Andy Wharton

Drug unit plan



Grade level: Seventh

Length of Unit: 9 lessons, totaling 405 minutes

Teaching Style:

This unit is comprised of many different styles of teaching and implantation of content. There will be some lecture style instruction, discussion, and game type activities.

General Long Range Goals:

When this unit is concluded students will be responsible for knowing about the different types of drugs. They will also be responsible for knowing the effects and treatments of each type. They will become aware of different ways to deal with peer pressure.

Skill Development:

· Knowledge of drug types

· How to say “no” to drugs

· Where to get help for addiction

Content Outline:

I. General

A. Terminology

B. Risk factors

II. Peer pressure

A. What situations to avoid

B. How to refuse drugs

III. Depressants

A. Benefits/ illicit uses

B. Effects (short and long term)

C. Ways to quit and where to get help

IV. Narcotics

A. Uses and different drugs

B. Effects (short and long term)

C. Getting help

V. Stimulants

A. Uses and different drugs

B. Effects (short and long term)

C. Getting help

VI. Inhalants/ over-the-counter

A. Drugs and their uses/ misuses

B. Effects (short and long term)

C. Getting help

VII. Psychedelics

A. Hallucinogenics

1. Uses and different drugs

2. Effects (short and long term)

3. Getting help

B. Marijuana

1. Effects (short and long term)

2. Getting help

Evaluation Plan

· This unit will consist of 3 quizzes, 1 final exam, 4 homework assignments, daily attendance activities and a research paper on their choice of drug type. The quizzes will consist of 10 multiple-choice questions. The daily attendance activities will consist of small written assignments. The exam will consist of true and false, multiple choice and essay. The research paper will need to be 1 page written and have 3 sources. Students will be given class time in the library to work on their papers.

· Quizzes 3 X 5 pts = 15 pts

Homework 4 X 2 pts = 8 pts

Attendance 8 X 1 pts = 8 pts

Research paper 1 X 10 pts = 10 pts

Final Exams 1 X 15 pts = 15 pts


56 pts

A- 50-56pts

B- 44-49pts

C- 39-43pts

D- 33-38pts

F- 32 and under

Health Lesson Plan

Andy Wharton

Unit: Drugs

Lesson: Terminology

Grade: 7

Time: 45 minutes

National Health Education Standards: Students will demonstrate knowledge of drug terminology by doing a writing assignment for homework.

West Virginia IGO: 7.19 Describe the effect of alcohol and other drug use on interpersonal communication and the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships.

Objective: Sixth grade students will demonstrate knowledge of lesson’s content by participating in class discussion.

Materials/Resources: Terminology handout


· Pass-out blank vocabulary list

· go over the drug terminology while students fill in and discuss the definitions

· Vocab-race- split class into 4 teams, 1 team member to board racing other teams to write the correct word to the definition given by teacher, no help from teammates, switch team member after every definition. Winning team gets 1 bonus point

· Have students put away their hand-out

· Have students write one term they remember going over and what it means;

· Hand this in for attendance


· Homework: students will write a paragraph or more using as many of the words from the vocabulary list as they can. They must use at least 6 but can use more for bonus credit.

Drug Vocabulary Terminology






Reverse Tolerance-

Side effect-





Lethal dose-

Drug Vocabulary Terminology

Addiction- a physical and/or mental dependency on a substance

Psychoactive- substance that alters the mind

Illicit- illegal

Habituation- doing something as a result of habit rather than addiction

Tolerance- need greater amount of substance to feel same effects

Reverse Tolerance- need less to feel the same effects

Side effect- an unintended reaction to a drug

Injection- a form of taking a drug that involves using a needle to inject substance into


Inhalation- a form of taking a drug that involves breathing a substance into lungs

Topically- a form of taking a drug that involves absorbing the substance through the skin

Snorting- a form of taking a drug that involves sniffing a substance up their nose

Lethal dose- minimum of a drug necessary to cause death

Health Lesson Plan

Andy Wharton

Unit: Nutrition and Exercise

Lesson: food pyramid and good nutrition

Grade: 6

Time: 45 minutes

National Health Education Standards: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.

West Virginia IGO 6.30 Demonstrate use of the Food Guide Pyramid and label-reading to identify healthy food choices; evaluate restaurant choices.

6.27 Describe the health benefits of good nutrition and regular physical activity.

Objective: Sixth grade student will correctly label 5 food groups and 5 serving sizes on a blank food guide pyramid diagram.

Materials/Resources: completed food guide pyramid, blank food guide pyramid, pgs 169-176 in An Invitation to Health: ninth edition by Dianne Hales


· draw the food guide pyramid on the board (blank)

· as students if they know what it is

· if the answer is yes ask if anyone wants to go fill out what they know

· then after they get what they know pass out the filled in pyramid on a worksheet

· class discussion about the pyramid and if they get those servings on a regular bases

· have students get out scrap paper

· split class into 5 sections ever section is assigned a different food group

· every student in the section is to list as many examples of foods from their category as they can in 3 minutes

· the group then has 3 minutes to get together and combine lists eliminating repeats

· one member of the team goes to the board after time has expired and lists all the foods their group has come up with

· discuss the benefits of good nutrition and risks of poor nutrition as it is defined by the food guide pyramid: reduced risk of heart disease, low risk for type II diabetes, etc….


· Pass out the blank food guide pyramid handout

· Explain directions

· Give time to complete

· Collect and end class

Health Lesson Plan

Andy Wharton

Unit: Nutrition

Lesson: video review

Grade: 6

Time: 45 minutes

National Health Education Standards: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.

West Virginia IGO 6.27 Describe the health benefits of good nutrition and regular physical activity.

6.30 Demonstrate use of the Food Guide Pyramid and label-reading to identify healthy food choices; evaluate restaurant choices.

6.27 Describe the health benefits of good nutrition and regular physical activity.

Objective: Sixth grade students will critique ,in paragraph form, the video and include 5 facts from it and 2 opinions they have about what was said in the video.

Materials/Resources: Janey Junkfood’s Fresh Adventure by foodplay productions found at


· Watch video “Janey Junkfood’s Fresh Adventure”


· Explain assignment (critique)

· Explain what is expected to be in the paragraph form critique

· Collect finished critiques

· Anyone who is not finished can bring to next class

Health Lesson Plan

Andy Wharton

Unit: Nutrition

Lesson: food substitutes and ethnic effects on ones diet

Grade: 6

Time: 45 minutes

National Health Education Standards: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.

West Virginia IGO 6.28 Analyze positive and negative factors that influence food choices; describe the influences of culture and environment on food choices and eating habits.

Objective: Sixth grade students will complete a handout by writing 10 healthier choice foods next to the listed 10 non-healthy foods.

Materials/Resources: pgs. 180-184 in An Invitation to Health: ninth edition by Dianne Hales, handout with list of unhealthy food and blanks for healthy food substitute


· Collect any critiques that need to be handed in

· Have students open text book to page 180 and read to page 184

· Discuss with the students the different diets that go along with different cultures

· Explain why the cultures diets differ (religious beliefs, availability of some foods, customs)

· On the board make 10 columns label 2 for each food group

· Have class split into five teams one for each food group

· Have them one at a time go to the board for 1-2 minutes and right as many unhealthy food as they can for their category

· After time is up switch teams to a different category and see how many of the foods listed they can find a healthy replacement for, making sure to stay in the same food group. According to the food guide pyramid.


· Pass out the handout with unhealthy foods listed on it

· Explain directions

· Give time to complete

· Collect and end class


Write in a healthy alternative food next to the unhealthy food. Be sure that the foods stay in the same food group.

1. _________ French fries

2. _________ Fried chicken

3. _________ Potato chips

4. _________ Can of soda

5. _________ Doughnuts

6. _________ Whole milk

7. _________ Luck Charms (suger coated cereal)

8. _________ Pan fried cheeseburger

9. _________ Hot dog

10. _________ Strawberries in flavored syrup


Write in a healthy alternative food next to the unhealthy food. Be sure that the foods stay in the same food group. Answers may vary.

1. baked potato- French fries

2. baked chicken- Fried chicken

3. baked corn chips- Potato chips

4. glass of water -Can of soda

5. fat-free multigrain bar -Doughnuts

6. skim milk- Whole milk

7. cornflakes- Luck Charms (suger coated cereal)

8. george foreman cooked hamburger -Pan fried cheeseburger

9. baked fish filet- Hot dog

10. fresh picked strawberries -Strawberries in flavored syrup

11. Health Lesson Plan

Andy Wharton

Unit: Nutrition

Lesson: body image and advertising

Grade: 6

Time: 45 minutes

National Health Education Standards: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.

West Virginia IGO 6.32 Distinguish between fact and opinion in food advertising

6.33 Identify the dangers of fad diets; differentiate between media images and the range of normal body types in the population at large; discuss the impact of media on body image.

Objective: Sixth grade students will design an advertisement that picks on at least one aspect the media portrays as the “perfect body”.

Materials/Resources: ads from magazines showing that society has a distorted image of normal, construction paper, markers, magazines students can cut out pictures from


· Relate self-image to advertisement and passout a few adds from magazines

· Open up the class to discussion of different ads they have seen showing that a man must be huge and muscular and women must be tiny and big busted.

· Explain the effect on the public self image because of these “perfect models” being the media norm (low esteem and increase rate of cosmetic surgery)

· Have students write down the top 3 things they like about themselves (not to be a physical characteristic)

· Hold up an ad and ask if the students can tell by looking at the ad if the model has any of the qualities they wrote down

· Since you cannot tell any quality but physical ones in an ad ask the students “why that person should be in the ad rather than them.”



· Explain the assignment (design an advertisement that picks on at least one aspect the media portrays as the “perfect body”)

· Give time to complete

· Collect and end class

Health Lesson Plan

Andy Wharton

Unit: Nutrition

Lesson: fad diets

Grade: 6

Time: 45 minutes

National Health Education Standards: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.

West Virginia IGO 6.33 Identify the dangers of fad diets; differentiate between media images and the range of normal body types in the population at large; discuss the impact of media on body image. 6.36 Select and use appropriate software and/or other technologies to locate and use reference sources to prepare a health report.
6.37 Use a word processing program to produce a report on a health topic.

Objective: Sixth grade students will use the internet to find a fad diet and write a summary of the diet using the word processor.

Materials/Resources: computer lab equipped with the internet, computer with a word processor


· Take students to computer lab

· Give them most of the period to browse the internet and get familiar with using it

· Tell students when there is ½ the period left so they can start their summary


· Explain that they are to look up a fad diet and write a short summary on it

· Collect at end of class

Health Lesson Plan

Andy Wharton

Unit: Nutrition

Lesson: fad diets and safe dieting

Grade: 6

Time: 45 minutes

National Health Education Standards: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.

West Virginia IGO 6.33 Identify the dangers of fad diets; differentiate between media images and the range of normal body types in the population at large; discuss the impact of media on body image.

6.31 Evaluate a one-day food and physical activity record based on the Food Guide Pyramid and physical activity guidelines; develop a personal nutrition and physical activity plan.

Objective: Sixth grade students will characterize 10 dieting habits as safe or unsafe on a handout.

Materials/Resources: pgs. 211-214 in An Invitation to Health: ninth edition by Dianne Hales, handout listing 10 dieting habits


· Have students look on page 211 in their text and read making changes

· Discuss the steps listed for long-term weight management

· Have students look on page 212 in their text at the section titled Consumer Health Watch

· Explain the diet evaluating techniques listed

· Talk to the students about the risks of diet pills and products as listed on page 213 in the text


· Pass out the handout with the list of dieting habits

· Explain directions

· Give time to complete

· Collect and end class


Write safe next to the safe diet habits and unsafe next to the habits that are not healthy.

1. _________ wide variety of nutritious food consumed

2. _________ Rapid weight loss

3. _________ No health risks mentioned about diet from sales person

4. _________ Provides less than 1,200 calories a day

5. _________ Eats moderate portions

6. _________ Pills taken to help lose weight

7. _________ Diet can be adhered to no matter where meal is eaten

8. _________ Cuts caloric intake by 500 calories a day (1 lbs. a week)

9. _________ Eats less food but not better quality food

10. _________ Eats small meals with frequent snacks between
