Vocabulary: List #16

  1. fecund (adj): capable of producing much vegetation or many offspring; capable of producing many different works, particularly imaginative ones.
  2. Charles’ FECUND mind revealed itself at an early age, as he created multiple art pieces and even wrote a novel before age 10!
  3. perdition (noun): the state of everlasting punishment; complete ruin/destruction
  4. With your great acts of constant depravity, you are on the road to PERDITION; expect to pay heavily for this behavior through your ultimate and eternal ruin!
  1. fallow (adj): not in use—inactive; ground left unseeded/unused after plowing
  2. I know there is knowledge in her somewhere, but her broken heart has left her FALLOW mind empty.
  1. bursar (noun): an official in charge of funds, particularly at an academic institution.
  2. Mary is the BURSAR for the pre-school, so she oversees all fundraising activity; she is a responsible treasurer.
  1. amity (noun): friendly and peaceful relations
  2. While many people assume there is enmity between Amador and Foothill students, there is actually great AMITY between the two schools, with many students having good friends at the opposing school.
  1. aegis (noun): derived from the shield of Zeus, meaning protection or support.
  2. My knowledge is my AEGIS against failure, as only ignorance can lead to true ruin; awareness is my greatest protection.
  1. hinterland (noun): a region that is remote from cities and the influence of cities.
  2. Because Molly was raised in the HINTERLAND, she was totally shocked by city life; living in the middle of nowhere for 20 yrs. made her feel naïve to city life.
  1. modicum (noun): a small amount, typically in the abstract, as in a particular quality/idea
  2. Honesty, I don’t know why the man has a radio show, for he doesn’t even have a MODICUM of intelligence; an ounce of awareness would do him well!
  1. reticent (adj): unwilling or unlikely to communicate very much, talk a lot, or reveal all the facts.
  2. While she may know the facts of the crime, she is RETICENT to speak up about it because she fears she will be punished.
  1. farcical (adj): ridiculous, absurd
  2. The play was supposed to be a serious drama, but it was a FARCICAL mess because none of the actors knew their lines and the props kept falling over; the audience laughed instead of cried.