Chancellor Livingston Elementary School

Caring - Learning - Succeeding

Volume XXXIX, no. 1, August 2015

Welcome back to school! School opens for the 2015-2016 year on September 9th.

We look forward to seeing everyone that day!


School hours are from 8:55 am – 3:15 pm

Arrival time - 8:45 am

Dismissal/Pick up time - 3:15 pm

Buses depart at 3:30 pm (Approx.)


Bus transportation begins on the first day of school. During the first week of school, delays may occur. Please be patient because it takes time at the beginning of the year to work out some of the bus routes. If you have questions, please call Sue McCormack at 871-5520, ext. 5527. More information is included in the Parent/Student Handbook that will be sent home with your child.


All parents and visitors entering the building must stop at the Greeter’s Desk to sign in and pick up a visitor’s badge, even in the morning.

The visitor’s badges are required and must be visible in the hallways by staff. Remember to allow time for the sign-in process whenever you visit CLS. Routine morning visits are discouraged because the teacher’s time needs to be spent welcoming pupils at the start of a new school day.


Sept. 14th (Mon.) School Closed, Rosh Hashana

Sept. 16th (Wed.) Open House for Grades K-2 @ 7PM

Sept. 24th (Thurs.) Open House for Grades 3-5 @ 7PM


The following information is helpful for backpacks:

· No name on the outside of the backpack for

security reasons; place the name on the inside

· Wear the backpack over both shoulders

· Use the waist strap

· If the backpack forces the wearer to bend forward, it is overloaded


Arrivals & Pick-ups – arrival time is 8:45 am. Please remember that children are not permitted in school until that time. It is very important that your child begins school on time each day. Starting the day together sets the tone for the day and gets everyone ready to learn. Please follow the “drop-off” lane at the side of the school. Buses are the only vehicles allowed in the front of the school. It is illegal to drive past (or go around) a bus that is unloading children in front of the school. Children enter the school, from the buses, through the main entrance.

Parents who wish to pick up their children at the end of the day should enter the school via the hallway near the cafeteria end of the school. The Greeters will take care of the dismissal sign out.

Notes for attendance and dismissal procedures – attendance is taken each day. Parents of absentees should call to notify the office of their child’s absence. Please call the office at 871-5570 or you may leave a message prior to 8:00 am. Upon return to school from an absence, a written note must be sent to school. Notes are essential if there are any changes in a child’s dismissal routine (the previous year’s note will not be acceptable). Please complete the Permanent Dismissal Form that was included in the Summer Packet. Without a signed note, your child will be placed on the regular bus home.

RHINEBECK CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender or sexual orientation in the educational programs and activities which it provides. Inquiries concerning this policy should be referred to Mr. Marvin Kreps, Title IX Compliance Officer, at 871-5570, ext. 5545, and at or Mr. Richard Zipp, Section 504/ADA Compliance Officer, at 871-5570, ext. 5512 and at or Christine Natoli, Assistant Title IX Compliance Officer, at 871-5520, ext. 5524 or write Rhinebeck Central Schools, P.O. Box 351, Rhinebeck, New York 12572