Waterford Township Supervisors Regular Business Meeting June 1, 2016

Waterford Township Supervisors

Regular Business Meeting

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Waterford Township was held on June 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Waterford Township Municipal Building. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Coffin presided, with Supervisors Stull and Malinowski in attendance. Also present were Roadmaster Kevin Cromwell, Secretary Wendy Burbules, Solicitor Paul Burroughs, Zoning Officer Marilyn Evans, Flory Kondzielski, Harry Rearick and Larry Thompson.


Harry Rearick – He would like Attorney Burroughs to address the McCall Hearing.

Flory Kondzielski – He would like the Township to appoint an alternate for the Planning Commission. They did not have enough members at the last planning meeting for a quorum. Bruce mentioned that will be discussed later in the meeting. Flory also mentioned that the roads look good and hard and suggested they leave them go for the summer. Bruce agreed and mentioned that Kevin would talk about that in his report.


Motion to approve the May 18, 2016 minutes made by Bruce, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

Loop Road - Kevin said they’ve finished ditching on Loop Road. They still need to do something with the hill.

They are getting ready for Seal Coat. Leon put gravel around the new intersections.

The F550 is at Steveo’s. We aren’t sure what’s wrong with it.

Floating Holiday - The guys would like to request to take their “floating holiday” July 1st. July 4th is on a Monday so this would give them a long weekend.

Tires - The Mack needs tires. Kevin priced them last fall but he will check the prices again. The pickup also needs four tires; the belts are showing and they’re pretty worn. Kevin got a price from Fink Tire for $127 each; mounted and balanced. Bruce asked if the Mack tires would make it through the summer. Kevin wasn’t sure. Tim mentioned he looked at them and they were bad. Tim asked why we didn’t run caps. Kevin thought all the turning and twisting they do would be too hard on them. Tim runs with caps and has never had a problem. Bruce mentioned we’ve discussed it before. We usually run them too long or the chains cause issues.

Road Grading - Bruce mentioned the roads were in good shape and didn’t think they should be graded. Kevin said the roads are dry and hard. It’s tough to get them tore up. There are a couple roads that have ripples in them but he’s hoping not to grade anymore than needed. The dust complaints have been minimal because the seal hasn’t been broken. Jack agrees they look good. Bruce thinks it’s a good idea especially with the brine shortage.

Intersection/Bridge Deck Changes - Bruce asked about the changes on the bridge deck and
aprons. Kevin stated we ended up saving $30/ton on the bridge. They ended up giving us the same price on that as everything else because we changed how we did it. We ended up needing one extra truck load. Should be less than $1000 for what we saved on the bridge. They all looked good. Tim asked why we didn’t pave over the bridge like we discussed. Kevin mentioned after they got all the dirt scratched off it, the asphalt on it looked good. They thought if we just seal coated it, it’d be fine. It saved us from having it milled and resealed. It was originally going to be the higher rate because they were bringing in their milling machine. The milling machine made it $126/ton without it the cost was $93.10/ton.

Marilyn did not have her report. She waited for a gentleman to come in for a permit but he never showed up. Mr. Suprynowicz came in and got his permit for his shed and is moving it. She still hasn’t received any pictures from Mr. Simonelli. She asked if she should meet with him to see if there is an apartment. Bruce said yes and to take someone with her.

Sale of Repository – Attorney Burroughs mentioned that the trailer didn’t sell so the County takes it over. Ms. Pfadt made a bid for $250. Her application says they intend on fixing it up; after it’s sold or rented the taxes will start flowing again. Bruce asked if we had to accept the offer. Mr. Burroughs mentioned the County can overrule it. He also stated the $250 covers the fees the Township gets nothing from the sale.
Motion by Jack to approve the Sale of Repository, Index Number 47-011-027.1- 007.59, to Jackie Pfadt for $250. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

Transfer Station for Waste Containers – Bruce was asked by an individual about storing empty waste storage containers. They were looking for a place to keep them until they were rented out. Down the road they may look at options for a transfer station. Mr. Burroughs mentioned that there is a risk of odor and rodents if not cleaned properly. The use is not covered in M1A. They would need to amend an ordinance or enter joint municipality use. They’d also need DEP approval and a permit. Marilyn Evans didn’t see a problem for an empty container yard. It is a light industry, no conditional use. Mr. Burroughs said it could be a supply yard with permitted use.
McCall Hearing – Attorney Burroughs reviewed the information submitted by Mr. Rearick. Mr. Burroughs thought the Township wouldn’t have a proof of violation. The Township should run a ledger on non-conforming use. The pictures didn’t prove anything. Mr. Rearick discussed the letter he submitted. He is disappointed that nothing was done. Bruce asked Mr. Burroughs if this changed anything to have a hearing. Mr. Burroughs stated the Township has no records. If we went forward and they testify that they were apartments, it was a violation that was ignored by a prior supervisor. We could look at it again as a non-conforming use.
Brace Easement – Kevin asked Mr. Burroughs if he went any further with the easement agreement for the pipe on Brace’s Farm. Mr. Burroughs will look into it again.

Bid Changes - Jack is concerned about the increased cost to the apron because it doesn’t match the bid and it could be an issue at an audit. Kevin originally thought it was going to be about $1700 but now it should be less than $1000. Bruce doesn’t think we should worry about it yet since we haven’t gotten the bill yet. Jack is concerned because the auditors caught a bid that was over $9000 in the past and it caused a lot of grief. Jack thinks we need to ratify it with an explanation of why we did it. Paul Burroughs stated we need to know why there was an extra cost with a Resolution. Bruce said it would be nice to have the bill first. Jack said we could wait for that. Kevin stated the job its self didn’t change. We didn’t get enough materials for the radiuses. They used 70 tons instead of the 50 tons. Bruce mentioned that our PennDOT rep gave us the amounts for the radiuses.

Truck 1- 1995 Ford F350 - It’s out of inspection. Kevin added the frame is bad. Bruce asked if we should sell it. Jack asked if it was worth saving for cold patch. Kevin thinks it may be a safety issue with the frame when it’s overloaded. He did mention the motor is popular and the tranny is in good shape. It also has the plow and wing on it. Bruce asked how we should sell it. Jack thought we should put it as a bid in the paper. Bruce thought the Greater Erie Auto Auction.
Motion by Jack to put an ad in the paper for the 1995 F350 accepting sealed bids. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Replacing the F550 – Bruce would like the other supervisors to think about it. It is used for everything. Kevin suggested we consider the 450 versus the 550. The registration is higher on the 550 and there are the CDL issues.
Zoning Hearing Board and Planning Commission Alternates – Bruce mentioned we need alternate members in the event a member was absent and there is no quorum. Flory mentioned that John Stull needed to be replaced on the Planning Commission. He was busy with his children and couldn’t make the Saturday meetings. Jack mentioned he would be willing to fill in if the Board wanted him to. Bruce asked Wendy to post on the website that we were looking for Zoning Hearing Board and Planning Commission alternates. Mr. Burroughs mentioned that we need a resolution, and a resignation letter from John Stull.

Jack asked for a discussion regarding the Waste Management bill. He mentioned they’re raising their prices again and by sending them our payment we accept the changes. Jack suggested we authorize Sharon to notify them that we no longer want to use them, and that they broke their contract.
Motion by Bruce to have Jack review this and contact Waste Management about the increase. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

Motion by Bruce to pay bills, with the exception of Waste Management, seconded by Jack. Motion carried 3/0.

556445 Woodland Hills Inv. T2016.03 $418.75
556446 Beeman Estates Sewer 63.26
556447 Beeman Estates Mobile Home Park Permit 50.00
556448 Larry Kukuda Mobile Home Park Permit 50.00
556449 ADP Employee Ins. Reim. 157.66
556450 County of Erie Tax Claims – April 3673.23

The Supervisors stopped the meeting for an executive session for a personnel discussion at 8:06. They came back into session at 8:25.

The motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. was made by Tim, seconded by Jack. Motion carried 3/0.

Approved: Respectfully Submitted:

Bruce C. Coffin Date Wendy Burbules

Chairman, Board of Supervisors Secretary