Waxahachie Junior High Cheerleader Policies and Procedures
The purpose of the cheerleaders is to support the curricular and extracurricular activities of Waxahachie ISD by promoting school spirit. Being a cheerleader is an honor and special privilege. Cheerleaders exist to promote good sportsmanship, good citizenship, and wholesome and enthusiastic school spirit. Cheerleaders are first and foremost representatives of their school. Cheerleaders should exemplify both individual and group behavior suitable to their position and in accordance with the rules as stated in the WISD Student Code of Conduct. Members of these groups have a fundamental responsibility to play a leadership role in building teamwork and helping the school achieve its goals and objectives. Because of these responsibilities, members of the cheerleading squad will be expected to maintain a higher standard of behavior both on and off campus and academic achievement than that of their peers.
Cheerleaders are expected to be skilled in learning and remembering cheers. They are also expected to be able to publicly demonstrate a skill level suitable for the team position and the timing necessary for group performance. Off the field, they are to enthusiastically support all athletic teams through advertisement, personal attitude, and attendance at events chosen by the sponsor and approved by the principal.
Candidates selected to be a member of the cheerleading squad are expected to make a commitment to the activity for the full school year. Any cheerleader who voluntarily quits the squad before the end of the school year without the approval of the principal and/or sponsor will not be allowed to try out for the next school year. Any cheerleader who is dismissed from the squad during the year will not be eligible to try out for the following school year.
In order for a student to be eligible to tryout he/she must be currently enrolled and attending Finley Junior High by March 1, 2011.
Students must never have received deferred adjudication and/or charged with Class B misdemeanor or higher-class crime.
Students must not have been placed in DAEP during the current school year.
Student must not have served expulsion during the current school year.
Students must meet state guidelines for attendance.
Students must disclose all medical conditions that may affect the safety of themselves or others prior to trying out. All information will be confidential.
No new applicants will be taken after the first day of the evaluation clinic.
Students must turn in all required forms on the designated date.
Students must present during tryouts.
No videotapes will be allowed.
If a student quits or is removed from the Junior High Cheerleader program during the current year for any reason, the student will not be allowed to try out for cheerleader the following year without written approval from the coach and principal on campus.
The cheerleading coaches and designated principals will be responsible for facilitating the tryouts. The principal and/or principal designee and coaches will be present in the building during the entire tryout process.
Parents and non-participating individuals will not be allowed in the tryout area during any phase of the tryouts. Anyone in violation of this could cause the individual trying out to become ineligible.
The coaches will be responsible for the preparation and distribution of a packet of information to be made available to all candidates. This information will include specific tryout dates, times, attire, and procedures.
The building principal and/or principal designee prior to distribution must approve this information.
Candidates and parents must sign a form stating that they understand and will comply with all information in the packet, including but not limited to responsibilities, rules and consequences, before the student is allowed to participate in the tryout process.
All squads will be evaluated and selected by the WISD cheerleading coach and two WISD designee’s, selected by an administrator.
Evaluations & Tryouts
Evaluations and tryouts will be closed to everyone except cheer coaches, principals, and the districts designees.
There will be no other students or parents.
It is an expectation, but not a requirement, that candidates attend each day of the evaluation clinic. Please note that if a candidate is not in attendance, then the candidate will be missing material and evaluation sessions. Therefore if a candidate is not in attendance he/she may not be fully prepared for the final evaluation and may miss certain evaluation categories.
Evaluation Criteria
Cheerleader Criteria
· Cheer
· Chant
· Tumbling
· Jumps
· Spirit
· Memory
· Choreography
· Work Ethic
· Ability to work well with others
· Voice Projection
· Appearance
· Overall Impression
Tryout – Dress Code
Clinic: All candidates must come to clinic dressed out in shorts, T-shirt, socks and tennis shoes. No sweats, dress shirts, or pants will be allowed. All female participants must wear hair in a ponytail. No jewelry may be worn.
Tryout: All candidates must come to tryouts in black shorts, a gray or white t-shirt with no visible logos, white socks, tennis shoes, hair in a ponytail with a ribbon. Anyone not in complete, correct tryout uniform will not be allowed to tryout.
Numbers will be given to each candidate. Numbers must be placed on the front of the shirt where it is visible. Failure to wear the right number will result in disqualification.
Tryouts Results & Notifications
After all tryout scores are tabulated and confirmed by the principal and/or principal designee, each candidate will be given instructions on how to find out the results of the tryouts.
Parent Request for Scores
Parents have 3 school days after the results are posted to request to see their students’ scores from the principal or his/her designee. Parent requests must be made in writing by the end of the third day. By law, all other student scores are protected and cannot be shared with anyone except the sponsor, principal, or principal designee.
General Conduct Rules
General Conduct Rules
· All school and academic policies will be enforced
· Must meet U.I.L. academic requirements for eligibility as outlined in the U.I.L. Eligibility Calendar
· Attendance must meet state criteria.
· Must abide by all rules stated in the WISD Student Code of Conduct.
· Must agree to sign and uphold the letter and spirit of the WISD Extracurricular Student Code of Conduct.
· All absences must be in written documentation by a doctor, school official or parent. Excused and Unexcused absences will be documented with the school attendance office according to the school’s attendance policy
· All members must attend each activity in its entirety. If a cheerleader/mascot must leave early, the written request must be sent to the coach 2 days prior to the performance for approval on the district parent release form.
· Non-school related activities are not considered an excuse for missing any practice or activity.
· Cheerleaders are responsible for promoting school spirit during the week, at pep rallies, and at games and must be aware that they are representing the school and district at all times.
· All scheduled practices and events are mandatory.
· Cheerleaders will maintain proper behavior at all times as designated by the cheer coach, including practices and performances.
· Absolutely NO jewelry may be worn during practice, performance, or event.
· All rules become enforceable the day the cheerleader is selected and remain in effect until the end of the cheerleading year.
Misconduct - any infraction of school rules as set forth in the WISD Student Code of Conduct, WISD Extracurricular Code of Conduct or Junior High Cheerleader Handbook will result in disciplinary action and may cause removal from the squad.
· Cheer coaches have the authority to bench or possibly remove members of the squad for misconduct infractions.
· Cheer coaches, at their discretion, will have the authority to suspend or remove any member for the following reasons:
Failure to Meet Academic Requirements - The student will be put on probation and will not cheer for pep rallies or games. The probation will be three weeks in length. He or she will not be allowed be allowed to cheer at pep rallies or games, or suit out and travel with the squad but must continue to attend and participate in all practices. If, after three weeks the substandard grade is brought up to 70 or higher, the cheerleader will no longer be on probation.
Academics are the school’s top priority. Therefore if a student is placed on probation twice because of grades in the same course or in different courses during the school year and a third offense occurs, the student will be removed from the squad for the remainder of the school year.
Failure to Meet Behavior Requirements - In addition to the general conduct rules outlined, each coach will be responsible for communicating behavioral requirements and consequences.
Grounds for Dismissal
A cheerleader will be automatically dismissed from the squad for the following reasons:
· Any member who is expelled from school or placed in the Alternative Education Program (DAEP) will be removed from the squad.
· Any member who is placed in In-School-Suspension for the second time will be removed from the cheerleading squad for the remainder of the year.
· Any member who acts in a manner that jeopardizes the safety of herself, another member or others.
· Any member who is charged with a misdemeanor or higher-class crime at any time.
· Any member who accumulates any combination of three unexcused absences from team practices, games, pep rallies, or other scheduled events will be immediately removed from the cheerleading squad for the remainder of the year.
· Any member who is placed on grade probation for the third time will be removed from the squad for the remainder of the year.
· Any member who accumulates three written warnings will be removed from the squad for the remainder of the year.
- First warning: parents will be notified, written notice will be signed by student, and cheerleader will be benched for one game.
- Second warning: parents will be notified, written notice will be signed by student and cheerleader will be benched for two games.
- Third violation: results in the student’s removal from the cheer squad for the remainder of the school year.
A member who quits and /or is removed from the squad during the year for any reason will not be eligible to try out for the cheerleading squad for the following year without coach and principal approval.
Conduct - the student will be dismissed or put on probation (benched) if the coach has reasonable belief that the student engaged in unsatisfactory conduct. If put on probation, and all conduct requirements are satisfactory at the end of the probationary period, the cheerleader will no longer be on probation.
Length of benching and requirements for reinstatement will be determined on an individual basis by the coaches.
· 4 demerits - benched for ½ of the game but will be required to be present for the entire game and sit with the coach until their appointed time for cheering.
· 8 demerits - written warning and parents will be contacted, sit out for entire game.
· 12 demerits - benched for ½ game.
· 16 demerits - 2nd written warning and parents contacted, benched for two games.
· 20 demerits - benched for ½ game.
· 24 demerits - 3rd written violation, which results in removal from the cheerleading squad for the remainder of the school year.
Any sponsor and principal review of student’s actions may result in dismissal from the squad.
Guidelines: These are general rules and guidelines for all WISD cheerleaders. Failure to comply may require judgment calls to be made. These decisions will be left up to the individual sponsors for each squad. Sponsors reserve the right to upgrade any penalty (immediate benching, office referral) depending on the severity of the situation.
a. Cheerleader class/practice will be held after school and is mandatory.
b. Cheerleaders will be required to arrive on time and stay for entire practice.
c. Cheerleaders should be dressed and ready to begin at designated time.
d. Non-school related activities are not an excuse to miss practice.
e. Doctors/Dentist appointments should not be scheduled during class/practice.
a. Each member must have a complete physical exam. The original copy will be kept on file with the school’s trainer.
b. Each member must have a completed medical emergency form on file with the coach.
c. The coach will have the forms at all times.
d. In the event of an injury, the school’s trainer will be seen immediately to assess the injury and parental contact will be made.
e. If you decide to seek further medical attention, please inform the coach and school trainer so that they can properly document the care of the athlete
Injuries: If an injury occurs that keeps the student out of two or more practices, a note from the student's doctor or school’s athletic trainer stating the reason will be required. This note should state the nature of the injury, the length of time of the restriction, the specific task the student cannot perform, and any special instructions. Lack of participation will be categorized as missing practice if there is no note
· The amount of money for uniforms will be the responsibility of each individual cheerleader.
· All uniforms must be paid in full according to the designated payment schedule.
· It is the responsibility of each individual cheerleader to take proper care of his or her uniforms.
· There will be no deviations from the specified uniform requirement.
· Uniforms must be worn correctly. This includes the appropriate sports bra.
· Absolutely NO jewelry.
· The sponsor must approve all alterations. If a uniform is altered without the permission of the sponsor, the cheerleader will not be allowed to wear the uniform until it is in compliance.
· No one other than cheerleaders will be allowed to wear any part of a current cheerleader uniform, including the jacket.