Washington County, Maryland
Update Priority Action Plan
Budget Update: 12/31/2006
Priority Action Area(New Service) / Current Funding Amount / Current Source(s) of Funding / Amount of Funding Increase Needed / Changes in Numbers of Population to be Served / Remaining or New Budget Need
Goal #5
Total / $48,171
$164,865 / DCTC viaADAA
DCC Supp. pending / None / The Adolescent Drug Court Program anticipates serving 15 adolescents by 6/2007 and 24 adolescents by 6/2008. / None
Goal #5 adolescent drug court Family Intervention Specialist
Goal #2, Objective #2 Create an informational tool of domestic violence and substance abuse providers and services to assist the local judiciary in adjudication
Goal #2, Objective#1 public service announcement.
Total / $7, 000
$22,586 / ADAA (1st supplement) / None / N/A / None