Walter M. Gardner, Jr. Robert F. Davie

Mayor Town Administrator


“Historically Great - Progressively Strong”

P. O. Box 281

Warrenton, NC 27589-0281

PHONE (252) 257-3315 FAX (252) 257-9219



Those attending were: Ted Malone Mary Raiford Allen Kelley

Robert Davie Annette Silver

Candice White was absent.

The Citizens Advisory Board meeting was called to order by Chairperson Ted Malone at 5:00PM, Wednesday, September 17, 2014. All agreed the appearance of the Town has been enhanced by the addition of the crepe myrtles, benches and cans to Main Street. The Minutes from May 28,2014 meeting were reviewed with correction to residence of Alvin and Dianne Stallings being Fairlane Street instead of Fairview Street and discussion of Candies Rudd instead of discussion to. A motion to accept Minutes with corrections was made by Mary Raiford with second by Allen Kelley, motion passed unanimously.


The Board voiced continued concern of commercial vehicles parked on residential streets (Wilcox and Plummer). The extended width (approximately 3 feet) on trucks is of concern when emergency vehicles (fire truck and ambulance) are needed. Davie informed Board, Commissioner Britt expressed her concern at the Board of Commissioners September meeting. Davie presented a copy of Town Ordinance Chapter 73 Traffic Schedule IV Truck Routes for review. The ordinance is non-specific. Upon further discussion, a motion was made by Raiford with second by Kelley that Citizens Advisory Board is concerned about access of emergency vehicles on congested streets and request Town Board to look into issue in reference to truck ordinance, motion passed unanimously. This will be presented at next Town meeting. CAB feels this will encourage future Town discussion and remedy. Board was made aware of possible personal bankruptcy filing by Candies Rudd which puts her property concerns on hold even though building is steadily deteriorating. There has been no further contact from McAuslan on her concerns.


Another compliant has been lodged by neighbors of Alvin and Dianne Stallings (524 Fairlane Street). There are miscellaneous weight equipment items in the yard as well as a 1985 Ford pickup with expired tags causing eyesore to neighborhood. Davie has spoken with Stallings subjecting a possible fence to eliminate concerns. Raiford made a motion with second by Kelley to send another letter to Stallings requesting the removal of items from yard. If individual does not do so, Town will remove with fees and fines charged to Stallings. At present, Town is replacing uneven bricks in sidewalk to eliminate future accidents of walkers. Malone requested the area at N. Main Street and W. Ridgeway Street be considered as well as area in front of 211 N. Main Street (Marsha West). Warrenton Cemetery (N Main St) is being reviewed for future beautification and information has been presented to Warrenton Community Foundation for possible financial assistance and guidance. The plan is to survey and improve the appearance of the area thus bringing income to Town.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 22, 2014.

Respectfully submitted

Annette Silver