English 10H Mrs. DeBottis
We will read and analyze literature from a variety of genres:
Short Stories and Non-fiction
Drama: Shakespearean and Greek Tragedies
Novel: To Kill a Mockingbird
Outside Reading from Recommended Reading List: popular fiction, classic novels and nonfiction
Writing: Effective Communicator, Essays, Book Reports, Research Paper,
Journaling, and more.
Weekly Skills Practice of Mechanics Usage and Grammar
Public Speaking: Group and individual presentations, skits and speeches.
Conduct: You are expected to be on time, come prepared, be courteous, and participate in class work and discussions.
Materials: 1 Inch Binder with loose leaf paper and dividers OR notebook
and pocket folder.
You will be required to buy a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper Lee to learn the skill of annotated reading. I will
collect $ in class.
Absences: It is important to be in class each day. It is the student’s responsibility to get any missed assignments and instructions from me. Students have one day (the NEXT class day) for each day absent to make up work.
Grading: Grades are based on a point system. Students may earn between 400-700 points during a typical marking period. Each student’s grade is based on points earned/points available. There will be various assessments such as quizzes, tests, essays, a journal, novel projects, and general class assignments related to mechanics, usage, and grammar (MUG) and vocabulary assignments, etc. Due dates for assignments are communicated well in advance to you. Barring unforeseen and extenuating circumstances, late assignments will not be accepted.
Homework Policy: As long as you have had the opportunity (and have taken the opportunity available between assigned dates and due dates) to ask questions and receive feedback on your assignments, your work will be graded.
Extra Credit: is not available, complete course work and it will not be necessary.
Student/Parent Portal: I strongly recommend accessing the VVS Student/Parent portal. Both parents and students can have instant access to School Tools to see course grades.
Supporting Course Information: is available on my web page: vvsschools.schoolwires.net
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I have read and understand the course outline for English 10H