Office of Fine & Performing Arts and Second Language
167 Myers Corners Road
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
(845) 298-5000 x 40121
Fax (845) 298-5085
André H. Poprilo, Coordinator
December 8, 2011
Please consider printing the following information in the ARTS & LEISURE section of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS:
1/05 Brinckerhoff Elementary School will present its winter concert on Thursday, January 5, at 7:00 p.m. in the Roger Hanson Performance Hall of John Jay High School. Featured this evening will be the 4th Grade Chorus and the 5th Grade Chorus directed by Mrs. Micia Trainor.
1/10 Kinry Road Elementary School will present its winter concert on Tuesday, January 10, at 6:00 p.m. in the Bové Theatre of Roy C. Ketcham High School. The evening’s program will begin with the 4th Grade Chorus directed by Mrs. Karen MacLeod, and the 5th Grade Chorus conducted by Mrs. Kaitlyn Guay. At 7:15 p.m., enjoy performances by the 6th Grade Band conducted by Mr. Steven Kieley, the 6th Grade Orchestra directed by Ms. Jovialis Gricius, and the 6th Grade Chorus under the baton of Mrs. Kaitlyn Guay.
1/12 Fishkill Elementary School will present its winter concert on Thursday, January 12, at 7:00 p.m. in Wappingers Junior High School’s Anthony L. Renta Theatre. The performance will feature the 4th Grade Chorus and the 5th Grade Chorus conducted by
Ms. Jill Flanigan, the 5th Grade Band directed by Mrs. Lisa Esposito, and the 5th Grade Orchestra under the baton of Ms. Gina Stephens.
The public is invited to attend these performances without admission charge.
Thank you for your continued support of our students.
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