Troop 147 Policy Document

The Eagle Makers

Troop 147

Parent Committee


Policy:Troop 147 handling of non-sufficient funds

Prepared By:

Document Owner(s) / Document Name
Troop Parent Committee / Troop 147 nonsufficient funds.doc

Status Report Version Control

Version / Date / Author / Change Description
1.0 / 05/23/2007 / redacted / redacted / First version


1Policy PURPOSE......

2PolicyOBJECTIVES...... 2

3Policy Details...... 2


Scouting is an activity we all volunteer to participate in. The activities offered by the Troop are designed to offer Scout’s fun and adventure while teaching them valuable skills and providing them with opportunities for advancement. Your family will incur costs associated with Scouting. Our Troop maintains a treasury to support the annual operations budget and some funds for unforeseen expenditures. In general,a Scout’s outing fees are established to cover the net cost of an outing, providing no more, or no less than is required to cover expenses for that event.

The purpose of this policy is to inform parents how the Troop will handle personal checks that are returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF).


Inform parents how the Troop will handle personal checks that are returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF), so there are no surprises.

Provide a framework that will be followed with any family, fairly and consistently.

Provide the Troop Treasurer with an established policy on how to handle non-sufficient fund personal checks.


  1. A parent(s) who presents the Troop with a NSF check will reimburse the Troop Treasurer for the bank fees incurred. This is also to include the repayment of the original amount of the NSF check.
  2. The parent(s) must pay the balance of the insufficient funds before any payment is accepted for another Troop outing.
  3. If the Troop receives 3 bounced checks from a scout’s family --- the Troop will accept cash or money orders only for the remaining duration of said family’s participation in Troop 147.

Note: If a Scout’s family believes that they have demonstrated an improved payment record over a period of time, they have the option to petition the Parent Committee and the Scoutmaster for a review of their situation and possible consideration to reauthorize the use of personal checks.

Troop 147 nonsufficient funds.docPage 105/23/2007