Well, we attempted our 1st ISAT Family Night last night and I'm including
some attachments with this email.
We did the following:
1) sent flyers to every parent
2) used the automated phone system to call and remind everyone about the
3) put announcements on the radio and newspapers about the event
4) gave a sample presentation to the BOE before the event
5) had PTO make refreshments
6) gave away 4 Wal-Mart 20.00 gift cards and extra door prizes
7) had EIU students come and assist where needed
8) showed a power point about the background of NCLB, testing strategies,
9) had parents complete a Study Island sample online
10) had parents and students do a sample test on paper playing "Are You
Smarter than a 5th Grader" game
11) took lots of pictures
12) did a follow up press release using the photos from the evening's event
Things we learned:
Feed guests a full meal to get more to attend
Send 2 papers home as reminders
Have parents return an RSVP slip to the school
Tell kids that any adult may be present with them to attend (some didn't
think they could come unless a parent came).some came with older siblings
and this worked out fine
GOOD LUCK. YOu do need lots of bodies to assist with this!