. Event Permit– Art Monsivaiz Las Cruces New Mexico February 22, 2013
A MOTION was made by Commissioner King to approve the event. Commissioner Debuck SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously.
b. Event Permit- Richard Martinez Civic Center Roswell, New Mexico January 25, 2014. A MOTION was made by Commissioner Pantoja to approve the event permit contingent on receiving a complete packet by close of business day on January 22, 2014. Commissioner Debuck SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously.
c. Event Permit- Jimmy Rodriguez Buffalo Thunder Casino, Pojoaque New Mexico January 25, 2014. A MOTION was made by Chairman King to disapprove Mr. Rodriguez’s event permit due to the liability of a sanctioned event between tribal land and the New Mexico Athletic Commission, pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 60-2A-8.1. Chairman King wants to have an M.O.U. or cooperative agreement in place between the NMAC and all Indian nations, tribes or pueblos whose tribal lands lie wholly or partly in New Mexico. This will ensure that all parties understand the liability issues before an event takes place. Commissioner Pantoja SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED Commissioner Debuck voting against the motion.
d. Event Report- Fresquez Promotions Route 66 Casino, Albuquerque New Mexico December 6, 2013. Richard Espinoza read the report.
e. Boxing License- Renewal of Eric Holland’s Boxing License. A MOTION was made by Commissioner King to table this matter until the next meeting due to the timing of Mr. Holland’s last fight and because the Commission is seeking Mr. Holland’s current boxing record. Commissioner Pantoja SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously.
f. Boxing Judge License- Richard Levine cannot be approved for his judging license because he needs to take his New Mexico state issued test. A MOTION was made by Commissioner Pantoja to disapprove the license pursuant to Rule NMAC. Commissioner Pantoja SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously.
g. Time Keeper License- Amanda Rodriguez cannot be approved for her time keeper license because she needs to take her New Mexico state issued test. Commissioner King directed Richard Espinoza to create a time keeper test to give to our trainees in the future. A MOTION was made by Commissioner Debuck to disapprove the license pursuant to Rule NMAC. Commissioner Pantoja SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously.
h. Rules Meeting- Chairman King and Commissioner Pantoja will be in Las Cruces, New Mexico on February 1, 2014, and have set aside time to meet informally with individuals to answer questions and take suggestions regarding the Commission’s current rules. Chairman King advised that the public will have the opportunity to bring what they have to say regarding the Commission’s rules, which he will then take into consideration and bring to the Commission’s Rules Sub-Committee meeting. This informal meeting is not a public meeting, there will be no quorum of Commissioners, and no actions or decisions will be made.
i. Training- Deputy Inspector Training in Las Cruces February 1, 2014. A MOTION was made by Chairman King to approve the training seminar in Las Cruces on February 1, 2014 for the NMAC deputy inspectors. Commissioner Pantoja SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously.
5.1 Status report on the rules subcommittee- AAG Charles Kraft is working on his first draft of rule changes, and when he is done he will set up a time for the rules sub-committee to meet and discuss the proposed changes..
5.2 Discuss and sign (all Commissioners) the NMAC Annual Code of Conduct- A MOTION was made by Commissioner King to table due to Commissioner Avalos’ absence. Commissioner Debuck SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED unanimously
6. Executive Session - The Commission may close the meeting to the public and
Enter executive session pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1 (H) (7) to discuss
Attorney –client privileged matters regarding pending litigation (D-1314-CV-2013-
01281). The Commission did not enter into executive session.
8. OPEN FORUM FOR DISCUSSION - Mr. Bagshaw said that Vince McMahon was starting his own network for WWE. Juan Nunez told the commission that he was going to retire as a referee. He stated he still wanted to be a MMA/ Boxing judge. A representative from Echo Group LLC introduced himself to the commission and described the work his company does, which involves administering IVs to athletes following a sporting event. This representative advised that he would like to be put on the agenda at the next meeting.
9. ADJOURNMENT- Chairman King ended the meeting at 5:41 P.M.
APPROVED THIS_______ DAY of February 11, 2013
Commission Chairman
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department
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