Tedder Expectations
Bell-to-Bell Instruction and Classroom Schedules
- Instruction must correlate with the classroom schedule
- Align to the board configuration on a daily basis. Board Configuration includes Date, Content objective, Language objective, Essential question for each subject or unit. Homework and Learning scale/Rubric posted somewhere in the room. Should be visible to all students and written in student friendly manner.
- All instructional time should be used with fidelity. Every minute counts!!
- Schedule must be posted clearly on or next to your front door.
- Reading Intensive block will be common forall grade levels(8:25-9:25AM)
Classroom Environment
- Bulletin Boards in classrooms and hallways must be current
- Student focused
- Aligned with instruction
- Dated
- Feedback must be dated
- Contain explicit teacher feedback
- Layout of classroom must be neat and organized
- Countertops and corners must be cleared of unnecessary materials
- All boxes and storage bins should be stored in closet
- Students and teacher should be able to move throughout classroom with ease
- All classrooms must be print rich
- Common surfaces and resources labeled
- Anchor charts current and aligned to instruction/standards
- Classroom Libraries available in all classrooms
- Grades 1-2 Leveled Libraries based on Guided Reading Levels
- Grades 3-5 Leveled Libraries based on AR Levels
- Kindergarten Libraries based on theme
- Optional – Theme-based libraries in 1-5 classrooms in addition to leveledlibraries
- Centers/Daily 5/3 – should be clearly labeled and student friendly
- Math Fluency goal setting chart must be evident
Instructional Alignment
- Language Arts
- Instruction aligned to Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS)/Units of Study
- 90 minute uninterrupted reading block with additional 30 minutes for writing connections
- Emphasis on using informational text
- Science and social studies integrated as much as possible
- Authentic work and performance-based tasks should be a common part of every lesson
- Writing embedded throughout daily lessons and aligned to Language Arts standards
- Writing process to be evident and maintained in writing folders
- iReady to be utilized one hour a week per student
- AR grades 1-5
- LLI to be used as a Tier 2 during the IR block
- Mathematics
- Grades K-5 utilizing Math Units of Study to plan
- Instruction aligned to Math Florida Standards (MAFs)
- 60 minute uninterrupted block
- 30 minute tier 2 math instruction every day
- K-2 implementing calendar math
- 3-5 display current calendar
- Use of math manipulatives should be a common part of instruction
- Problem solving and performance based tasks should be part of every lesson
- Fluency with computation should be addressed daily through explicit instruction, and practice (15 minutes each day)
- Math journals are to be used for each student
- Repeatedopportunities for review, practice, and problem solving should be provided daily through a morning opening exercise
- iReady utilized for all students but one hour a week for tier 2 and 3 students
- Science
- Each grade level to cover required science standards/Units of Study
- Hands-on science lessons incorporated as needed
- Science journals and notebooks required in all grade levels
- Evidence of science experiments record in journals
- Science Fair projects required second semester
- FCAT Explorer and FOCUS use for grade 5 students
Teacher Practice
- Lesson Plans
- All teachers expected to have current lesson plans on their desk during instructional time
- Must follow designated format approved for the grade level
- Must include strategies for ESOL and ESE
- Language Objective must be evident in all lesson plans
- Lesson plans must include current grades and attendance
- Common Planning
- All teachers are expected to attend Common Planning
- Teachers are expected to participate in thoughtful discourse throughout common planning sessions
- Teachers are expected to bring all materials to common planning
- Word walls
- Provide an interactive word wall for subject areas- ELA/Math/Science
- All word walls should have a title
- Should use student work and/or pictures
- Homework
- Correlated to instruction
- Differentiated for the learner
- Worksheets are highly discouraged
- Record Keeping
- Attendance must be taken and recorded in Pinnacle daily by 9AM
- Report Cards/Interims/Honor Roll must be entered in the Tedder Database by the deadlines outlined
- Evidence of CHAMPS in each classroom
- Guidelines to Success poster posted in each room
- Teacher modeling and practicing of all behavioral expectations
- Classroom behavior plans posted in each room
- Student Planners
- Grades 1-5 must utilize the student planner for organization and parent communication
- KG use a home folder
- Teachers should be looking at planners daily for parent notes
- Parent Conferences
- Must have a face to face twice a year
- Document parent conferences on parent conference form and keep in student folder in the classroom
- Student Folder
- Every teacher will have a student folder that contains required Broward County documents (i.e. Media Release) for every student in their class
- MTSS (Multi-Tiers of System of Supports)
- BASIS will be used for all referrals to RtI
- All students not progressing MUST be in RtI
- Teacher must be prepared for scheduled RtI meetings. (documentation, test scores, graphs, ect.)
- Power of 3
- Feedback (teacher to student, student to student written and verbal), classroom discussion (collaborative and accountable talk), and high expectations (goal setting) must be evident in each class
- Professionalism
- Staff Dress – There is no District designated dress code for instructional staff. However, it is Tedder’s expectation that all staff will dress professionally. Flip flops are not acceptable. Jeans on Fridays only with school spirit shirt.
- Please adhere to your work schedule. Arrive on time and arrive to supervision duty area on time, if applicable.
Rev 8/3/15