Operation Intellectual Freedom: Librarians on the Front Lines
A Selective Bibliography
Compiled by
Marion Prudlo, Borough of Manhattan Community College
The Association of College & Research Libraries
Greater New York Metropolitan Area Chapter
23rd Annual Symposium
November 21, 2003
General Information on the USA Patriot Act
American Civil Liberties Union (n. d.). USA Patriot Act. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/SafeandFree.cfm?ID=12126
American Library Association. (2003). ALA – chronology of the Patriot Act. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=
American Library Association. (2003). ALA – USA Patriot Act. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.ala.org/Content/NavigationMenu/
Arnone, M. (2003, June 13). Antiterrorism law under debate again. The Chronicle of Higher Education, p. 23. Retrieved Sep. 28, 2003, from Lexis Nexis Academic database.
Arnone, M. (2003, April 11). The FBI steps up its work on campuses, spurring fear and anger among many academics. The Chronicle of Higher Education, p. 14. Retrieved Sep. 28, 2003, from Lexis Nexis Academic database.
California Library Association. (n. d.). Protect library privacy. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.libraryprivacy.org/index.php
Center for Democracy & Technology. (2001). CDT wiretap issues. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.cdt.org/wiretap/
Clark, D. (2003, June 5). Ashcroft defends Department’s Patriot Act Enforcement. CongressDaily, 9-10.
Coyle, M. (2003). Experts see hurdles for suits over Patriot Act. National Law Journal, 25(99).
Clymer, A. (2003, February 2). Justice Dept. draft on wider powers draws quick criticism. New York Times, 152(52388), p. A10.
Dlouhy, J. A. (2003). House moves to eliminate search and seizure portion of anti-terrorism law. CQ Weekly, 61(30), 1905.
Doyle, C. (2002, April 15). The USA Patriot Act: a legal analysis. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from Federation of American Scientists Web site http://www.fas.org/irp/crs/RL31377.pdf
Electronic Frontier Foundation. (n. d.). EFF: USA Patriot Act as passed by Congress – H. R. 3162. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.eff.org/
Electronic Privacy Information Center. (2003, August 20). Epic USA Patriot Act page. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.epic.org/privacy/
Isikoff, M., & Klaidman, D. (2003, August). Ashcroft’s campaign to shore up the Patriot Act. Newsweek, 142(8), 6.
Lewis, C., & Mayle, A. (2003, February 7). Justice Dept. drafts sweeping expansion of anti-terrorism act. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from Center for Public Integrity Web site http://www.publicintegrity.org/dtaweb/
Library of Congress. (n. d.). Bill summary & status. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d107:HR03162:@@@
Mitrano, T. (2002). Taking the mystique out of the USA-Patriot Act: information, process and protocol. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from Cornell University Web site http://www.cit.cornell.edu/oit/PatriotAct/article.html
Seravalli, R. (2003, Sep. 18). ACLU gears up new campaign to fight USA Patriot Act. University Wire. Retrieved Sep. 28, 2003, from Lexis Nexis Academic database.
Special Libraries Association. (2003). USA Patriot Act Portal – SLA – Special Libraries Association. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.sla.org
United States Department of the Treasury. (n. d.). USA Patriot Act Information. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.fincen.gov/pa_main.html
The USA Patriot Act and Libraries
[n. a.]. (2003, January). Justice Department sets date for Patriot Act suit response. American Libraries, 34(1), 10.
[n. a.]. (2003, March). Congressman seeks to rescind library Patriot Act provisions. American Libraries, 34(2), 12-13.
[n. a.]. (2003, March). ALA Council passes privacy and electronic surveillance resolution. College & Research Libraries News, 64(3), 198.
[n. a.]. (2003, March). Librarians divided over Patriot Act compliance. American Libraries, 34(3), 18.
[n. a.] (2003, April). Santa Fe police detain college library patron. American Libraries, 34(4), 23.
[n. a.]. (2003, April). Bill to exempt libraries from Patriot Act introduced. American Libraries, 34(4), 15.
[n. a.]. (2003, May). Libraries cope creatively the Patriot Act. American Libraries, 34(5), 20-21.
[n. a.]. (2003, August). More on the USA Patriot Act. American Libraries, 34(7), 38.
[n. a.]. (2003, August). Reader revolt against Patriot Act gains steam. American Libraries, 34(7), 26.
[n. a.]. (2002, November). One year later: examining the Patriot Act’s impact. American Libraries, 33(10), 1.
Albanese, A., & Oder, N. (2003). Bill offers Patriot Act exemption. Library Journal, 128(6), 20.
American Library Association. (2003). ALA – the USA Patriot Act & libraries. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.ala.org/Content/
American Library Association. (2003). ALA – FBI in your library. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.ala.org/Content/NavigationMenu/
American Library Association. (2003). ALA – USA Patriot Act Resolutions. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.ala.org/Content/
American Library Association. (2002). Guidelines for librarians on the U.S. A. Patriot Act: what to do before, during and after a “knock at the door?” Washington: American Library Association.
Association of Research Libraries. (2003). Anti-Terror Legislation. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.arl.org/info/frn/other/ATL.html
Benjamin, E. (2003, April 20). Libraries, government at odds over Patriot Act: Albany data on patrons is cut back out of fear of erosion of rights under federal powers. The Times Union, p. D1.
Berry, J. N. (2003). Talking freedom in Fayetteville. Library Journal, 128(6), 8.
Berry, J. N. (2003). The protections unique to print. Library Journal, 128(4), 8.
Bourdon, C. (2002, November). The association’s association: RUSA helps protect patrons’ privacy. American Libraries, 33(10), 10.
Bradley, L. E. (2003, July/Aug.). Congressional proposals addressing library problems with the USA Patriot Act. College & Research Libraries News, 64(7), 475.
Bradley, L. E. (2003, April). E-surveillance and the USA Patriot Act. College & Research Libraries News, 64(4), 272.
Collins, G. (2002, Fall). The USA Patriot Act and Florida libraries: are we ready to greet the law at the public services desk [Electronic version]? Florida Chapter of Association of College and Research Libraries Newsletter, 19(1). Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.unf.edu/library/
Clymer, A. (2002, December 12). Threats and responses: privacy; Librarians get advice on handling government requests for information on readers. The New York Times (late edition), A30.
Diaz, C., Lybecker, C., & Rognas, L. (2003, March 14). GovDocs/Maps hot topics: USA Patriot Act. Retrieved Sep. 28, 2003, from Daniel J. Evans Library website http://www.evergreen.edu/library/govdocs/hotopics/
Doyle, C. (2001, December). Terrorism: section by section analysis of the USA Patriot Act. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from Center for Democracy and Technology Web site http://www.cdt.org/security/usapatriot/
Drake, M. A. (2003, February). Safeguarding patrons’ privacy. Information Today, 20(2), 35-36.
Duggan, E. (2003, February 13). Speakers say new laws eroding rights: 200 come to hear panel address changes under recent anti-terror measures. The Times Union, p. B1.
Eberhart, G. M. (2003, May). Libraries cope creatively with the Patriot Act. American Libraries, 34(5), 20-21.
Egelko, B., & Gaura, M. A. (2003, March 10). Libraries post Patriot Act warnings: Santa Cruz branches tell patrons that FBI may spy on them. The San Francisco Chronicle, p. A1.
Evans, R. (2003, February). USA Patriot Act information sources for librarians. Sci-Tech News, 57(1), 36.
Fifarek, A. (2002). Technology and privacy in the academic library. Online Information Review, 26(6), 366-374.
Freedman, M. (2003, January). Mobilizing to save America’s libraries. American Libraries, 34(1), 5.
Freedma, M. (2003). The USA Patriot Act. What does your library need to know? The Unabashed Librarian, 126, 16-19.
Gottesman, L. (2002, June). Krug on ‘Interesting Times’: free speech advocate
discusses intellectual freedom. Library of Congress Information Bulletin,
61(6), 199.
Haugen, D. (2002, October 24). USA Patriot Act allows easier access to library records. University Wire.
Hoduski, B. (2003). Update on USA Patriot Act. The Unabashed Librarian, 126, 20-21.
Jordan, A. (2002, November). One year later: examining the Patriot Act’s impact. American Libraries, 33(10), 20.
Kniffel, L. (2002, January). USA Patriot Act raises red flag over liberties. American Libraries, 33(1), 20.
Kranich, N. (2003, July). The impact of the USA Patriot Act on free expression. Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, 52(4), 132, 161-163.
Krug, J., & Mach, D., & Becker, B. C. (Speakers). (2002). Intellectual freedom: it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law! (Cassette Recording). Chicago: Public Library Association.
Krug, J. (1996). What price professionalism: defending intellectual freedom. LLA Bulletin, 58, 199-125.
McFall, M., & Schneider, K. (2003). The USA Patriot Act, and what you can do. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from California Library Association Web site http://www.cla-net.org/resources/articles/us_patriot_act.php
Minow, M., & John, N. R. (2003). The USA Patriot Act and library users’ privacy (Video Recording). Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago.
Minow, M. (2002). The USA Patriot Act. Library Journal, 127(16), 52-55.
Minow, M. (2002, February). The USA Patriot Act and patron privacy on library Internet terminals. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.llrx.com/
Minow, M. (2002). LLRX.com – library records post-Patriot Act (federal law). Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.llrx.com/features/
Moran, R. F. (2001). Intellectual freedom: an interview with Judith F. Krug. Library Administration & Management, 15(4), 200-2003.
Neal, J. G. (2003, February). Reaction to terror: Gauging the aftermath and the
impact of USA Patriot legislation. College & Research Libraries News,
64(2), 78-79.
Newcomb, D. (2002, October). What every librarian needs to know about the USA Patriot Act. Information Outlook, 6(10), 38.
New York Library Association. (2003, 4). NYLA USA Patriot Act resolution. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.nyla.org/index.php?
Ney, N. J. (2003, April). Responding to the USA Patriot Act. Illinois Library Association Reporter, 21(2), 14-15.
Oder, N. (2003). New bills in Congress would scale back USA Patriot Act. Library Journal, 128(14), 16.
Oder, N. (2003). FBI has visited about 50 libraries. Library Journal, 128(11), 17-18.
Oder, N. (2003). Survey: Librarians divided over post-9/11 privacy issues. Library Journal, 128(3), 16.
Oder, N. (2003). FBI has visited about 50 libraries. Library Journal, 128(11), 17-18.
Oder, N. (2002). Patriot Act and privacy concerns. Library Journal, 127(3), 16.
Oder, N. (2002). Libraries, universities meet with lawyers on Patriot Act. Library Journal, 127(1), 16.
OMB Watch. (2002). Access to government information post September 11th. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.ombwatch.org/article/
Orecklin, M., Ressner, J., & Thigpen, D. (2003, May). Checking what you check out: librarians unite against government’s new ability to peek at what you read [electronic version]. Time.com. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.time.com/time/archive/preview/from_redirect/
Pike, G. H. (2002, December). History repeated with the USA Patriot Act. Information Today, 19(11), 19-21.
Piore, A. (2002, October). Librarians keep quiet. Newsweek, 140(18), 12.
Riba, E. (2002, July). The USA Patriot Act: the response and responsibility of library management. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.osmond-riba.org/lis/usapatriot.htm
Sanchez, R. (2003, April 10). Librarians make some noise over Patriot Act: concerns about privacy prompt some to warn patrons, destroy records, if book and computer use [electronic version]. The Washington Post, p. A20. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/
Sanders, B. (2003, June). Freedom to Read Protection Act. Retrieved Sep. 26, 2003, from http://bernie.house.gov/statements/20030623160151.asp
Sanders, B. (2003, January). The USA Patriot Act: what are you reading [electronic version]? Baltimore Sun. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0119-03.htm
Sanders, B. (2003, February). The Patriot Act’s threat to libraries. American Libraries, 34(2), 32.
Sanders, B. (2003, February). On my mind. American Libraries, 34(2), 32.
Schlesinger, A. (2003, May 23). Librarians find ways around USA Patriot Act. The Associated Press State & Local Wire. Retrieved Sep. 28, 2003, from Lexis Nexis Academic database.
Schneider, K. G. (2002, March). The Patriot Act: last refuge of a scoundrel. American Libraries, 33(3), 86.
Schulte, M. (2003, April). Patriot Act heats up ALA/APA mid-winter conference. Arkansas Libraries, 60(2), 10-11.
Schuyler, M. (2003). You are under attack 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Computers in Libraries, 23(5), 26-27.
Sommer, M. (2002, November 11). Big brother at the library: FBI’s right to data raises privacy issues. Buffalo News, p. A1.
Special Libraries Association. (2003, August). USA Patriot Act Portal – SLA – Special Libraries Association. Retrieved Sep. 29, 2003, from http://www.sla.org/content/memberservice/communication/PATRIOTAct/index.cfm
Strickland, L. S. (2003). Breaking developments in domestic intelligence. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 29(3), 20-22.
Strickland, L. S. (2003). Responding to judicial process. Virginia Libraries, 49(1), 13-23.
Strickland, L. S. (2003). Civil liberties vs. intelligence collection: the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court speaks in public. Government Information Quarterly, 20(1), 1-12.
Strickland, L. S. (2002/2003). Spying and secret courts in America: new rules and new insights. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 29(2), 8-10.
Strickland, L. S. (2002). Information and the war against terrorism. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 28(2), 12-17.
Susman, T. M., Neal, J. G., Strong, Mitrano, T., McMillion, D., Santangelo-Broderson, L., & et al. (Speakers). (2002). Safeguarding our patron’s privacy: what every librarian needs to know about the USA Patriot Act & related anti-terrorism measures (Video Recording). Washington: Association or Research Libraries.
Tennant, R. (2003). Patriotism as if our constitution matters. Library Journal, 128(12), 32.
Truman, R. (2002). Life with the USA Patriot Act. At the crossroads of privacy
and protection. OLA Quarterly, 8(4), 17-23.
Vaidhyanathan, S. (2003). The anarchist in the library. New York: Oxford
Publicity Partnership.
Vaidhyanathan, S. (2002, August). Copyright as cudgel. The Chronicle of
Higher Education, 48(47), B7-B9.
Wheeler, D. L. (2003, April 11). Closing the gates: alarm bell in the library. The Chronicle of Higher Education, p. 19. Retrieved Sep. 28, 2003 from Lexis Nexis Academic database.