February 2004

Applications for the Killam Research Fellowships are administered by the Canada Council for the Arts. Only electronic applications submitted through the Council’s Web site are accepted. The CV portion of the application is now completed through the Common CV Website accessible through http://www.commoncv.net or through the Killam electronic application form at http://www.canadacouncil.ca/killam.

Please take a few minutes to read the following information. It will simplify the process for you and address the most common problems encountered by applicants. It is a very good idea to print these instructions so that you can refer to them as you prepare your application. Please destroy any previous instructions you may have.

We have posted a .pdf version of the electronic form on the Canada Council’s Website so you will be aware of the type of information required to complete the application even before the site becomes accessible. This will permit you to start working on the application much earlier. Just click on the .pdf form and print it. Please note that this is NOT an application which can be submitted. It serves only as a tool to get you started.

canada council’s deadline for the electronic submission of your application is may17,2004.

For your application to be complete, it needs your university’s electronic approval before submission to the Canada Council. Your university may also require its own form or a hard copy of the application to be signed by an authorized person prior to the electronic sign off. Please contact your institution’s research office for its deadline for review of your application. (It is usually about two weeks prior to our deadline.) Specific supporting documents must also be postmarked no later than May 17, 2004. do not send a signed hard copy of your application, your CV or any attached documents to the Canada Council.

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How you can reach us:

Marcelle Ménard

by telephone: 1.800.263.5588 ext. 4231 or direct line 613.566.4308

Nathalie Lauzon

by telephone: 1.800.263.5588 ext. 4083 or 613.566.4308

Carol Bream, Director

by telephone 1.800.263.5588 ext. 5041 or 613.566.4414 ext. 5041

Please mail your supporting documents to:

Killam Program

Canada Council for the Arts

350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047

Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5V8

(Include telephone number 613.566.4308 for courier)

Regular mail is totally acceptable, as long as the postmark is no later than May 17, 2004.

confidentiality of information

The Privacy Act protects the personal information of individuals and provides them with a right of access to such information about themselves. Personal information will be maintained in Personal Information Bank CAC PPU 155. All other information may be accessible under the Access to Information Act.

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** note to all users **

If you are using a Macintosh, please work with the Netscape browser instead of the Explorer browser.

If you get the message your session has expired when trying to log in to the Killam electronic application, please ensure that your session cookies are enabled. This should be done by default but will depend on your security settings. You should contact your Informatics Department if you have any questions regarding session cookies.

We no longer clone (copy) electronic applications for candidates who resubmit an application for a Killam Research Fellowship. The curriculum vitae of the applicant is now prepared on the Common CV Web site (http://www.commoncv.net) and is accessible at all times for revisions. A CV can be submitted to the Killam Program only when the competition is open. Once the Killam site is available, you may access the Common CV from your Killam application by clicking on the URL located in the Applicant Information screen or at any other time using the URL mentioned above. The remaining part of the application, which concerns your research project, can be completed very quickly on the Killam/Canada Council Web site. Once the Project Summary and Detailed Project Description are attached to your electronic form, very little remains to be done. You will note that the document with your list of publications is now attached to your CV in the Common CV Web site.

If you submitted an application in the 2003 and/or 2004 competition but can’t find the documents you had attached, we will be happy to e-mail them to you. Please email your request to .

Although instructions are included in this document for the completion of both the Killam electronic application and the Common CV, you should also refer to the User Guide for the Common CV located on that site. This guide contains more extensive instructions and can be accessed any time you are logged on to the Common CV Web site. Of course, it can also be printed, should you wish to do so.

The instructions for the Killam application are accessible from anywhere in the Killam application (blue link Instructions to Applicants). They are also e-mailed to each applicant and every university research office.

table of contents

Killam Web Site / Page / Common CV Web Site / Page


/ 5 / Instructions / 19

Accessing the Killam Web site

/ 5 / Accessing the Common CV Website / 20
Logging in / 5 / Registration / 20
Editing your electronic application / 5 / Logging in after Registration / 21
Summary, Project Description / 7, 8 / Confirming your Killam Agency PIN / 22
Co-Investigators / 9 / Editing your CV / 22
Referees / 9 / Contributions – Details (Killam-CC)
List of Publications / 24
Previewing your application / 10 / Validation / 25
Attaching your summary and project to your application / 11 / Previewing/Printing your CV / 25
Printing your application / 12 / Pagination / 26
Submitting your Killam Application
a)  Successful Submission
b)  Unsuccessful Submission / 12
15 / Submitting your CV / 26
Assessment Criteria
a)  The Project
b)  The Applicant / 15 / Transfer of data from Common CV to Killam electronic application / 27
Supporting documents / 16 / Ending your session / 27
Troubleshooting – Killam / 18 / Troubleshooting – Common CV / 28

instructions - killam application web site

accessing the killam application web site

To access the Killam Web site, enter the following URL: http://www.canadacouncil.ca/killam.

Once logged on, enter your personal Killam user i.d. (example: bberry) and Killam password (example: taupe111), which were emailed to you for the 2005 competition. User i.d. and password for previous competitions are invalid.

A pin number is also e-mailed with your user i.d. and Killam password (example: 12345). This pin is required only when prompted for an Agency pin by the Common CV. (see the section Validation) The pin number is not needed for the Killam application.

logging in

Once logged in, please select the language you wish to use to complete your application (blue link at the top of the screen: Passer à la version française or Change to English). Then go to the top left corner of your screen and select one of the three choices available: Edit Application, Preview Application or Submit Application.


Save your work often. Go to the top of the screen and click on Save/Finish This Screen to do so.

n.b. the system will log you off automatically after 20 minutes of inactivity. If you have not saved the information entered in that session, it will be lost.

editing your electronic application (edit mode)

When you click on Edit Application, the system will bring you to the Applicant Information screen by default. There is nothing to fill in this screen. You will only see the following message: "IMPORTANT! You are now required to enter your personal information through the Common CV system (http://www.commoncv.net). When prompted for your Killam pin, use this number #####". You can use this link to log on to your CV.

The screens which need to be filled in are:

·  Project Information

·  Project Summary

·  Detailed Project Information

·  Co-Investigators

·  Referees

You will also see: Attachments. You will click on this when you wish to attach your documents. You will click on Save/Finish this Screen to save your work.

To edit your application:

·  Fill in your application form screen by screen. The asterisks around the title in the box at the top of each screen show which screen you are editing (example *Project Information*).

·  You can enter data in any sequence.

·  You can copy text directly to your application from your word processing applications, but all formatting (bold, italics, bullets, etc.) will be lost.

·  You have the option of attaching two documents: your project summary and your detailed project description. Attached documents retain formatting and are usually easier for the external evaluators and the Killam Selection Committee to read.

Project Information

The second box, *Project Information* requests the title of your proposed project, discipline, intended period of fellowship (two years mandatory) and place of tenure of the fellowship. You must select which subcommittee (Natural Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering or Humanities and Social Sciences) you feel is likely the most appropriate to review your proposal in the first phase of the competition by clicking on one or the other.The Killam Program reserves the right to present the application to the subcommittee whose members’ experience and expertise are most appropriate to evaluate it. Next, you are asked to describe your teaching load and the impact of your work on your field of research.

There are various help tips to guide you. These show up as [ ? ] beside various boxes.

i.  Title of the Project

The title should be self-explanatory, in terms that would convey meaning to an educated layperson. The Council reserves the right to edit titles for information retrieval and brevity in public announcements.

ii.  Fellowship Period

The award period is defined as beginning on the date the research activity for the Killam Research Fellowship will commence. Award holders may confirm the actual starting date of the activity for which the funds are provided upon receipt of the award notice. The earliest date the award usually starts is the month of May following the award of the fellowship. The latest date possible for an applicant to start his project is January 1 following the award of the fellowship. The fellowship period must be for two full years.

In this particular screen, one area that causes problems is the sequence in which a date is entered. The date must be entered as follows: 12/05/2004, 12 being the day, 05 being the month and 2004 representing the year (dd/mm/yyyy).

iii.  Place of tenure of fellowship

The geographic location should be included where applicable. If you plan to remain at your institution to work on your research project, you should enter the name of your university or Canada. If you plan to do part of your research elsewhere you should indicate this (e.g., Europe – six months and Canada for the remaining period of time). N.B. Canadian citizens may use the award anywhere; permanent residents must use the award in Canada.

Project Summary

The project summary is an important part of your application. Since the Killam Selection Committee is multi-disciplinary and few are likely to be experts in any given field, it is important for you to set out clearly the following in your summary:

·  the key elements of your project;

·  the scholarly significance of your project; and

·  your project’s creativity, originality and contribution to the advancement of knowledge.

The project summary box is one area where you can either copy the text of your summary directly to the electronic form or attach a document. The summary can contain up to 450 words but must not exceed more than one page in length. Remember that if your summary is copied directly to your electronic application, all formatting will be lost. If your summary is longer than 450 words, that box will look blank and will show up in red in Preview mode, although you will still see the text on the screen when in Edit mode. The system does not accept text that exceeds the allotted number of words. To correct this, you will have to go back to Edit mode and reduce your summary to 450 words. Then it will show up on your screen in Preview mode.

If you choose to attach the summary, you must remember to respect the word limit, since Killam staff will not accept applications with documents exceeding these limits. Once you attach the summary in your electronic form (see Attaching your Summary and Project Description to your Application), go to Preview mode to ensure the summary is in the proper location. All attached documents are placed in the project summary box by default, so the summary will automatically be placed in the proper area. However, you will have to specify where the detailed project description should be attached (see Attaching a Document to an Electronic Application).