Welcome to aquatic science with Ms. Owens for the 2010-2011 school year. This year will include a lot of fun AND learning. In Aquatic Science, you will study the interactions of biotic and abiotic components in aquatic environments, including impacts on aquatic systems. Our investigations and field work in this course will emphasize fresh water aspects of aquatic science due to the natural resources available to us at CHHS. Upon completion of Aquatic Science you will acquire knowledge about a variety of aquatic systems, conduct investigations and observations of aquatic environments, work collaboratively with peers, and develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.


Composition Notebook


Colored Pencils or Markers

Optional but helpful:

Ream of Paper, Paper Towels, Kleenex


50% Tests and Projects

30% Quizzes and Labs

20% Homework and Classwork


Ms. Owens is always here in the mornings by 8:15 and stays until at least 4:15. You are welcome to come in for help any of those times. If you need help, let Ms. Owens know, so that she can make sure she’ll be there for you.

Homework/Late Work:

Late work is penalized 20 points per school day (not class period), so if something that is 5 or more days late, will not be counted for a grade.

Make-Up Work:

If you miss a class, copy down the daily agenda from a friend or from Ms. Owens’s website. Check the make up work folders for any missing work. If it is empty, it is YOUR responsibility to ask Ms. Owens if there were any worksheets because she’s human and may have forgotten to put your work in the folder. J

Classroom Expectations:

·  All electronics are turned OFF and out of sight unless you are asked to use them in an activity.

·  Hats and Hoodies are removed.

·  Respect yourself, your peers, any living or non-living creatures in our classroom, AND Ms. Owens.

·  Inappropriate jokes and language are NOT acceptable.

·  Do your best!

Daily Procedures:

Every day when you walk in…

1.  If there are worksheets on the front table, you will pick those up and head to your seat.

2.  Copy down the daily agenda which includes:

a.  What we are doing that day

b.  Any homework that’s due

c.  Any upcoming tests, quizzes, or assignments

d.  The objective for the day’s lesson.

It is VERY important for you to keep track of these things for your organization. I will also include a few questions on every test that make reference to the daily agendas for that unit.

Topics of Study for this year:

1.  Introduction to Aquatic Science and the Scientific Methods

2.  Introduction to Water and Water Chemistry

3.  How Water Affects Weather

4.  How Water Shapes the Earth

5.  Geology/Geography

6.  Biology Review

7.  Aquatic Ecosystems

8.  Aquatic Microorganisms and Pathogens

9.  Aquatic Plants and Adaptations

10.  Aquatic Invertebrates

11.  Fish and Fisheries Management

12.  Aquatic Birds, Amphibians, and Reptiles

13.  Marine Mammals


August 23rd , 2010

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year! I hope that the summer was fun and relaxing for you and your student. I wanted to take the time to introduce myself to you from the start. My name is Allison Owens, and I will be teaching your student’s aquatic science class this year. Aquatic science focuses on what makes a water based environment special through both its physical, chemical, and biological properties.

One of our biggest endeavors will be to conduct a year long aquarium project, where students in groups will care for fish and other aquatic organisms and maintain a healthy environment for them to live. This will require a good deal of responsibility on your student’s part. I will neither feed the fish nor clean out their tanks. Class time will, of course, be provided for maintenance, but because we are on a block schedule, students will sometimes need to take time out of their passing periods or before/after school time to feed their fish. Aquarium reports will be handed in periodically for test grades.

We have an exciting year ahead of us, and I know we can get very busy with other activities. Your student will be recording a class agenda every day. This will be a very quick way for you to see what they are doing in class every day. It is also a great way for students to keep up with their assignments. I encourage you to check the online grading system frequently with your student. I handed out a syllabus today that includes many details about my class. I hope you can take the time to look this over with your student. They should have some good information to share with you about the class expectations we discussed in class today. The syllabus, daily agenda, and assignments will be posted onto my website, which can be accessed through CHHS’s online directory.

This is my second year at Colleyville Heritage, and I’m happy to be returning to such a wonderful community. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and your student. If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or email. I hope to be in contact with you often about the progress your student is making in class.

I have included a second paper for you and your student to sign stating that you understand the procedures in my class. Please take a look and send it back with your student for a daily grade.

Thank you,
Allison Owens PhoneNumber: 817-305-4700x2023
Physics/Aquatics Email:

Contract/Information Page
(Due no later than August 27th (A-Day) or August 30th (B-day). These forms will count for one homework grade. )

I have read and understand the procedures/policies for Ms. Owens’s class.
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Information
Student Name:______Class Period:______

Mother’s/Guardian’s Name: Mr. Mrs. Ms. (Circle One)______
Relationship to student:______
Phone Number:______

Father’s/Guardian’s Name: Mr. Mrs. Ms. (Circle One)______
Relationship to student:______
Phone Number:______

According to GCISD District Policy, I must have written consent prior to any email communication concerning your child/student.

Email: Please check one.

______I do not want Ms. Owens to use email to communicate with me about my student.
______I grant Ms. Owens permission to use the email address provided below to communicate with me about my student at any time.
(please print clearly)
Name: ______Email Address: ______
Name: ______Email Address: ______

Grades can be checked online through Skyward Family Access at home, work, etc. Please indicate below whether or not you have internet access to Skyward Family Access.

Grades: Please check one.

______I do not have access to grades online and therefore cannot check the grades of my student.
______I do have access to grades online and check them regularly to monitor the progress of my student.

Displaying Student Work: Please check one.